Feeling stuck....

I'm feeling so stuck lately. My weight is yo-yoing and I know why. I'm not sticking to my guns about this change I need to make. This week I've done good. I've joined a biggest loser challenge and weigh in every Tuesday.

Since the Tuesday weigh-in I've stuck to my calories, have been working out or at least walking 30-60 minutes a day. But I feel stuck.

My husband is a super picky eater, my daughter is 16 months old and I'm having a hard time coming up with different meal ideas for all of us. He also works second shift, so I need to cook dinner at 1pm in between coming in from work and getting my daughter down for a nap.

Some days I feel like I'm not going to make any progress because I just can't put myself first.

Okay, I know that was whiney and non-productive, but I had to get that out there.


  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    This probably sounds insane coming from a mother of five children, but I make different meals for everybody. My husband is very picky eater and so is one of my sons, who also has allergies to food as well. So I make my own meals, eat about every three hours, and then make their meals separate from mine. (FYI - Everyone doesnt eat a different meal aka seven different meals, but I do usually have to have one meal for them and then a back up for the allergy kid and/or someone who doesn't like what Im making for that evening... and this works for me and my family because there is always leftovers for someone who is hungry. And we rarely waste food around here. hehe)
  • chasekilgannon
    Allrecipes.com is amazing. Try looking there.
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    I joined a "biggest loser" challenge at my work too. Top prize is 500 bucks!!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    You're not alone. I'm having a very stuck feeling right now. :)

    Try something different, walk with a friend, do Just Dance on the Wii. Anything different...
  • ValMae
    ValMae Posts: 52 Member
    AGREED!!! Love, love, love that website! Not only are there TONS of recipes but also reviews from people who have already tried them as well as cooking tips for beginner cook and those of you who are already decent cooks but are dabbling in new types of cooking! That is definitely my go-to website when I'm stumped as to what to make for dinner or am in a cooking funk.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Allrecipes.com is amazing. Try looking there.

    Love that site too!! Gina's Skinny Recipes is good also!
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    Try caloric staggering. Take your recommended daily calories multiply by seven and then break it down so that some days you eat 1200 or 1300, some you eat 1500 or 1600 and some you eat 1800 or 2000.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Don't fall into the martyr trap that a lot of parents fall into. (I know I did). We all NEED to find a way to put ourselves first, or at the very least, right up there with the rest of the VIPs :wink:

    What if you used your least hectic day of the week to make freezable meals for you to enjoy the rest of the week, that fit within your plan? Then you wouldn't have to make different meal plans for everyone all at once. It would take some pre-planning, but it is definitely do-able.
  • ancook02
    ancook02 Posts: 44 Member
    @atsteele: I could not imagine finding the hours in the day to do that. lol. I'm lucky if I eat more than once a day. My problem is I don't sit down to eat until 9pm when I put my little one down. Then I just pig out. But I've been doing better this week. I've been keeping special k and kashi bars in my purse so at least I'm getting something.

    @chasekilgannon: Thanks so much! I'll check it out.

    @Walt75: I joined a community challenge. Top prize is about $450, but that depends on if anyone else signs up. It goes up with each person.

    @Onesnap: My sister has Just Dance for Wii. I'm going to borrow it from her when I go to visit the family for Easter. I have been walking at least 30 minutes a day with my daughter when the weather is nice enough.

    @purpl3sox: I can barely keep track of the same amount every day. lol. But thanks for the idea. I'll try it if I keep getting stuck.

    @suemar74: It is so hard not to fall into the martyr trap. lol. And sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it. I need to stop though, because I always hated when my mom did it! I'm going to try freezing some things for the week on Sunday. I have two slow cookers so hopefully that will cut down on the amount of time it takes to cook!

    Thanks everyone for your replies, suggestions, and words of motivations. If any of you want to friend me, that would be cool. You can never have too many friends!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    @atsteele: I could not imagine finding the hours in the day to do that. lol. I'm lucky if I eat more than once a day. My problem is I don't sit down to eat until 9pm when I put my little one down. Then I just pig out. But I've been doing better this week. I've been keeping special k and kashi bars in my purse so at least I'm getting something.

    It actually doesn't take hours... but it does take planning to some degree. Just like planning out your exercise for the week, plan out your meals! The snack bars are a great idea, but be careful with them, they really aren't a great meal replacement most times because of they (and im generalizing here) are usually loaded with sugar. When I travel, I generally take a sandwich (whole grain bread), a yogurt (also many times loaded with sugar hehe), Kind bars (which have a lot of fat but it's good kind) and lots of water. Fruit is good for traveling days.

    My weakness is chocolate, pita chips and coffee. I overdid it BIG TIME last night and feel like crud this morning. Ugh. Back on the horse today. :) Have a great weekend!!!