Reflections & Questions after two months of trying...

ccaym Posts: 86
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
HI Everyone. I've had a lot on my mind lately regarding my weight loss journey. I suppose I should start a blog, but today and I just going to share and ask here. You all are the only real support I have. I live in house full of slim males who are hearty eaters. I sat with my teenage son at lunch the other day and watched him consume 1000+ calories in pasta...along with a few pieces of buttered broccoli to appease his mama. My coworkers invite to me go in on Indian take-out and offer treats form the nearby coffee shop daily. I don't expect the people in my life to change their ways, and everyone I talked with about my fitness initiative has been very encouraging. Still, I know the MFP members are the only ones walking the walk with me. It's so very encouraging.

I began walking several times a week in early February and started tracking my food a couple of weeks later. I have learned so much. I have always eaten well...I love good food! My problem was portions. I had 'seconds' at every meal and was eating almost twice as much as I am now (and I still eat a lot). I am learning to listen to my body, to feed it well, and not to stuff it. It feels good, but I am slightly hungry almost all the time (and frequently famished). Why is this? I thought that my body would adapt over time. I also wonder why the weight is not just falling off of me. I went from eating twice as much and getting no exercise (beyond playing with my kids and household chores) to tracking my calories and taking eight brisk 40 minute walks a week. I know that I need to do more, but I can't help but feel frustrated. I am losing weight, and I know if I stick with it I will lose more, but I can't help but feel disappointed by the pace. Plus, I somehow weighed in this morning at three pounds heavier than yesterday morning : (

On a positive note, it's exciting to me that my legs are stronger, that my bottom is shaplier, and that I no longer get winded walking up the long, gradual hill that is part of my commute. I have more energy and my mood is improved. I feels so good to be taking care of myself, and my enthusiasm carries over in to other parts of my life. Then again, I've developed a persistent pain in my hip and any time I try to pick up the pace and jog it seems as if I've made no progress at all. How do you handle the ups and downs? Do you talk to supportive people, write in your journal, or give yourself a pep talk? Have you tried visualization exercises where you envision yourself succeeding in your journey? What keeps you motivated and gets you out of a slump?

Finally, I would love to hear from people who are exercising on their own, without gym equipment or fitness classes. What works for you, and how do you find the time to do?

Thanks in advance, my friends!


  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I found at first it was hard to control my portion sizes, but a month later its getting easier and easier and now I'm able to say no to certain foods, especially sugary treats.

    I have tons of support outside of MFP, especially my fiancee as he is doing this with me, but once in awhile he falls off the wagon a bit and sometimes I have fallen with him.

    Just keep doing what you are doing because after 2 months you are already noticing results, just learn to use your will power and you can achieve anything :)
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    try and add more protein to help you stay fuller longer or mix it up and eat small stuff through out the day to help you feel full. It's hard on our bodies when we've been yo-yo ing for awhile to readjust to our new style of living. I did really well right out of the gate and for the past 3 months I've not lost any weight but inches. I had to up the number of cals I was eating to get back on the right track.

    It's amazing how much young men can eat isn't it? Wow.... I will just tell you this, my twin brother could always eat whatever, and as much as he wanted and now that he's older he can't. It does come back around. Think about if you were in your son's shoes for a day and the amount of activity that he does and doesn't even think of it. :)

    You're going to do great and just stay the course and keep your goal insight and you'll do wonders... We're all here for you (well at least most of us. ) :))))
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    It's super hard when you don't have support in your own home! I live with my mom and she just (barely) puts up with my fitness talks. She isn't in on this with me at all and sometimes I feel so discouraged! But you have to just do what's right for YOU and not worry about what anyone else does. This is for YOU and you alone and it sounds like you're already winning! Feeling better is what it's all about! Don't let the scale get you down. Keep moving and eating right and you will make it through this! :) Persistence is the key!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    I workout by myself as well. I actually prefer it. The commitment to go on this journey of weight loss was for me and to me. I believe we all need support, but this is an individual goal and accomplishment. Like everyone else, I have moments when I wonder if this is worth it. But I can see changes in my body, sometimes not fast enough, so it's worth the work.

    This is the key thing to remember, We didn't get to where we are overnight, so it wont come off overnight. It takes time and effort. Just keep your commitments to yourself and you will reach your goals!!!!
  • I think you just spoke what a lot of us are feeling! It's very easy to get discouraged and very easy to give up. I've been fighting my battle for almost 10 years that my child is off in college and I can focus on me - I am DETERMINED this time.

    As for the portion controls - have you tried Hungry Girl or Cook Yourself Thin recipes? They have HUGE portions, but are low calorie replacing fats and oils with other stuff. It is a lot of processed food, but as long as you're ok with that - it's really good (I lost 30lbs last year using those recipes).

    I for one can totally sympathize w/ the hip thing...I can't walk long w/out mine killing me - one of the reasons I HAVE to lose the weight. I do workout at home (I hate the gym)! I love Wii Fit, Wii Just Dance, and Wii Michael Jackson Dance. I also have the sweating to the oldies DVD's. Though I'm 33, I love old music and they are fun for me. I recently bought my husband the abdoer twist and plan on starting to use that soon - we'll see how that goes LOL!

    Hang in there - your down 11 pounds and that's amazing! We are women, the weight doesn't fall off like with guys. We fluctuate, we retain water, we stress (especially us moms). Slow and steady wins the race (says the fat girl, like she knows what she's talking about LOL).

    When I get down abotu it all I talk to people who've been through it all (my mom, my bff, some friends)...they understand more than anyone!

    Feel free to friend me, I'm new on here, but I think it's great so far!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I've been working out at home since December 2009. While I've only lost 23 lbs I am more toned, firm, & stronger than I have EVER been (and that included when I was a teen!). I knew this journey would not be easy this time since I was 34 when I started: I turn 36 in a couple months & cannot wait to see my b-day pics because I will look so much healthier (& younger!) than I have in years!
    Check out my profile & my 2 blogs for more details: but the short is that I mix up my workouts every day - typically I workout at least 6-days a week, usually 7 though these days since I feel so much better & also I can eat more :tongue:
    I do Tai'Chi, Yoga, Cardio/Aerobics, Kickboxing/TaeBo and Strength & Circuit Training; my fav instructors are Tammilee Webb (Tight on Time & Best of), Scott Cole (Discover Tai' Chi for Weight loss & AM/PM Tai'Chi), Janis Saffel w/Scott Cole (Kickboxing/Tai'Chi mix), Billy Blanks (TaeBo - he is hysterical but it's a great workout!) and Jillian Michaels (30-Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones & I have 6 Week 6 Pack to start in the beginning of May when I'm done with 30DS).
    It's taken a long time to "build" up but I had years of downfalls to overcome first. My Husband now wants to start working out with me because he's seen how much happier I am and how much better & more confident I am.
    Once you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything you want!
  • 3kidsin3years
    3kidsin3years Posts: 116 Member
    Hey there! Sounds like you are definitely in a rough spot right now, so sorry for that, those are definitely hard on a person, especially (I feel) on a busy mom with lots on her plate! =( But, it sounds like you're doing well, you're exercising lots and eating well and seeing results! I don't do it, but I wonder if you need to rely on measurements, as well as weight to track your goals? I have to wonder if I should take my own advice though, because I haven't lost in a couple of weeks, but I've also been a bit off in my eating lately, too. Maybe you're losing inches, just not pounds at the moment? But again, I understand your frustrations, I sit at the table and watch my family eat and my kids eat almost as much (if not the same amount) as me, and they are 3, 5 & 6! (They aren't over weight either, they're just that busy!) =) But, it's hard to sit there and watch everybody enjoy their food, and as much as they like to eat, while I have to sit there and eat super slow so I'm not done in 5 minutes. I just keep thinking to myself, if I can just be good and get to my goal, then when I go back up to maintenance levels, I'll be able to enjoy a bit more. =) What keeps me going, is the people here on MFP, they are super supportive and encouraging, and often times for me, going for a walk or getting a bit more exercise helps me feel better, too. I do exercise at home, but we purchased an elliptical. My husband and I both know that we'll never utilize a gym membership (nor do we want to afford one), but the weather where we live isn't conducive to outdoor exercise except for 3 months or so a year, so we felt we needed something more. Anyway, I feel that I've rambled a tad, but just know that you aren't alone. We all have our ups and downs, and for most of us, it's the friends here on MFP that keep us going! Hope your day gets better and take care of yourself! =)
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Keep up the good work! It sounds as if you have made some great positive changes! I know I've been here less time than you, and for me right now I'm a little discouraged with my progress. But I come here every day, log my calories and get a little bit of encouragement. A lot of people here focus on NSV's (non scale victories) because those are so much more rewarding than the scale. It sounds like you have great ones! Those 3lbs could just be water weight, especially if you weigh every day. I do, but I have definitely seen crazy fluctuations. I just keep track of them in an Excel spreadsheet, and log here once a week. You could start tracking your measurements, as those can be a better indication of the weight you're losing, and your NSV's are an indication of how much more fit you are getting.

    I've had trouble with portions as well. Keep at it! There are some great threads out there with suggestions for keeping full. I would say if you feel hungry all the time, you might be thirsty - I don't have a link, but they say most Americans are dehydrated chronically, and it shows up as low grade hunger. Try watching your water intake? If it's not that, maybe take a print out of your food diary to a nutritionist and see if they recommend any changes.

    Good Luck!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member

    I think you're doing great! In the beginning I think we're all a tad bit impatient to see quick results. You didn't put 60 lbs on in 3 months, it won't come off that quickly either. It may help to view the changes you're making as long term rather than short term. You are becoming accustomed to a better, healthier way of life.

    I think you're calorie goals are very realistic and the few diary entries I perused looked practical and sustainable. I'm glad you're watching your sodium. Sodium can really impact results on the scale. Try to keep it closer to 1500 mg than 2500 mg. Processed foods really pack on the sodium and you don't seem to indulge in that particular demon, so that's great!

    If it comes off in a healthy way it'll be easier to sustain and maintain once you've reached you goal. Enjoy the journey, your reflections are balanced and honest, keep it up!!!

  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member

    Young males - LOL yehh As a teen I'd have 4 sandwiches for a snack. In Rookies in the Air Force at a rough guess I was packing 5 or 6000 cal a day (maybe more) - but burning it all too :/

    Anyway just on one specific thing you asked: "Finally, I would love to hear from people who are exercising on their own, without gym equipment or fitness classes. What works for you, and how do you find the time to do? "

    I'm there too. A gym membership would be a waste of $ for me and I have a elliptical that cost $1k and has probably been used 1/2 doz times in the 3+ years we've had it.

    My saviour has been the XBox Kinect. It is fun, holds my interest and is absolutely the workout you want it to be. Can be easy can be hard - with something like Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout it's the closest you'll have to having a personal trainer in your loungeroom. For Wii people - I have also had a Wii but sorry it just isn't in the same league. The Kinect can watch and assess you in something like BLUW - it can help you do exercises correctly. And as far as calorie burn goes - it is only limited by how much effort you can or are willing to put in. I started with 150 cal burn 30 min sessions - mostly as that would tucker me out - now I can easy burn 500/600 cal + if I feel up to it in a 50-60min session.

    It is the only thing that has held my interest and motivated me to exercise since leaving the Force more than 10yr ago.

    PS - I should add though I guess it's not "perfect" but it's pros far far outweigh any small shortcomings.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Well, let’s first acknowledge the successes:

    If you started in mid-Februaru and are now sitting at 11 pounds lost, you are *exactly* on track. You have lost one-pond per week. That’s awesome. That means you are working within the program and are getting the slow and steady weight loss that is healthy and easier to maintain. Do not feel bad about losing 1-pound, or even half-pound average per week. Feel good about losing. (And ignore daily fluctuations, they are meaningless.)

    Now for some tips:

    You mentioned that portion control was a struggle, and it’s a learning area for you. If you are not weighing your food using a kitchen scale and/or using measuring cups to portion your food, you may still be overestimating. While I don’t think that is creating a problem for you now (given your steady loss), as you get leaner, underestimating your calories can stall your progress. So it’s better to get it mastered now.

    As for the ups and downs, I believe they have nothing to do weight. Your weight, in and of itself, is meaningless. It’s simply a fact about you. No different than your height or hair color. And it can change. You are able to transform it up or down, any time you choose. What matters, is what you *think* about your weight. It’s the deep-seated beliefs that you carry about yourself that are attached to weight. When those emotions come up, the best way out is through—not side-stepping, not squashing and silencing with food—but allowing them to come up, questioning them, and addressing them.

    Because being thin will not change the way you feel about yourself. But feeling different about yourself, does wonders for helping you to become a healthier, smaller, you.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    First - it really sounds like you're doing the right things. I know we'd like to see the weight fall off faster, but you're losing it healthfully. Your weight likely didn't come on overnight, so it makes sense that it would take equally as long (or longer) to lose.

    If you'd like to speed it up a little, consider adjusting your calorie goals. You can retake the screening questions - make sure you're assessing your daily activities accurately. I was dismayed that even as a nurse, I had to select a mostly sedentary choice... but that's the one that gave me the most accurate calorie needs.

    Your physical advancements are awesome and not to be taken lightly. You mentioned you're no longer winded going up an incline - that's huge! Speaks to stamina, strength, great lung capacity, POWER! If your hip is a problem, consider adding in some strengthening exercises to tighten and tone those muscles and joints. You can do them at home, without any fancy equipment. Try doing an internet search for hip exercises. They may help.

    I do belong to a gym, but I don't always use it. I'm lucky to live in Arizona, so I can walk outside all except about 2 months of the year when it is at its hottest. I've also hired a trainer that I see once a week for an hour - he can target my needs and give me encouragement and great ideas.

    The ups and downs... well... they suck. I've been at this for 6 years, and they still suck. No easy way to put it. Yes I feel better. Yes I have more energy. Yes, the scale is moving (albeit more slowly than I'd like). But I still have good and bad days. I try to adapt a "this too will pass" attitude and just get through it. Fake it until I make it. It usually works. My down periods usually don't last more than a a week, two at most... and as long as I stick with my diet, I come out of it better than I went into the funk.

    I wish you the best. Keep looking here for support - some amazing people are here to help.
  • Don't give up. Continue to do what you do.

    I work out at home as well. I awake at 4:45 in the morning take fifteen mintues to prepare my lunch for work for the day. By 5 a.m I am in the basement working out. . I do a brisk walk on the treadmill also I have the Jillian Micheals 30 day Shred DVD that I work out to.

    I spend 20 mins with the DVD and 30mins on the treadmill. Right now my whole body is in pain but I will not let that stop me. It has been 15 days since I have been doing the DVD, and I feel good.
    I have two young children ages 5 and 3 so i have to exercise before the awake.

    For you I think if you are having some discomfort please seek medical advise before you continue because you don't want to do more damage to the injury. Get some DVD's and work out to them at home if you can maybe get a treadmill. Good Luck and keep at it
  • Xtine72
    Xtine72 Posts: 67 Member
    I agree with eating more protein and doing your measurements. Also notice how different your clothes feel. Sometimes it's not the scale that tells you how your body is progressing. I can always tell when I exercise and eat well how I feel. I always feel more confident and better about myself overall. When I don't exercise and eat right I feel grumpy and not good mentally about myself or my appearance.

    My boyfriend eats 3 times as much as I do at our age (38) and still is thin. Everyone is different. You just have to figure out what works for you. And you have to cheat every now and then. You don't want to live your life dieting... you have to LIVE your life.

    Good Luck! xo
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far! 11 lbs in 8 weeks is fantastic!! You ask very good questions - what drives us through the dissapointments that come with the journey .... I asked myself the same thing multiple times, but in the end, I think it is just your ability to believe in yourself that you can do it. I have struggled with weight loss all my life pretty much. I think I have more of a body image issue. But I joined this site two months ago and I became serious about it. I am determined to get where I want to be, just because I am capable to do it.

    The slight hunger - I never believed in hunger and I think if you are hungry you should eat. You also need to evaluate what you are eating. Are you getting enough proteins, enough fiber? Twick your diet a little and see how it works.

    The pain in your joints when you are walking - make sure you have the right shoes - if not, invest in a good pair of shoes. It is worth it to protect your hips and knees. Listen to your body.

    Take a step back and see the big picture when doubt creeps in .. this is a long journey, and there may be days when you are not doing so well, there may be weeks when you weigh higher than the one before, but you have to believe you will get there eventually, even if it takes forever. I keep telling myself all these things to keep me going.

    Good luck - I think you are doing great! Feel free to add me as a friend ...
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    I can totally relate!~
    I'll do great for a couple of weeks, and then with no weight loss, i'll fudge things up a bit (not I don't belong to a gym anymore and always exercise alone and don't have alot of support. I have a wonderful man and 3 small kids that eat like oinkers and i would definately say my biggest problem was portions as well. Everybody would get up from the table and i would help myself to their plate if they left anything cuz i LOVE good food too. I love to cook high calorie meals. Most of the time i try to eat something different than the rest of the clan now,..something healthier (why punish them right?) But cooking for them now bothers me, like, i don't even want to smell something good or i'll get weak and want it. What i do now is take a bite rather than 2 helpings of something. I'm gonna keep trying if it kills me... summer is practically here and i wouldn't dream of putting on a 2pc suit right now. Just keep at it and knowing that we're healthier even if the weight isn't falling off like we'd like it makes me feel better. Good luck!~
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    On a positive note, it's exciting to me that my legs are stronger, that my bottom is shaplier, and that I no longer get winded walking up the long, gradual hill that is part of my commute. I have more energy and my mood is improved. I feels so good to be taking care of myself, and my enthusiasm carries over in to other parts of my life.

    This is the best reason for the journey.
    What keeps you motivated and gets you out of a slump?

    I'm fortunate to have a husband who is on the journey with me. We each push each other to go farther and pull each other out of the "Don't wanna" quagmire.
    Finally, I would love to hear from people who are exercising on their own, without gym equipment or fitness classes. What works for you, and how do you find the time to do?

    M/W/F - Cardio - I take a walk on my lunch break and do something on the Wii at night (Wii Fit Plus, My Fitness Coach, or EA Sports Active)
    T/Th/S - Strength/Cardio -

    We have 5 lb and 12 lb dumbbells (need to get some adjustables), plus three levels of resistance bands in two sizes (with a door attachment).
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    First, I will commiserate. My partner wants to *gain* at least 10lbs. We started eating healthier in January and we both lost ten pounds, so that he now weighs about 5lbs less than my goal, even though he is several inches taller! We also started working out at the same time a few weeks ago. He now eats so much after he gets home from work that I finally convinced him that he needed protein shakes to up his calories while he is at work (not that I have noticed any difference in the rate food disappears). On the days that we get home about the same time, he has a snack or two while I am preparing dinner (before anyone goes on a rant: he does the dishes). I actually made a joke this morning about competing to see who could change by 20 lbs first.

    That being said, for your own hunger, definitely protein, especially adding in protein earlier in the day. Yogurt? Eggs (hard boiled eggs and "egg muffins" won't add to your morning routine)? Cheese? Nuts?
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi there! So you started walking in February, then started logging a few weeks later? And you have lost 11 pounds since then. Well I hate to break it to you but you are doing fantastic! That is the healthy 1-2 pounds per week and you are rocking it! Slow and steady wins the race and you are practicing habits that will stick with you for life - walking more, smaller portions, and being aware of what you put into your body. We all have bad days, bad weeks, and weight does fluctuate especially as women, or just from eating too much sodium. Stick to low sodium for a few more days and that weight should fall right off. Drink more water too.

    As for handling the ups and downs, well that's been hard for me too, as it is all of us. Over the past 3 months I got a running injury, dealt with severe acid reflux, moved cities so lost my gym for a week and groceries, etc. I am finally picking it back up after 2 weeks of mostly poor choices. I was eating out again, skipping the gym, watching TV and felt awful but very stuck. It's amazing how bad your body feels when you stop giving it healthy fuel and exercising. Then getting back into working out and eating lower calories is even harder. But I just keep remembering that I am not at my goal and why I want to be at my goal. Once you fall off the wagon for a few days it sucks. But it isn't the end of the world. I weighed myself this morning, the first time in over a week and I was only up 0.8 pounds.... I believe it's because my metabolism is much faster than it used to be but if I kept doing what I was doing it would climb very quickly. On the other hand, the scale hasn't gone down at all for one entire month.

    I personally don't talk about this struggle with any friends or family members at all. Maybe a little bit here and there but they don't quite know what to say as they aren't trying to lose weight and get healthy themselves. I talk about my struggles on MFP with all my friends here and they are a life saver! They have given me advice, practiced tough love "if you want to lose weight, stop making excuses and just do it!", given me pep talks, and said good job when I accomplish something great!

    You have turned to the right place and we are all here to support you!!!
  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    Wow. I am overwhelmed by your kind words and support. Reading these replies brought tears to my eyes and made me laugh at the same time. So many things you all said rang true to me....I was actually saying "yes...YES!!" in my head : ) I really appreciate the food and exercise tips, too. I work in a library, so it will be easy for me to borrow some some fitness DVD's. I think I have reached the point where I need to change things up a bit. I bet it will up my attitude and motivation. I really do feel good about where I am headed. I am so grateful for my increased vitality. I have not felt this good in far too long (other than my pesky hip)! It's just that lately I 've had thoughts like, "I've made some big changes, and all I've seen is 10lbs go...why bother?". Maybe it's typical to hit a wall in the first few months? Anyway, thanks again xo
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