P90x Feedback and support

HawkeyeMatt Posts: 12
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Hello everyone, my name is Matt and I am a 39 year old that is on day 2 of the P90x program. I am choosing the classic workout and will do my best to work out 6 days a week even though it seems like a lot of time to invest in a workout program in my opinion. I need to lose 50 pounds, in time, and think this will be a good way to kick start my weight loss. I am also being realistic when I say I can't follow their strict diet guidelines to a T.

I will be eating a lot of what they recommend i.e. lean proteins, soy nuts, etc. But I also have a family with two young children and I know there will be times that I may eat something outside their recommendations. I still believe I will see results, just not as extreme as many of their before and after examples. With this attitude is it even worth continuing the program?

I would love to converse with others in the program if they want to hit me up with a friend request. Any insight is welcome and appreciated.


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I've tried P90X twice. The first time I stopped after 3 weeks because I found out I was pregnant. The second time I got sick and just never picked it back up. But...I think as long as you are realistic with the knowledge that your results won't be as advertised if you aren't following the diet, you'll be fine. Any exercise is better than no exercise, and P90X is really great. I lost 6 lbs the first 3 weeks I did it (but I did follow the diet exactly). I know people that have completed the 90 days with hardly any noticable change. When I ask them about their diet, they say they didn't change the way they were eating (still eating cookies, snacks, junk). I'm like "well duh!"
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I have done the program and I think you absolutely should still do it. I never follow their meal plans just because I don't always like the food in the plan.

    Still watch your calories and track you calories burned with your workout. Eat as healthy as you can.. but remember you are going to be doing some serious workouts so make sure you are fueling your body. It is going to need good food to get you through the workouts.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    It is a lot of time, but your aren't investing in a workout plan.... You are investing in yourself :smile:

    I am at the end of the Lean program, phase 2 right now (recovery week starts tomorrow). I have lost 9 pounds, gained A LOT of muscle and my clothes are baggy! I love the work outs and actually look forward to them. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    P90X can be a very effective workout plan to support your weight loss.

    Working out alone isn't enough, you have to have a sensible diet. I wouldn't worry too much about following the P90X diet plan to a T, just stay within your calorie guidelines here and try to fill up on lean proteins and veggies.

    You should see results and get muscle tone in addition to weight loss.
  • I am a stay at home mom and my sisters and I love P90X and have been using it for over a year. We have had great results. We do not follow the P90X diet we just try to do our best everyday to eat healthy and monitor our caloric intake. We do not want the extreme P90X results but the videos are challenging and give us the workouts we want since we are unable to play organized sports like we did in high school. "Just keep pushing play" "Do your best and forget the rest" -Tony Horton. He is not lying, if you follow those rules you will see results! Good luck!
  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    I did P90X and I had a few cheat meals here and there and I still got good results. It wasn't on a regular basis though. I have 3 kids and there were times where they ate what I ate and if they wanted pizza or chinese I ate something else so I could be consistent with my goals. To get the results you want eat healthy and follow the schedule and do your best with the workouts. The program is not going to work for you unless you put in work. Best of luck!
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i too am a beginnger.. day 4 on the lean phase. while i love the videos, i dont follow the diet plan... HOWEVER.. i do follow the restictions given on this site. which means i try to stay under all my alotments. ESPECIALLY sodium. thats my weakness right now. i personally am not a fan of the food they have, nor do i have time to cook the stuff that they have down. its all about eating healthy and fueling ur body. we all know wat to eat and what not eat. its just a matter of doing it! best of luck on ur journey!
  • Thanks everyone for your feedback.
  • Hey Matt. Congrats on starting P90X! Your attitude will change once you start seeing results. I think that if it keeps you exercising, then you should stick with it. It is an investment in you; an hour of your day well spent.
  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    You will get great results from the workout alone, even if you occasionally miss a day. You would get more, faster if you followed everything to a T, but it's not necessary.

    I <3 P90X. I haven't followed the meal plan at all (I probably should...) and I have definitely seen results. I'm the fittest I have ever been.
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