P90X or Jillian's 30 Day Shed??

I want to add something to my daily workout but not sure what. I currently run/power walk each day (or did until very recently) for 35-60 minutes. It usually depends on Mother Nature and what my day has in store for me as to how much I can get in each day! I want to find something I can incorporate while at home. I have a small window from the time I get home from work to bedtime for my girls so I do not want to join a gym - - less time driving to and from a gym = more time with my family at night.

I need something with energy; something that will make me sweat! I would like to start toning while I'm still losing. I do not want big muscles. I've seen a lot of these to hot topics posted in comments, on message boards, or as part of some of my MFP friends' workouts.

I know one is longer than the other but - - Which is better overall?


  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo
    I am anti P90X simply because of the peripherals ( bands, bars, etc)... Id suggest Insanity before either of them but 30DS is the better option, imo, of the 2 you asked about

    ( edited typo)
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    Thank you. This is what I was hoping for - advice.

    It was more of a question than a recommendation. I don't know what Insanity is so I'll have to google that. One of my MFP friends does it.

    Thank you for replying!
  • DoReMiFaSoLaTiDo

    It was more of a question than a recommendation.

    duhhh @ me... was typing too fast ;) fixed it
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I haven't done p90x, however, I am currenlty doing the 30 day shred, I am on level 2 day 8 and it is AWESOME, you just need 3lb weights and it says you need a mat, but I don't use one, I have 5lb weights, only because thats the only weights I have, its a 20 minute workout and she does cardio, strenght and abs, I love it!! I would recommend it to anyone.
  • Lora150
    Lora150 Posts: 1 Member
    I would say start with 30 day shred, you get a great workout in less than half an hour. I was skeptical at first that it wasn't long enough of a workout, but it will kick your butt! Good Luck :)
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87

    It was more of a question than a recommendation.

    duhhh @ me... was typing too fast ;) fixed it

    LOL!! that's ok! Thanks for the info!!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I have done P90X and if you are looking for something to make you sweat, the Plyometrics and Kempo X workouts will leave you dripping with sweat. I love both of those workouts. The strength training ones don't make you sweat like that, but they are all good. You don't have to have heavy weights for it - I use 5-10 lb weights. As for the bands/pull-up bar...you can leave that out if you don't want to do it. There are bars that you can put up in your door jam that are removable if you want to do the pull up part. Pull ups are hard. :o) Also, the ab workout is AWESOME! Very effective.

    Anyway, I have not tried the 30 day shred, but I think it's probably better for those who are not as athletic or beginners?
  • kaylielavin
    Jillian Michaels changed. My. Life.

    I lost my initial 40 or so pounds using just her videos until I was comfortable enough to be in a gym/outside so I am a bit partial to her.

    30 Day Shred for the win!!!!
  • fitandfeminist
    fitandfeminist Posts: 5 Member
    I guess it depends on how fit you already are. If you're pretty fit already, starting P90X right away might not be a problem for you. Having tried both of these workouts, I think that Jillian's 30 Day Shred is a much better starting point because P90X is INCREDIBLY intense. Jillian still gives you a great workout without making you feel like you are going to die and your heart is going to explode. Or maybe, that's just me. I would say do the 30 Day Shred and then move into P90X, that way, you will be better prepared for how hardcore it is but if you feel confident you can handle it, start out with P90X. Hope this helps!
  • sdirbder
    sdirbder Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for asking this question I was thinking about starting the 30 Day Shread. But wasnt sure if it was for me. I have also heard that p90x is not for people who have tendon issues. Someone posted it a couple of days ago.
  • lbfrueh
    lbfrueh Posts: 87
    Thanks for asking this question I was thinking about starting the 30 Day Shread. But wasnt sure if it was for me. I have also heard that p90x is not for people who have tendon issues. Someone posted it a couple of days ago.

    Thanks for the input! BTW, we have the same goals!! LOL