SAHM 4/11 - 4/17



  • DaisyBayberry
    Shoppie--Sorry about the gain, but I am laughing about your "strop". My toddler is always having strops. I like the word! I have a question for you. I have always wondered what the equivalent of a "stone" is. I see it all the time when I read. It is pretty amazing that you are only 5 pounds heavier than pre-baby. I weigh more than the day I gave birth! Pretty sad. :grumble: Anyway, that is great that you ran into someone who noticed how good you look. That must have felt really good.

    Holly--Your picture is beautiful! You look gorgeous! I love to connect a face with a name. Your son is a cutie, too. I'll have to post pictures of me and my boys. :smile: Thanks for the tips. You are right about not making any food "forbidden". I think I would make myself crazy for the forbidden fruit if I did that! One of my weaknesses is beer. I have decided just not to have any in the house right now. But I don't want to forbid myself to ever have one. I just don't want a six pack in the fridge, taunting me!:drinker:

    Hi Nicole! I noticed you are about half way to your goal weight, and also that it is very close to the amount I am looking to lose. Way to go! How long have you been trying to lose? Nice compliment at the library! That must feel so wonderful!

    Soni--Sorry about the soreness. That makes it difficult to do almost anything, huh? Nice that you got in some Yoga. I want to start that. I used to do Yoga years ago, and I really liked it. It made me feel good. I just know it is going to be difficult to do anything with this baby around! :smile:
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Everyone!!

    Shoppie--good that you are getting back into it! you sound like you are on a positive track.

    Soni--sorry that you are sore! the yoga and stretching from that will probably help you stay active without making any pain/soreness work! way to go for sticking with it and pushing through!

    Things have been going well here...have been busy, but that means no snacking. Tried a new class at the gym this past Monday...20/20/20--it was fun! 20 minutes each of aerobics, step and then stregnth training. It was nice that the hour was broken into 3 sections--mentally I was able to push myself hard during each activity and each "set" was over before I knew it. I can't wait to go back. I don't think it was as good of a work out calorie-burn wise as my Wednesday step class, but it was a nice way to mix it up.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hi Nicole! I noticed you are about half way to your goal weight, and also that it is very close to the amount I am looking to lose. Way to go! How long have you been trying to lose? Nice compliment at the library! That must feel so wonderful!
    Well, I started losing weight when I switched to a vegan diet the weekend after Thanksgiving, this past year. I thought I had issues with my pancreas (turned out to be a gallstone) which is why I made the switch. Anyway, November 27th is when I officially started and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be pretty near my goal by the end of September. :smile:

    ETA: KC-That class sounds really great!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Anyone know of any high calorie, low fat foods? It's disgusting how high my fat intake is, but if I don't eat things like nuts, seeds, almond butter, etc I have to eat 10x as much low cal stuff. As it is I already struggle to get over 2000 cals.

    How about Greek yogurt? I get the 0% fat chobani plain and use it in cheese sauces, smoothies, and for snacks with added fruit. Beans and lentils are low in fat too. I usually substitute lentils for ground meat in my meals, or I make stir-fry with them and brown rice. HTH!
    Interesting! I buy a lot of Chobani, but never thought of mixing the plain into things. We've been eating a lot of bean based meals lately since R seems to prefer vegetarian meals, but a lot of them are made with olive oil so that doesn't help lol. I bought some lentils to make a Middle Eastern rice dish, but it involves frying onions in olive oil.

    I am officially a C25K graduate! The last 3 days I managed 5K runs, the one today being 30 seconds faster than I did Tuesday. I guess I'll just keep working on time and distance. I used to do 4-5 miles so that's my goal. Well that and getting outside. I need 1) a jogging stroller and 2) the motivation to get up and out before nap time! Tomorrow we have Stroller Strides and that will probably be my last workout of the week.

    Oh also I'm up 1 lb from 2 weeks ago - W.T.F? Last week I hadn't lost anything and this week I'm gaining. But hey, I'm making milk again without needing the supplements, so there's that. For awhile I was taking pills 3x a day plus drinking lactation tea. Good times.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Filling Foods/high calorie/lowfat food: Milk with protein, smoothies with protein, greek yogurt, piece of fruit with string cheese

    Smoothies can be really high calorie and low fat for when you need them! I make mine with 1c milk, 1 c frozen fruit, 3oz greek yogurt, and 1.5 scoops vanilla whey protein. I usually split it between the boys and I, they love them!

    Holly ~ Cute pic! You ARE tiny, so that's why you LOOK tiny ;-P Keep up the amazing work!

    Nicole ~ yeah on upping cals and losing weight! Glad it worked for you! And isn't it a great feeling when someone notices?? :)

    Wildcat~ Congrats Graduate!!! Now it's time to sign up for a race!!! :) Sorry about being up a pound

    Sorry I have been MIA, been getting things ready for our road trip! I'm so excited to see family. Speaking of, can someone take over starting the thread over the next few weeks? I'll be around, but not sure when I will be able to get on the internet, plus I'll be on central time instead of eastern.

    I have a bunch of healthier snacks to hopefully keep me satisfied and away from the chip aisle at the gas station :) I'm notorious for using road trips to snack on whatever I want...NOT THIS TIME!!!! LOL

    I show a half pound loss on the scale for 2 days now, seeing if it sticks through the weekend. I'll weigh-in Monday before we leave, here's to not gaining while away for 3 weeks! Thankfully I can still use my Y membership there, and with the readily available grandparents, I will have babysitting for runs and rollerblading as well :) WOHOO!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Christi-Cute Easter pic!

    Angela-So far, so good this week. He has cried for about 5 mins each time he has woken up and its staring to go less on how long he cries. I’ve tried this method before and I must have just given up on it too soon and gave in, bc I never had a week go like this! Last night, he didn’t cry when he was put to bed, he laid there and just fell asleep, but I’m not sure if he’s getting a cold or more teeth, he cried majority of the day, yesterday.

    Amy-Thanks! And actually Jeremey did really well at daycare on Wednesday and depending on how he is this morning, he’s suppose to go back, unless he’s running a fever (he ran a small one last night). The lady said he would cry on and off and it wasn’t very long, then they got him laughing and playing, and when I went to pick him up, he was there laughing and playing with her and her oldest daughter. Made my day to know he did better than I expected!!

    PJ05-Good luck on the mini goals, I tired that for 2-3 months and I always kept missing my goals and I’m not sure what went wrong. I would do everything I could (this was before I was having life issues)….but I guess that works for some and not others. Good luck!

    Soni-Sorry to hear about your Achilles! WTG on the 4 lbs last week!!

    Wildcat-WTG on the last week of C25K!!

    Holly-Very nice pic! Looking great!!!

    Katie-I can get it start the next few weeks if no one else has volunteered.

    Yesterday I signed my family and I up at the Y, so excited. Can’t wait to start going and getting some use out of this cold weather, esp. since the up and down is making me sick. I’ve been fighting a cold all week so I’ve been on the “lazy” side once again. Ugh!!
  • bbear690
    bbear690 Posts: 22
    can i join you please, i joined today, i have 3 children Aimee 9, Millie 6 and Ellis 4, My name is Becky and i live in Exeter england
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    can i join you please, i joined today, i have 3 children Aimee 9, Millie 6 and Ellis 4, My name is Becky and i live in Exeter england

    Welcome to the group, Becky!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Up way to early this morning thanks to a weird freaky dream, that I can't really remember but made me not be able to go back to sleep. No hubby in the bed makes it harder to settle back down after a dream like that, so I gave up and got up. Will definately be regretting it later I am sure but why lay there in the dark for no reason. Got on the computer hoping maybe, just maybe he would be online since he is 8 1/2 hours ahead of me but no luck. Oh well I figured I am so far behind I will get on here & try to read some posts and catch up with everyone. Everyone is doing so great it seems, even those of you that hit a rough patch have gotten right back at it. Great job to all of you.
    I have workout out everyday this week so far even yesterday when I skipped it for a early trip to get my shopping done, I did it at night instead so proud of myself for that. But my eatting was horrible yesterday, was having one of those day where I had to keep removing myself from the kitchen. I think skipping my morning workout then taking the boys to Mcdonalds and eatting it myself just sent me on a bad path. I did add an extra 20 mins to my workout last night to make up for it though.
    Finishing up the first 2 weeks of Slim in 6, the second time around. Not getting the same results as the first time but I think I was needing to jump ahead to the 2nd dvd but since I'm doing it with my friend & she wasn't ready I am sticking it out with her & hoping that uping it come Sunday will help with my weight loss. My goals are reset this time so I don't have to try to cram in so many calories or feel bad cause there was no way I could eat what they want me to before especially after adding in exercise. Guess I will just keep at it and see how it goes. Will probably do my weigh in tomorrow, I have been weighing myself once in awhile & the weight has gone down a little but not as much as I was hoping. Not gonna give up though, just gonna have to ramp it up and hope for something.
    I haven't been able to get away with just my 3 year old for some one on one time but a friend whos son is also in his preschool class took him with her to another kid in their classes birthday party yesterday so I would have to take all mine and she said he loved it. She thought he really felt like a big boy being out doing something special without mommy and that he was so good. So I am excited about that plus she said maybe she could just take him once in awhile to play at her house with her son so he can have some time out of the house & get more attention. My mom is planning on coming up at the end of the month so she can be here for B's 2nd birthday and then Mother's Day so that will be nice and help the boys get a little more attention too.
    We are doing pretty good, 1 month down only 5ish more to go! Hubby may even have found a place he will be able to Skype from so that will be great to see his face & the boys will be so excited I'm sure.
    Well the baby is waking up so I am gonna go nurse him before the others begin to wake up. Hope everyone has a good Friday & a great weekend.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks, everyone! The achilles soreness is something I think I did on Saturday with some high heels that I haven't worn since before I had the baby (they are pretty high). I'm going to try to get a walk in and some yoga, today. Don't feel so good about this week, but I AM pushing through!

    Daisy-The yoga did make me feel good (I can tell I'm toning)! I would love to be able to do a longer yoga workout, but as you said, it's hard to fit a longer workout in with the baby and my toddler.

    Great job....seems like everyone is really making progress! We CAN do this!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Sorry to go missing in action, I gained 1 lb and basically had a strop as I really hadn't done anything to 'deserve' a gain, so then ate dodgily for a few days. Nothing awful, but not right and a bit over. anyway, I have hopefully managed to hoik myself back on track and weighed the same this morning - but have wasted 3 days :blushing: I need to stay focussed on having lost 12 lbs in 5 weeks and stop stropping about last week. I saw a friend I haven't seen since DD was just a few days and she said I was looking fab, and I think to the casual observer I probably look as I did pre baby (I'm only 5 lbs heavier) which is amazing really, I just want it all NOW!

    Anyway, off I go to do some strength exercises!!

    just a quickie! you have accomplished much! and remember the tortoise--slow and steady wins the race.
    and one more bit of encouragement-- a new friend of mine just shared that she lost 22 lbs---over the course of a year. that's right, it took her a full year to lose 22 pounds.
    while i want these extra pounds gone quick, quick, i know it may take awhile. and each day of good choices brings me closer. hth :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    mostly caught up on rdg--still need to read christi's post.

    welcome becky! barb for offering to get this started!

    wildcat-awesome on finishing c25k!!! and i agree with katie--get yourself signed up for a race. build on that success!
    katie--have a fun, safe trip. we'll miss your sunshine rays!

    things are getting pretty settled in the new house. i've been mia b/c i have been focused on schooling dd2. we've gotten in some good work this week. :)

    today i have to go to the dmv. ugh. and why do i have to go? b/c we are SO efficient at unpacking and clearing out the boxes, that we managed to toss MY PURSE out with the empty boxes!! that means my entire wallet + old timey pictures like the one of my deceased brother from my sister's wedding + new prescription eyeglasses all in the trash. :grumble:
    i know...mistakes happen...but this one was sure a time-consuming and costly one. :frown:

    gotta get going. wanna pretty up for that picture! :wink:

    hope you all have a great friday--move that body! give it good fuel! and drink that water!
  • DaisyBayberry
    AW, Stacey! That stinks!:cry::grumble:
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    WildCat-WTG on making milk without needing supplements, but sorry about the pound gain. I wouldn't worry too much about it since our weight can fluctuate so much for various reasons. Maybe you had a full load of milk? :wink:

    Katie-I hope you have a great trip!!

    Barb-Glad the little guy is adjusting well to daycare, and woohoo for the Y!! This spring weather is driving me crazy this year!

    Welcome Becky! My ILs aren't too far from you. They're near Newton Abbot. :smile:

    Christi-I hope you sleep better tonight! It's nice that your son's friend's mother was able to have him over for a bit. Good luck with your weigh-in and I hope you're able to Skype with your DH.

    Stacey-Sorry about your purse. :cry:

    I had my weigh-in this morning and I'm down 1.6 pounds since last week. I didn't do my measurements though since I realized I only just logged them 5 days ago. :blushing: I did my workout this morning, but not all of it. The kids kept needing me for things and in the end I just turned it off. I'll probably do quite a bit of walking this afternoon when DS wakes up from his nap. We'll bundle up and head outside to burn some energy since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part I arrived earlier, and I'd like to sit down and watch it tonight after the kids go to bed. :laugh:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome becky, would be nice to have another Brit :bigsmile: Speaking of which, a stone is 14 pounds, it is a big deal and I was only one pound off having lost a stone since baby arrived, another reason for my strop :laugh:

    Nicole - fantastic re: that person telling you how good you were looking I bet you were :bigsmile: all day! It really helps the motivation doesn't it?

    Wildcat - great news on milk without supplements, I do sympathise with the pound gain as I was really upset about mine last week :sad: hopeully yours will go away again, mine hasn't :explode:

    Stacey - how gutting, especially the photo of your brother :brokenheart: Once, when pregnant with DS2 I was filling up at a petrol station, put my purse on the top of the car, forgot about it and just drove off :brokenheart: It cost a bomb to replace things like my driving licence, but I was most upset about the photos.

    Kat - when are you off on your road trip?

    My eating still wasn't great today though I just about managed to scrape in just under target thanks to BFing and exercise cals. I'm finding I'm really craving sugar again when I had got over the worst of that - doh!

    we are off to my in-laws (north part of london suburbs) on Weds until after Easter, I'm really looking forward to it, but healthy eating is hard when someone else is doing all the food prep! I will have to make the effort to get out of the house and exercise as much as poss.
  • DaisyBayberry
    Shoppie--Thanks for the explanation about "stones". I have wondered about that for years!

    I hope all you mamas have a great Saturday. The boys and I are off to an Easter party!:heart:
  • Rainbow_Brite86
    woo it is finally my weekend break but I am only walking... :))

    As for the weigh in I've lost 3 lbs, YAY! I am so stoked. Yay. 15 more lbs until I can try and fit into a size 18 :D

    wish me luck xoxoxo
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Shoppie-I hope you have a great time!

    Daisy-Thanks! Enjoy the party!

    Rainbow-Great job!! You'll be in that 18 in no time!

    Well, we ordered out last night in honor of watching Harry Potter, and I had an alcoholic beverage, so I went over in my calories for yesterday. I did order just a mushroom pizza instead of the buffalo chicken with bleu cheese this time though. I'm not too worried about the cals since I didn't hit them the day before. I did my workout already for today, but will probably end up on the Wii later because the weather looks pretty grey outside. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    got in a GREAT workout--kicked my butt

    walking with intervals of jogging (10min, 5,1, 1, 3, 2) and with cooldown a total of 68minutes. woohoo! burned 725 cals. extra woohoo!

    thanks for the sympathies on the purse. i have 2 credit cards now and a temporary drivers license (which only cost $17) so i'm on my way.

    still love the new house--but it turns out appliances were not great. the washing machine doesn't actually wash, for example. dsn't agitate.
    so last night was another trip to sears for a new washer, dryer, and microwave (the one here is low wattage and dsn't even pop the popcorn well)
    so by the end of the month we will have a new washer and dryer, dishwasher, microwave and fridge. fortunately we will stay in this house a long while to get a lot of good/loving use out of all this technology. :)
    and i'll put in here that i'm soooo grateful dh could do all this for us. here i am losing my things/costing money and there he is working his business making sure we have all we need and lots of wants too. :heart:

    pnc and rainbow--congrats on the losses!!

    hope everyone has a great saturday and stay strong thru the weekend!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Nicole and rainbow - hooray on the losses!

    Kat - saw you weren't feeling good on your status, hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:

    I am very happy as have managed to stay properly on track today. We went to the theatre to see the Gruffalo's child this avo and I had about 5 midget gems and 10 chocolate buttons but that was it (where's the angelic smiley?!). The kids were really good, all 3 of them and DS1 in particular absolutely loved it, I spent most of it watching his face rather than the performance :love:

    I have planned my food tomorrow as I am trying a new recipe for Asian braised pork which is high on salt, fat and cals (!) so I wanted to make sure I was good enough the rest of the day to 'afford' it.