Grapefruit Diet....??

Has anyone ever done this? My dad(65yrs) started eating 2 grapefruits a day to lower his Cholesterol but instead he lost 20 pounds in less than a month! Im shocked! i want to try =]

HE ate normally. Also ate his sweets when he wanted. Didnt eat big portions anymore either. He started this to lower cholesterol no intentions to lose any weight. He also stopped taking medications.

And no Im not actually talking about the GRAPEFRUIT DIET just adding it to your everyday diet. Thats it.


  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Is that all he ate, or were the grapefruits added to his diet?
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Anytime you see the word 'diet,' ask this sustainable? Probably not. You need to go on a lifestyle change not a diet. Anyhoo...I've heard of it. It was a fad diet years and years ago.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Grapefruit's are apparently very good for weight loss but only if incorporated into a healthy diet, doing a grapefruit only diet would be extremely unhealthy.

    I've seen my best losses when having a grapefruit and 2 eggs a day...ok, i've just convinced myself to get back on them!

    EDIT: A Grapefruit and 2 eggs a day were not the only things I was eating I hasten to add. 1200 calories including the above!!!!
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    I'll try it too! Sounds yummy.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Well, it depends.

    Did your father start eating 2 grapefruits every day, and that had repercussions on the rest he ate (less snacking, grapefruits replaced unhealthy sweets, grapefruits induced longer satiety...) so that all effects combined, his healthier lifestyle led to a loss of body fat? Well, yeah, adding fresh raw foodstuffs (not only grapefruits, but they're great!) can do that. For some. If you're ready. Try, especially if right now you're getting less than 5 or so portions of fruit & vegetables a day. If, however, you're already a healthy eater of fresh produce, the two grapefruits won't make it any better.

    Did your father ONLY eat 2 grapefruits a day? That's not sustainable. You won't be getting all the nutrients you need. A good part of your loss will be muscle mass. You're very likely to gain it back in the end.

    Diets don't work. Lifestyle changes and better nutrition do.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    [Hm, the double-posting bug seems to have hit me, too, after I edited to correct a spelling error.]
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    people have to be careful with grapefruit... there are actually some prescription meds that can be 'changed' in their effectiveness because of grapefruit.. hope his Dr checked this before he started having so much.

    also... i was listening to a nutritionist on tv today who was saying something about if you body is too acidic you won't lose weight BUT you can restore the alkaline balance to your body (and thus encouraging weight loss) by adding lemon juice to your daily meals.
    i would think this 'might' also be true for adding grapefruit or apple cider vinegar..but would love to see more info on this if anyone has it.
  • brancakes
    brancakes Posts: 263 Member
    I did it in college. there is actually a lot more to it than just eating grape fruit and it just depends on your body and how it reacts. It's really not worth it to be honest and is mainly used for people who might being undergoing surgery soon and need to get some weight off. Feel free to message me if you want more details.
  • Dsieverts
    I should add that he ate normally just added grapefruit twice a day
  • dtdemarcus
    I don't think she is talking about the "grapefruit diet" that was so popular years ago.. like the cabbage soup diet" She is just talking baout adding grapefruits to his already exisiting diet.. and now I am totally going to try it! ( I wonder if grapefruit juice..with no added sugar would work just as well?
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I believe it was in the 80's that Dr. Martin Kathan (spelling may not be right) wrote a book called the "Rotation Diet". He had men and women rotating a different set of calories over a three week period. After the 3 weeks then you did a maintenance period for a minimum of one week before you started the calorie rotation again. Anyways.....what does that have to do with grapefruits I am sure you are asking? He suggested having a safe fruit as a fall back for hunger between meals and I believe you could use it up to 3 times a day. His fruit of choice was the grapefruit. It could be any fruit but, he recommended going with just one type as your "safe fruit". He ate it like an orange. He lost quite a bit of weight and he organized and used the "Rotation Diet" through a program ran through a hospital in the States. His thought on this was that a grapefruit provides a lot of fibre and was very filling without a lot of calories.

    Although limes, lemons and grapefruit are acidic they in fact form an alkaline ash when eaten and are good fruits for achieving a greater alkaline state in your body........that is according to several authors I have read on the subject, so I am just repeating what I have read.

    Dr. Andrew Weil has written columns suggesting that eating as much as 1/4 to a 1/2 a grapefruit greatly increases your risk of breast cancer.........who in the world do you believe? Anyways I want to see if there is any new info on the breast cancer/grapefruit link, if not I think I will again incorporate some grapefruit into my diet. Grapefruits are very filling and may be a good thing to carry when you are out and need some to eat.
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