20 lbs or less to loose doing/done 30 day shred

ok so im about to throw this dvd in the garbage. heres my story with the shred.

i have like 14 lbs to loose, i always did alot of cardio and dont loose much weight..i have jillans other dvd banish fat and a few others. so i decided to do 30 day shred cause if im not really loosing in weight, maybe i can loose in inches.

the 1st time i tried it i did 10 days of L1, i checked my weight and measurments and took pics before and then measured and weighed at the end of the 10 days to see if there was any change..there were none. no inches, nothing. i was going to keep going anyway but got an inner arm tattoo so i did other cardio like the treadmill while my arm heeled.

so i started the shred again, i decided to start on L2. today was day 8, i havent seen any change in my body so i figured although i wanted to wait till day 10 let me just take a look at my measurments, im not gonna loose an inch in the next 2 days. so the results are 0. i actually gained an inch in my arm although it doesnt look more toned or anything,

btw- im not doing all of the beginner versions either.

so before i do another 2 days of L2 and then go on to L3, should i even bother? anyone have this problem?

anyone who had 15 pds or less do it and see results etc??


  • mdt2004
    mdt2004 Posts: 2
    I actually have lost almost 20lbs with the help of Shred. I noticed that when I wasn't doing it faithfully, I wasn't losing weight. I really only do it about every other day. I guess everyone's body is different and I hope you find something that works for you!
  • mytwobabies
    mytwobabies Posts: 113 Member
    I just finished the 30DS and i didnt see any results until my final day. I checked at each level, which I did each for 10 days. And my results showed at the end but nothing before day 22. It does pay off in the end you just have to keep motivated to complete it. I also did not skip any days. I lost a bunch 8 1/2 inches total!! and five pounds.
  • LORR79
    LORR79 Posts: 55
    I only have about 7 to 10 pounds to lose and have just finished level 1 and I lost a total of 11 inches all over in the 10 days.

    To be fair I'm probably really out of shape,have never exercised with weights before and I added in extra cardio and made sure my eating was spot on,

    Were you already exercising before using the shred? Maybe thats why you havnt seen dramatic results. I think I have because its totally new to me.

    I dont believe the claim on the front about losing the 20lbs through doing the dvd. I think its 80% diet that gets the pounds off.
  • Jalachri
    Jalachri Posts: 47
    2 of my family members LOVE the shred. They said they really started noticing after a month! I do the shred every other day because I do other stuff on the other days, anyway I feel so good after doing it and I sweat like crazy! I feel like it works for me and I know it has worked for 2 of my family members because thats all they do and have lost alot of inches. Good luck!
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    I did 3 rounds of the Shred and lost 30 lbs and 25 inches... I just finished Ripped in 30 and lost another 12 lbs and another 5 inches and plan on doing more rounds of both to get my last 20 lbs off. I do an hour of running or biking along with the DVD workouts. I think if you stick to it faithfully and are drinking enough water and eating healthy you will get results!

    BTW....when you say 'loose' it should be 'lose'
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    My profile picture is me after doing level 2 for 10 days! onto level 3 now day 5 today! I'm also a runner, run 4 times a weeks, but do the Shred every day, my body has certainly toned and I have lost inches.....can't wait till the 2 May as that's the 30th day to take another picture. Keep at it, eat right, drink well, do the DVD faithfully, (it's hard, but doable....never in my wildest dreams would I have thought a 20 min workout could make one sweat so much)! I'm sure you'll see results, if not weight lost, certainly inches! Good luck!
  • MrsMartin2
    MrsMartin2 Posts: 29 Member
    I love the shred. If I were you, I would do it for the full 30 days and then decide. I didn't start out seeing a lot of change but by the end, it was there. I didn't lose that much weight but I did lose inches. I don't have a lot of weight to lose either. It was well worth the wait though!

    I agree that what you eat does have a lot to do with it. It looks like you are trying hard to eat the right things but I would lower your daily salt to 1500. Just my advice!

    Keep at it, you can do it!
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    so crazy, everyone gets results but like i said, im almost done with level 2 and so far nothing. no pds, no inches, i do it everyday.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    I love the shred. If I were you, I would do it for the full 30 days and then decide. I didn't start out seeing a lot of change but by the end, it was there. I didn't lose that much weight but I did lose inches. I don't have a lot of weight to lose either. It was well worth the wait though!

    I agree that what you eat does have a lot to do with it. It looks like you are trying hard to eat the right things but I would lower your daily salt to 1500. Just my advice!

    Keep at it, you can do it!

    i know. i just added my sodium to my diary, didnt even know i could before but i try and drink at least 8 glasses to combat the sodium, im trying to gradually lower it.
  • caligirl86
    so crazy, everyone gets results but like i said, im almost done with level 2 and so far nothing. no pds, no inches, i do it everyday.

    What size weights are you using? And are you doing the advanced exercises not theeasy? Dont judge til its done... I didnt lose alot lbs. wise... I di d lose almost 9 inches all over. Don't give up..
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    I did 30 DS and loved the results I got. To be honest you need to stick to it and quit measuring yourself so much. These things do take time. You stick with it and you will see results. Now I felt like it didn't have enough cardio for me so I ran on my treadmill or elliptical for about 30-45 minutes. I work out 6 days a week. I'm happy with where I am now and just want to tone so I went back to 30 DS. I'm very sore today in all the right places. I honestly think you are checking your measurments and weight way too much. I had major problems doing this as well so my BF took the scale and hid it from me. The best thing you can do is stop and just give it a month or two. If you don't think its extreme enough for you then try P90X. I'm going to start that today actually.
  • denisec26
    denisec26 Posts: 199 Member
    i use 3 lbs and do dont do the easy ones, im usually in the middle doing what jillan does instead of doing easy or really hard. its not easy for me at all..everyday sucks which is why i thought id see some results. bla. im gonna keep at it but its gonna suck if i dont see ajy change in 12 more days. i start level 3 in 2 days.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I'm just over halfway through level 2 and really don't have much in the way of results this time around. In fact, I've gained a couple pounds. I don't think I've lost many inches, but I can tell I've lost some flab if that helps. In fact, I might have gained some inches for muscle.

    To my first goal I only have about 4-7 pounds to lose, depending on the day. Once I get to 140 I will reevaluate. Right now its really tough to get there.

    I don't eat right though, so I know that's half my problem. I do sometimes, but completely. I will attribute my poundage to food.

    I say keep with it and assess after you are done. If you want to move up to level 3, I say go for it but try to give it the whole chance. It's not going to hurt you anyway. If you really don't like the workout at all, don't do it after you finish the program and find something else you like.

    Hang in there...keep trucking and you'll find something that works. Its tough. I think also that once we have kids our bodies are different and they also react to things differently. You are doing a great job even if you can't see it in the numbers.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    i use 3 lbs and do dont do the easy ones, im usually in the middle doing what jillan does instead of doing easy or really hard. its not easy for me at all..everyday sucks which is why i thought id see some results. bla. im gonna keep at it but its gonna suck if i dont see ajy change in 12 more days. i start level 3 in 2 days.

    I do this too, but I do the easy moves on some things. My knees can't handle it.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    The first time I went threw it I was also out of shape and lots pounds and inches. But when I started lvl 2 I started to add cardio 3 times a week and did the dvd everyday with no off days. That's when I really started to see results. I did Q hour of cardio too. When I went threw the Wnd round of shred I switch to 5 lb weights. Now I do ripped and 30 and still been losing about 3 inches a week.

    Imo I would stick at it everyday for 30 days and also buy 5lb weight. Some exercises need them to challenge your body!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did it for 30 days and think I got stronger but I did not notice any changes or weight loss, really. I know it is a tough workout but I am just not sure 25 minutes is enough. When you are close to goal weight, diet is more important-like someone else said, so definitely make sure you are eating clean and getting enough protein keep your cheat meals to a minimum (2 per week).
    I think I made the mistake of rewarding myself when I was doing it, like I had earned a treat, but circuit training for 25 minutes at a lower weight doesn't burn that many calories so be realistic.