Brides on a Mission: Week 15



  • NurseNatalie2011
    Weigh in today: I gained 0.3lbs. I ate bad on Saturday but I was under on all my other days. I am feeling good and my clothes are getting loser every week. I will make sure I have a loss next week.
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 1.8 lbs 31.4 so far
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I was offered a contract to teach next year and signed it!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): My mom lost her job of 20 yrs due to cuts :-( My heart breaks for her.
    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: My fiance comes from a big Italian family so it will be homemade Italian for us
    5. Any wedding news updates: not really right now
    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I dvr biggest loser and only allow myself to watch it while I work out so...that works really well for me because I am usually dying to see what happens next :-)
    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: at this point most areas are still trouble! lol...I have about 70 lbs to get to my goal weight so just focusing on keeping my butt in the gym. Although, I would like to work on my arms before my wedding but haven't so far....need to change that soon!
    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): good. I logged 6 but completely missed a day
    9. Weekly wrap up: It was definitely a roller coaster week with my mom losing her job, me getting a job and all during my TOM. I DID finally lose after being the same weight for 2 weeks and finally got over a 30 pound loss far as weight loss goes it has been great.
  • faithcaitlin
    faithcaitlin Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm a Bride who just joined MyFittness Pal. I'd love to jump on board with you all! I hope this is the right place to post this:

    1. Name: Faith
    2. Age: 21
    3. City: Boynton Beach, FL
    4. Occupation: Student (studying to become a social studies teacher!)
    5. Wedding date: 12/22/12
    6. Fiancés name: Max
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: Now-- 170.
    9. Goal weight and date: 145-- ASAP!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Zumba!
    11. Favorite healthy food: Grapes!

    I look forward to chatting with you all!
  • kalebsmama07
    Hi Ladies! I'm a Bride who just joined MyFittness Pal. I'd love to jump on board with you all! I hope this is the right place to post this:

    1. Name: Faith
    2. Age: 21
    3. City: Boynton Beach, FL
    4. Occupation: Student (studying to become a social studies teacher!)
    5. Wedding date: 12/22/12
    6. Fiancés name: Max
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: Now-- 170.
    9. Goal weight and date: 145-- ASAP!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Zumba!
    11. Favorite healthy food: Grapes!

    I look forward to chatting with you all!

    welcome...and best wishies with the weight loss...=) dont be afradi to chime in at anytime =) hope u have a great rest of the week....
  • Amberama
    Amberama Posts: 17
    Just weighed in and lost 500g (1.1) this week! That's one big tub of butter, gone! Had a really late dinner on Tuesday night and thought it had undone a bit of hard work, but I'm happy with that :happy:
  • NicolioRussell
    Oh my goodness, I completely missed last week. Sorry ladies! It's been crazy busy starting my new job. I only have like 4 hours between when I get home at night and when I have to go to bed! Still trying to catch my groove.

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I think right around 2 pounds.

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): The evidence of making more money by full time was felt when we were able to actually go out and enjoy a day together on sunday. We even randomly stopped for drinks while we were at the mall! It was so nice to not stress about money and just enjoy our time together.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): We had to have our 8 month old golden retriever spayed on monday. I just feel so awful. She has been in a lot of pain and refuses to walk up and down the steps of our condo to go to bed, etc. I am so against spay/neuters, but we had to have it done. We leave both of our dogs out when we go to work. We have a male husky and he is not neutered. We were worried that she would get pregnant by having so much alone time with our other doggie that it was just the best choice in the long run. I still feel awful about it.

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: we are going to a chinese restaurant! I think my fiance's mom is getting personalize fortune cookies made. Yay!

    5. Any wedding news updates: we FINALLY finalized our menu with our only took 2 months!!

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I think of how all the children ask me if I'm pregnant or if I'm fat. Ya. Working at a daycare has proved to be SOOoo good for my motivation!

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: My belly is by far the worst place. It's where I carry a majority of my weight and it's always the last place to go when I work out!!

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): ....well, I always logged in....but I've been pretty bad about logging recently. I keep a mental tally of what I've eaten and try to keep track. Packing my lunches and being on a set schedule at work has helped me to keep from snacking or going crazy. I'm usually hungry at the end of the night.

    9. Weekly wrap up: It's been an okay week. My classes started on Monday. I'm a little apprehensive about balancing a full time school schedule with a full time work schedule, but I'm gonna make it work. Also, I was sick (and am still recovering), so that meant a lot of lost sleep and feeling happy. Getting better and just now starting to sleep better!!

    Have a good week everyone!!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 15
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: no loss on Monday weigh-in day, but I have lost a little since then. That will be on next weeks board.

    2. Highlight of the past week: finally having spring weather! FH and I have been taking walks around the neighborhood after dinner rather than sitting around and watching TV!

    3. Lowlight of the past week: My thesis won't be done for this graduation period. I will have to graduate this summer. I am really bummed. I want to be done with my degree!

    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: A BBQ type event for the bridal party and extended family at a hotel on the lake that has a restaurant and tavern. Casual and fun. We have told all the other guests coming into town to meet us for drinks at the tavern after the rehearsal dinner!

    5. Any wedding news updates: working on invitation text.

    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: Think about the great results I am seeing and where I want to be in September!

    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: thighs and butt (my waist is an entire pants size smaller than my butt, makes shopping a real pain in the *kitten*, literally!) :laugh:

    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): did ok. I was really busy last week, so though I know I was under my calories, I forgot to actually click done!

    9. Weekly wrap up: Things are going well! Trying to get my thesis done so I can work on wedding fun!!!!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Where is everyone this week?! Only 28 posts and it is alreadyThursday!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    grrr had my post written and computer died. I will post later tonight or tommorow :)
  • NurseNatalie2011
    My fiance and I will be moving in together in September. We are really stuck on buying a house or renting a condo. We dont want to live in the house that we can afford now in 5 years (with kids and all, hopefully!) but we dont want to toss our money on rent. Anyone have thoughts? Thanks!
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    My fiance and I will be moving in together in September. We are really stuck on buying a house or renting a condo. We dont want to live in the house that we can afford now in 5 years (with kids and all, hopefully!) but we dont want to toss our money on rent. Anyone have thoughts? Thanks!

    Rent vs buy is always a tough one. There are still a lot of costs that get "thrown away" when you buy, too, that you have to consider. You could try checking out rent vs buy calculators that are out there on the web that can help see which makes more sense for you right now.
  • NurseNatalie2011
    My fiance and I will be moving in together in September. We are really stuck on buying a house or renting a condo. We dont want to live in the house that we can afford now in 5 years (with kids and all, hopefully!) but we dont want to toss our money on rent. Anyone have thoughts? Thanks!

    Rent vs buy is always a tough one. There are still a lot of costs that get "thrown away" when you buy, too, that you have to consider. You could try checking out rent vs buy calculators that are out there on the web that can help see which makes more sense for you right now.

    Thanks for the advice! I will look into the calculators and see what we can come up with!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Brides on a Mission: week 15
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 0 :( that's for last week I'm not sure how this week will shake out. we will see. I was down .2 earlier in the week but not right now. hopeing i see a better number tommorow
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): working out with my BF's sister. It was fun and we both pushed each other.
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): headaches almost everyday made it hard on me working out. i did it anyway but just didn't feel well all week
    4. What are you plans for the rehearsal dinner: n/a
    5. Any wedding news updates: n/a
    6. When you don’t want to work out, how do you motivate yourself: I try not to think to much about it and just go DO IT. when i think too muich i always end up not doing. Short of an injury or true illness or plans to go out i tell myself i really just don't have a good excuse.
    7. Where are your “trouble areas” and what are you doing to fix them: my trouble area is really my hips/thighs/stomach area, mainly the hips/thighs though. i have focused on cardio mainly to try and drop weight. i am thinking about incorporating more strength and toning though to help.
    8. How did you do with the week 14 challenge (logging at least 5/7 days): I did all 7 :) Happy that of my 110 days (not sure what I'm up to now) i have logged almost everyday. it helps me see whats going on why i'm losing or not losing and how everything affects my body. its interesting to me how sometimes going over on cals gives my body a little workout and i end up losing more. not alwasy a sure thing but sometimes helps.
    9. Weekly wrap up: It was an "ok" week. I didn't do bad eating and worked out, but i keep seeing patterns in my weight loss and eating etc/ and I;'m working to correct those. I'm getting a little bummed at my slow pace of weight loss but I'm staying committed and trying to stay positive in that its still 10lbs, not too shabby and puts me in a better place than i was. ooooooohhh
    i almost for got a "highlight" of my week also was
    > fitting into one of my fav pairs of jeans that have been too tight for a long while. i used to wear them so much then i just got too big that there was no squeezing in to them. that was a fun little victory :)
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    My fiance and I will be moving in together in September. We are really stuck on buying a house or renting a condo. We dont want to live in the house that we can afford now in 5 years (with kids and all, hopefully!) but we dont want to toss our money on rent. Anyone have thoughts? Thanks!

    i would say don't make any rash decisions, definitely look at the calculators. but in terms of buying vs. renting, if you get a low enough rent that you can save it my put you in a better spot. You want to find the house that is really right for you and makes you happy. if you buy something mainly to avoid wasting money on rent, you may regret that decision later and be stuck trying to unload the house. So I'd say take a little time with it :) but it sounds like that is what you are doing
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    We dont want to live in the house that we can afford now in 5 years (with kids and all, hopefully!) -Natalie

    Are you guys planning on kids right away? :)) super exciting whether its now or later
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I signed up for my first 5K Walk/Run Last night!

  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    My fiance and I have been going through the same thing the last few months! We already live together and our lease will be up at the end of July. We were really struggling and just recently (last week) decided to rent for another year. As exciting as it seems to have our own house....we really enjoy some of the carefree-ness (new word! haha) that comes with renting. So we decided to spend at least another year....and our first year of marriage....without having to worry about lawn care, snow removal, fixing anything that's broken, etc. It was hard for me because I am such a since I plan to have a family, I was pushing myself to get things settled but when I took a step back and looked, we'll be in a better position to buy in a year or two. Good luck finding what will be best for you and your future hubby! :-)
    My fiance and I will be moving in together in September. We are really stuck on buying a house or renting a condo. We dont want to live in the house that we can afford now in 5 years (with kids and all, hopefully!) but we dont want to toss our money on rent. Anyone have thoughts? Thanks!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Yay! I finished the whole 3.1 miles, walking and running it! I ended up #40 out of 78 participants and my time was 43:20. Not bad for my first try and no training!:-)

  • NurseNatalie2011

    Here is the link for week 16. Sorry it is posted so much later then normal, busy day today! :)
  • NurseNatalie2011
    My fiance and I have been going through the same thing the last few months! We already live together and our lease will be up at the end of July. We were really struggling and just recently (last week) decided to rent for another year. As exciting as it seems to have our own house....we really enjoy some of the carefree-ness (new word! haha) that comes with renting. So we decided to spend at least another year....and our first year of marriage....without having to worry about lawn care, snow removal, fixing anything that's broken, etc. It was hard for me because I am such a since I plan to have a family, I was pushing myself to get things settled but when I took a step back and looked, we'll be in a better position to buy in a year or two. Good luck finding what will be best for you and your future hubby! :-)
    My fiance and I will be moving in together in September. We are really stuck on buying a house or renting a condo. We dont want to live in the house that we can afford now in 5 years (with kids and all, hopefully!) but we dont want to toss our money on rent. Anyone have thoughts? Thanks!

    Sounds good, thanks for the insite!!!