Another Check my Diary Please : )

bbarton81 Posts: 17
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello Everyone :)

My name is Brandy and I am 30 years old. I have been working hard the last month - and am losing and gaining the same weight back - over and over again. It is very frustrating! Anyway - please look at my diary and give me any advice possible!

Before you do - here is a few disclaimers (lol) :

I just changed the format for my diary - and apparently it made ALL of it wonky. So Breakfast is still fine, but where it says Snack now - used to be lunch, where it is says Lunch - used to be dinner, and where it says Snack (2) - used to be my snacks for the day. Does that make sense? The last two days have been correct though.

I drink 64 - 96 oz of water a day - I just don't log it (It is a pain in the butt to do it on my ipod - and that is where I do all my logging).

I know in earlier days I have not been eating enough - I am trying to fix that now.

Thank you again for all your help :)


  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    Go into your settings under you food tab. I just went into mine and saw that I could label my meals. You should be able to fix the problem.

    Post if that works!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I've had a look back at your diary and the only drinks I see mentioned are chocolate milk and one orange juice in the last week - I know you drink water but do you drink other stuff like coffee, soda etc.?
  • It looks like you're eating a lot of processed sugar [replace the chocolate cheerios with a better for you cereal thats loaded with fiber like multibran chex] and hardly any fiber or protein. The most important nutrient to weight loss are those two!! :] Women are supposed to eat between 25 and 35 grams of fiber a day and 60g of Protein if you're exercising!! I bet if you replaced the calories you've been consuming from the Cheese and Oils with hearty double fiber bread [Nature's Own 5g per slice!!] with some turkey, a Thomas 110 Calorie Bagel Thin [5 grams of fiber] with some veggies you'd see a big change in your weight loss!! Fiber and Protein! thats the trick!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I am no diet expert, but you may want to watch your saturated and trans fat. Try to eat foods that are high in monounsaturated fats (olives, nuts, avocado, etc.). That was the only thing that jumped out at me.

    Best of luck.
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    I got the labels for my food fixed - I was just warning you for the past dates - it made it all wonky!

    I do not drink anything but water, milk, or juice. I don't like to drink my calories.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I agree watch your fats and sodium and I would go higher on the protein. My protein intake I like to keep close to or over 100 I am 31, 5'4", and currently 141lbs
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    your diary is quite inconsistent so its difficult to see trends, but fats are generally quite high, i would try and lower that, there is a lot of processed 'junk' in there, so i'd be careful on that too, and just keep an eye on your sodium as it can be very high. good luck
  • hmschultz
    hmschultz Posts: 32
    Try to eliminate some of those sodium/carb filled snacks and go for more fresh fruits and veggies. Here is how a normal day goes for me... B: 1 pkt oatmeal, banana Snack: piece of fruit or yogurt L: 2 slices bread, 3 strips turkey bacon, 1 c iceberg lettuce, 1/2 cup red grapes, 1/2 cup strawberries Snack: Kashi granola bar or piece of fruit Supper: 4oz lean chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup broccoli, 1/2 cup whole green beans. Make sure you get lots of water as well! Hope that helps!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    My suggestion would be to change up your snacks - have veggies or whole grains instead of the Cheez Its. Even though your are keeping foods like this within your calorie limits, they are limiting your opportunities to get the nutrients your body needs to function properly. As a first step, look for a whole grain cracker - you can the use it the same way you are eating the Cheez Its, and it may even have the same calories, but the nutrient level should be better. For example, fiber.
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    You might try this, go to goals where you can customise your diet and dial down the carbs to 40 or 35 percent or normal, the number of carbs you eat make me cringe and that last snack of the day make it a half cup of low fat ice cream. Research shows that people that dont lose weight on a diet usually underestimate their calories and over estimate the calories they are getting from exercise. With rare exception, very rare exception it calories in vs calories out. Remember you can deduct dietary fiber from carbs. Like Millville Highfiber cereal with low fat vanilla yougurt.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Hi Brandy!

    I addition to increasing your protein intake, I'd also generally increase your caloric intake across the board by including healthy between-meal snacks. Your muscles may not be getting all they need to burn fat efficiently.

    Excess carbohydrates promote water retention (sometimes up to 4 lbs.!), and increasing protein will help prevent that.

    Maybe switch up breakfast and have a cereal with complex carbohydrate (steel cut oats? YUM!) and protein (turkey bacon, walnuts, eggs) to start your day.

    Also, make sure you're keeping your blood sugar regulated throughout the day by eating small snacks rich in complex carbohydrates + protein (apples and string cheese, cottage cheese, walnuts, and fruit, or veggies, hummus, and whole wheat pita). Between-meal snacks continue to feed your muscles (preventing even the slightest destruction), keeping your metabolism high.

    Good luck! My diary is open, and friend me if you'd like!
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    Thank you all for the advice so far! I'm taking it all in and getting rid of the Cheez-Its and Chocolate Cheerios! That's one reason why I ate so many of them yesterday - I'm trying to get them out of the house.

    My diary is set up the way I want it now. I'm trying to eat 6 small meals a day. I'm sorry if the diary got all confusing with this change.

    I'm pretty sure my calories are as accurate as possible. I weigh/measure everything that goes into my mouth. I also wear a HRM when I work out (with a strap - I have a Polar F6).

    I'm working to increase my fiber and protein intake. I'm not much of a bread eater. I am typically not a picky eater - so I will try just about anything. However, I am VERY picky about my cereal. I have texture issues and can only eat a few types. How are multi-grain cheerios?

    Anyway - thank you all again for all your help.
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    BTW - my first snack of the day was an orange and nuts (a variety of cashews, almonds, and macadamias) Is that better?
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I've found that when I am not meeting my protein levels (I have mine customized to 30%), my carbs and/or fats are way over (not good) and I don't really lose. So I have much better luck when I tightly control 2 overall calories and my protein.

    To get protein levels up, eat:

    Greek yogurt (amazing food!!)
    Skinless, boneless chicken (can make it 50 different ways)
    Almonds (measure them!)
    Lean beef (93% lean gr beef)
    Uncured ham
    Peanut butter (measure!)
    Dairy (low fat cheese, milk, eggs)
    Protein bars and shakes

    Good luck and hang in there!
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    Thank you again for all the advice. I'm heading out for my run. When I get back I will write down some of these ideas and head to the store (I need some more produce! ) and get some of the fiber recommendations. Again - thank you so much!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    BTW - my first snack of the day was an orange and nuts (a variety of cashews, almonds, and macadamias) Is that better?

    Yes! Protein + carbs is great! Make that combination a habit. However, the caveat on nuts is that you've got to measure them dilligently. While they contain good fat, it's still fat. Great job!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I would never lose weight on multi grain cheerios! So. Declicious.

    Also yummy, but more filling. Have you tried any of the Kashi brands? They are high in fiber and protein and I believe they have a cheerio textured one.
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    I would never lose weight on multi grain cheerios! So. Declicious.

    Also yummy, but more filling. Have you tried any of the Kashi brands? They are high in fiber and protein and I believe they have a cheerio textured one.

    I will have to check those out. Thank you :)

    How do I change my % goals for protein/carbs/fat? I'm getting confused lol
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    BTW - my first snack of the day was an orange and nuts (a variety of cashews, almonds, and macadamias) Is that better?

    Yes! Protein + carbs is great! Make that combination a habit. However, the caveat on nuts is that you've got to measure them dilligently. While they contain good fat, it's still fat. Great job!

    That's why I bought the pre-packaged Planters...I would go overboard! I have found a love for almonds!
  • bbarton81
    bbarton81 Posts: 17
    So I've worked really hard today to make my nutrition more healthy - how does it look now ? :) (Please just look at today)
    Thank you!
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