Exercise goals don't affect MFP's weight loss prediction?

longtallted Posts: 34 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hope I'm not missing something obvious. I increased my workout goals from 5 to 7 times a week and from 40 mins to 60 mins... but when setting goals, MFP still projects my weight loss at 2lbs per week. Am I right in thinking that MFP does not factor this in and only calculates based on you not going over your set calories?

i.e. If I keep to my set calories (don't eat any exercise back) and burn 3500cals per week, then I will expect to lose 1lb through exercise plus whatever MFP says I will lose.


  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    That's correct. Though I'd personally recommend eating the exercise calories.
  • I may miss the mark here, but...

    When you set your goal at 2 lbs per week (MFP does not allow you to change that goal) the calories assigned for your diet are net calories based on your estimated BMR. so if you eat and exercise and comeout at that number it will be two lbs. When you adjust the amount you are working the net calories is adjusted upward. it is simply a product of a setting that MFP makes you choos that can go no higher than two lbs.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I don't understand MFPs weight gain/loss predictions. I've been eating roughly the same number of calories every day for months (increased on workout days) and haven't gained/lost more than a few pounds. I've been roughly the same weight for a year! MFP says I'll gain 5 pounds in 5 weeks, though.

    I don't get it. I just keep on keepin' on and judge my weight on how I feel and regular scale checks.
  • Natskedat what do you have your activity level set at? It looks like it has you super high for calories, and then with workouts (and eating exercise calories back) it looks like you're really over eating unless you're a construction worker.

    Please note: I've been eating like crap, myself. Not being judgy, just surprised at how many calories you're allotted.
  • longtallted
    longtallted Posts: 34 Member
    Re "personally I would eat the exercise calories back" - will I be too deficient in calorie intake if I don't, possibly putting my body into starvation mode, even though I'm eating say 1400cals?
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Re "personally I would eat the exercise calories back" - will I be too deficient in calorie intake if I don't, possibly putting my body into starvation mode, even though I'm eating say 1400cals?

    If you're eating 1400 and burning 300 through exercise, your NET calories are only 1100. Eating them back puts you back to the 1400 goal, with the pre-calculated deficit.
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