Need help with strength training. Any tips :)

I have my daughter via c section 10 months ago (yesterday) During pregnancy I gained 40lbs. I was 117lbs at 5'2 (pre pre)
Now, I'm at 121.5 lbs but of course I need to tone, a lot!! As well as drop a few lbs.

For cardio I've been doing interval training on the treadmill for 30 min.
and today I used the elliptical for the 1st time, and I loved it, for 30 min.
I think I pretty much have cardio down, but I know I need weights for lean muscle.

Any workouts, work out plans with weights you could all share?

Also how do I change my settings for my food diary, I don't have fiber on there and would like to see that.

It also says I have way too much protein, is that a bad thing?


  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I just ordered Kettlebell Bombshell and it should arrive today. I wanted to add more strength training in addition to doing the 30 Day Shred. I will let you know how I like it.

    Go to your "setting" from your home page to change what tracked.
  • barbarajojohnson
    P90X will change your body fast!!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I highly, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend a book called "The New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler.

    Here's what people are saying about the book:

    I doubt you are getting too much protein. MFP's default setting has protein set low (IMHO). I prefer a macronutrient profile of 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein - or aim for about 1 gm/protein per pound of body weight.

    If you don't read the book I recommend (it's an easy read - just read a chapter or two after baby goes down) - I offer this advice - lift HEAVY weights.

    You can click on your food diary and then diary settings to change what you track and if you do custom settings you can alter your macronutrient profiles. I also had to change sodium from MFP's recommended 2500 mg to the American Heart Association's recommended 1500 mg/day and I changed my daily fiber recommendation to 30 grams.

    These are things that have worked for me! Good luck!

    "Lift like a man, look like a Goddess" - Lou Schuler
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Your question regarding adding fiber to your diary, go to settings and click on diary settings and under nutrients tracked you can click on the drop down menu and choose fiber.
  • roundisnotsquare
    As far as strength training . If you have a gym in your area or go to a gym with Les Mills BodyPump, I would suggest that group fitness class. The essentials of the program are lower weight + higher reps + pace changes = lean muscle. If you do not have a gym membership or do not have a Les Mills-enriched gym near you, you can look on youtube and take a look at bodypump and get a feel for what the class is all about.

    If you are strength training, you want more protein anyway to help your muscles heal and stretch, stretch, stretch!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    My latest muscles (my profile pic) are courtesy Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (just moved up to Level 3 today) and No More Trouble Zones. I also mix up my workouts with other strength and cardio. Tai'Chi & Yoga are great for the long, lean muscles and then I also do The Firm Cardio Dance (I have 2 different DVD's) with added ankle & wrist weights to kick up the resistance & really trim out.

    I would HIGHLY recommend Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred & No More Trouble Zones as they are both great, especially if you do already have the Cardio part down :happy:
    I'm planning on getting her Yoga Meltdown & Burn Fat Boost Metabolism as well (my b-day is in June, I'm asking for them :wink: ) so I can burn & lean out even more. I went into this not with the mind-set of losing weight since so many times people lose muscle mass which is not good. I went into this to tone, firm, strengthen and rebuild what I've lost due to stupidity in my past. I am now stronger, leaner and more toned than I was 10 years ago, and since I started doing JM DVD's (end March this year) I have noticed an even BIGGER change to the point I can wear short shorts & not fret about how the back of my legs look :tongue:

    Check out for the best prices: I ordered 30DS, No More Trouble Zones & her 6-Week 6-Pack and got free shipping (total was around $28): Once I finish with 30DS I'm moving on to 6W6P to really burn & tone so I can look really good for my 36th B-Day. She is tough & her workouts are hard, but the end result when I'm fitting into smaller sizes that ever before is SO worth it :flowerforyou:
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    PS - I love seeing my Protein & Fiber in "the red zone" - it means I'm healthier. Protein is for lean muscles & fiber cleanses the junk your body can't use. The more muscle I build the hungrier I get: the more protein & fiber I eat the more full I feel & less likely I am to succumb to eating junk & sweets. This is just me, though. Every "body" is different :wink:
  • nereyda08
    nereyda08 Posts: 39
    I will def check that book out, especially if it's only $10 :)
  • nereyda08
    nereyda08 Posts: 39
    PS - I love seeing my Protein & Fiber in "the red zone" - it means I'm healthier. Protein is for lean muscles & fiber cleanses the junk your body can't use. The more muscle I build the hungrier I get: the more protein & fiber I eat the more full I feel & less likely I am to succumb to eating junk & sweets. This is just me, though. Every "body" is different :wink:

    I have the 30 DS, I've done up to day 15, then I just get so bored of it so I stop. But I've heard great things about the 6W6P video she has out now. I'll see if I can try and get that one today, if walmart sell it.
  • nereyda08
    nereyda08 Posts: 39
    "Lift like a man, look like a Goddess" - Lou Schuler

    I LOVE that quote, it made me smile lol
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Check out They have some plans over there you should check out.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I highly, HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend a book called "The New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women" by Lou Schuler.

    Here's what people are saying about the book:

    I doubt you are getting too much protein. MFP's default setting has protein set low (IMHO). I prefer a macronutrient profile of 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein - or aim for about 1 gm/protein per pound of body weight.

    If you don't read the book I recommend (it's an easy read - just read a chapter or two after baby goes down) - I offer this advice - lift HEAVY weights.

    You can click on your food diary and then diary settings to change what you track and if you do custom settings you can alter your macronutrient profiles. I also had to change sodium from MFP's recommended 2500 mg to the American Heart Association's recommended 1500 mg/day and I changed my daily fiber recommendation to 30 grams.

    These are things that have worked for me! Good luck!

    "Lift like a man, look like a Goddess" - Lou Schuler

    This is a great book! Easy to follow, routines spelled out for you! It is my bible!
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    If you're strength training (which you should be!) than don't listen to the protein advice on this site -- it's too low, in my opinion.

    To figure out your protein needs, multiply your weight in pounds by one of the following:

    o Sedentary adult 0.4
    o Active adult 0.4-0.6
    o Growing athlete 0.6-0.9
    o Adult building muscle mass 0.6-0.9

    (taken from Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook)

    At 127 lbs and actively working out each week, I need between 50-75g of protein each day.

    As for weight routines, I highly recommend the magazine, Oxygen. It might seem hardcore (because it's for dedicated strong women!), but it has everything you need -- beginner and advanced routines, clean eating recipes, and lots of encouragement.
  • nereyda08
    nereyda08 Posts: 39
    If you're strength training (which you should be!) than don't listen to the protein advice on this site -- it's too low, in my opinion.

    To figure out your protein needs, multiply your weight in pounds by one of the following:

    o Sedentary adult 0.4
    o Active adult 0.4-0.6
    o Growing athlete 0.6-0.9
    o Adult building muscle mass 0.6-0.9

    (taken from Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook)

    At 127 lbs and actively working out each week, I need between 50-75g of protein each day.

    As for weight routines, I highly recommend the magazine, Oxygen. It might seem hardcore (because it's for dedicated strong women!), but it has everything you need -- beginner and advanced routines, clean eating recipes, and lots of encouragement.

    thank you
  • Domestica
    Domestica Posts: 91
    Of course! Glad I could help. :)