I'm New - 2nd Day on here

TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member

It's my 2nd day on here now, and so far i am really liking it, slowly getting used to logging everything, also using the Iphone app, which i find helps whislt i'm out and about. I hope it lasts as i have done other diets before and i usually cave after a few weeks! i hope i stick to it as i would love be a size 10-12 for my holiday in September!

How do you log the amount of water you drink? as i drink out of a 1.5 litre bottle and just re-fill it when it's empty so i know how many litres i'm drinking. and on here it measures it by glasses or cups.

TheMrsBee x


  • Rembrandt9
    Rembrandt9 Posts: 7 Member
    I would guess you can continue advancing the water glass beyond the normal 8??? Just a suggestion Or put it in your food tracker?
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I just use the app to log the amount of water i've drank. The bottle I use at work holds 3 full 8oz glasses, and I usually have about 3 of those a day, so about 9 cups.
  • mysterg
    mysterg Posts: 2
    1.5 litre is approximately 6.5 cups
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Hey there, it looks like we have the same goals in mind! Anything is possible! :) Feel free to add me for support!

    1 liter = 4 cups so your 1.5 liter bottle is about 6 cups.
  • BelieveIcan19
    Hello, I am knew to this too. I am very excited that hopefully this one will work for me. I am currently a size 18 and also looking to be a 10-12 by september. I am undergoing breast reduction surgery in June which I feel will help me get moving more. Drinking water is the hard part.... I am so used to diet soda and Crystal light that plain water is...hard to get down. I am forcing it however. Good luck with everything and hopefully come september we will both be sporting size tens !!!
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    when you go into the "add to my diary" section, it lists breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, cardio, strength, keep scrolling down until you find "water". Click on it, then on the up arrows as you drink. Yes, it will go over 8. I use the app on my android and go over 8 most days. I'm also new to the site. a week or two. I hope I can keep up the momentum. I like the phone app because I can track my calories and nutrients during the day and see how much farther I need to go. For example, the other day, I was way low on calcium and way under on calories. So, I gave myself a treat of a small bowl of ice cream. I know that I will be allotted fewer calories the skinnier I get, but for now, I am mainly learning to pay attention to how I feel, what I eat and how much activity I do. I'm already losing weight just by paying attention.
