What a wake up call...

Rissygirl Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello to all. Just joined 3 days ago. I can't believe how much I actually eat. Sometimes twice as much as I should be. No surprise I am where I am. I am no stranger to yoyo dieting. I have been doing this to myself for 20 years. I need to lose weight, I can't keep up with my almost 2 year old. I have to get in better shape, it isn't even a vanity issue at this point. I feel like *kitten* and I am tired of it. So hopefully I will make a change for the better. Please feel free to say hello or give any words of wisdom.


  • MissJanay
    MissJanay Posts: 17
    I started MFP 2 weeks ago and had NO idea how much crap I was consuming. I am totally blow away! When you actually sit down and start logging it just makes your head spin. I was probably eating double what I was supposed to daily also!

    Anyways, I am not a breakfast eater at all. If I drink coffee, I usually do not eat lunch so I always splurge at dinner. So I went to the store when I started MFP and bought some stuff like sugar free jello and pudding (which is really good), sugar free energy drinks, 90 calorie granola bars, fruit etc.

    I always eat something after I wake up now. Usually within the first two hours. I eat a pudding or something. I kind of snack all morning and then I am not that hungry at lunch or dinner!

    Also, ALMONDS! I love almonds. They have really good fat in them and they fill you up failry good. I hope some of this helps. I am new here too, I just realized I needed to stop splurging at dinner.
  • Dallas9293
    Dallas9293 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Yes, this app/website is FANTASTIC for getting your eating controlled! Nothing like numbers staring back at you to get you motivated to make better choices! Good luck!
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member

    I joined yesterday, i'm finding it ok, i was just on a VLCD and i was advised to come on here and so far i like it. Try and think positive and think of what you will look like and how you feel when you lose the weight! i find that quite motivating, go for long walks in the park and run around with your 2 year old for exercise and eat little and often and try to cut out ready meals and trademark "cupboard" foods. Cook fresh and meals from scratch, i will post some recipes soon, that i have found quite good over the last few years!!

    Good luck and you have made the 1st step!

    TheMrsBee x
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Put away the yo-yo and commit yourself to eating healthy and keeping track of everything you put in your mouth. If you need ideas for exercise and diet, visit bodybuilding.com and build one. When you eat whole, healthy foods like lean meats, 5-6 servings of vegetables, 2-3 servings of fruit, and a moderate amount of good carbs you'll realize how quickly you can fill up on "less" food.

    I think most of the people who have made a big change and have had it stuck have made a small modification at a time and have incorporated some kind of workout program. Try to incrementally get your diet and lifestyle better by eating healthier, drinking more water, incorporating some kind of exercise program, and you will be off to success!

    Remember, your real goal here is to get healthier and lose fat. Anything that does not achieve those two goals (dehydration methods, colon cleanses, etc.) is just a distraction and ultimately counter-productive. Weight loss might come easy at first, but it always slows down. The key is persistance and commitment to your goals.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    I know just how you feel, it's eye-opening! But how awesome is it that our eyes are opened now instead of still blind?? :) Now it's so much easier to make a change!

    If you struggle with overeating a lot try to figure out why you're eating. Are you REALLY hungry or does it just taste good? Or are you eating because you're comforting yourself with food? There are SO many reasons why we eat and if it's not because we're literally, physically hungry it's not worth it!
  • Hello! I have been on here for over a month now and I love it!

    Besides consuming twice the amount of calories I should a day, they were all worthless calories. One VERY important thing I've learned on here, is make every calorie count! Meaning, try to stop consuming empty calories. Everything you eat should benefit you in some way, and think about it before you eat it.

    Ex) if I eat this ice cream for dessert, what benefit does it provide? Maybe a little bit of protein, but other than, it's just empty. It's sugary milk. So instead, opt for yogurt with fruit for dessert! Tons of protein and you get the benefits of whatever fruit you add! (antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin B)

    Tiny swaps like that not only make a calorie difference, they also make a nutritional difference!

    No offense, but jello or pudding is not an acceptable breakfast. You need something with plenty of protein to wake up your metabolism.
  • Monsherri
    Monsherri Posts: 69
    I joined a week ago. I was appalled at what I was eating. AND thought I was eating well. I have not lost any pounds, but I am feeling so much better. Not as lethargic and run down. I set a goal to walk 10 miles this week and I'm at 7 miles. 3 to go YAY! I am sleeping better in a shorter amount of time. This is just happening. I am thankful for this site. When I feel like putting something in my mouth, I just log on here and read a few stories. And make sure to encourage a few, too. Don't want to just be a "taker" LOL... This is making me choose more quality calories. In the long run, my body and mind will be so much better off!!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    Hi and welcome. I just joined here recently but lost about 30 pounds a couple of years ago. I put about 8 lb. back on so I'm starting over with a new goal of 30 or so more! I have found that I need a little more protein than this site calls for. With kids I know it's hard to find the time. I love those big bags of frozen chicken tenerloins. I'll put some "kicken chicken" spice on them and grill the whole bag at once - they cook quickly even frozen! Then we eat chicken several nights in a row. I'll put them on a giant bed of lettuce and spinach with lots of chopped onions, peppers, carrots, celery, etc... and then a little Lite Southwestern Ranch dressing. The next night I'll chop some up with a little light mayo, chopped apples, carrots, grapes and celery and maybe some pecans or walnuts and put on a big bed of lettuce (my kids like this too but they're older - 15 and 21). Then the next night we'll do some brown rice and finish the bag of chicken wtih some teriaki or something. I keep little containers of chopped onions, peppers, carrots, celery and mushrooms and shredded raw spinach in the fridge and buy bagged salad fixings so it's easy to make a salad quickly or to put extra vegies in anything I cook. The vegies will keep several days that way. The more vegies you can squeeze in, the less hungry you'll be! And, I try to eat 100 - 200 calories every few hours - again, a little more protein each time so I stay full longer. EAS Advantedge shakes are 17 grams of protein and only 110 calories - great for on the run or when you start to feel a little run down and shakey.
    Good luck to you! Once you see the scale move, you'll have motivation to make it move more!
  • Welcome to the site!!!! I had portion control issues too. The site really helps with that if you use it consistently. Good luck on the journey!!! : )
  • Thanks for the good vibes. Yes I need to eat good foods not "Cupboard foods". I also need to not eat my kids leftovers. BYW I have 5 kids total. 2 step 3 mine. I am eating because stress, bored, pissed, and hungry. I know there are centain things that trigger my emotional eating. I guess I just have been too busy to notice what does it. Not anymore!!! I am fully aware of what I am putting in my mouth from now on. And I also have hypothyroidism, which I found out I had when I gained 60lbs. in like 6 months. I seriously am going to stop the yoyo, and change my life.
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