Hormone Changes??

snowy_sk Posts: 117 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone else on here notice a change in their hormones a couple of weeks into it? I feel so blue! (and now cant even make myself feel temporarily better with vast quantities of chocolate!!):frown:


  • kevweath
    kevweath Posts: 6
    If you are starving yourself, then it isn't hormones... it is you body saying 'eat something!'

    Exercise and the right foods (and the right amount) will certainly make you feel better. But you have to stick with it. Going back and forth a lot between eating well and not confuses your body.

    Good luck!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    The one thing I noticed is strange. I am on the Depo shot and have not had a monthly cycle in 2 years (and it's great!) but I just started a very light cycle a few days ago and I am 3 weeks into my lifestyle change and 2 weeks into exercising.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    When I lost right at 30 pounds my oral contraceptive stopped regulating my cycle and my doctor informed me that fat stores do influence estrogen levels. I switched pills and have been on track ever since, so it isn't impossible that what you are experiencing is hormone related. Could also be some other explanation for your low mood. Are there other significant sources of stress for you right now?
  • If anyone has more to add to this topic I am very interested in finding out if other women on here have noticed hormone changes about 30 lbs down as well.

    About me (and my problems):
    Since I hit about 30 lbs down (about 2 weeks ago) I've been retaining CRAZY water, like up 10 lbs on a bad sodium day. Since I've been watching my sodium intake, upping my potassium, exercise and water I'm only retaining about 4 lbs.
    Last week I was having cramping, nausea, feeling icky.
    Today - MONSTER headache (right behind my left eye), MONSTER cramps.

    I haven't had a period since I had Mirena put in last July, the pms symptoms just come and go without having a period. I had a 13 cm cyst on my ovary surgically removed June 2009, so I've been worried about cysts ever since, had an ultrasound probably in February and they said everything looked perfect, no cysts, mirena in place.
    What would I DO about finding out if my symptoms are a hormone imbalance? Would I go to an obgyn or start out with my family practicioner? They're the one's who ordered the ultrasound in february.

    Any advice from the ladies is appreciated!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Go to the OBGYN. Since you have a history of issues that would be the safe route. A regular doctor usually doesn't want to mess with "female issues".
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