Drama in the gym Parking Lot!!!



  • MrsKAddy
    MrsKAddy Posts: 52 Member
    Lord knows that had to be the hardest thing to do. But know that you will be blessed because of what you said!!!
  • Marcellus_08
    What a jerk. First off, she must be having a ROUGH *kitten* day. Which that sucks for her. She will HOPEFULLY feel bad for it later when someone does it to her.
    Seconds. Great comeback. Probably the best thing you could have done/said :)
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    WOOSAH!! I commend you on the way you handled that. I know it took everything you had to bite your tongue, I need to take a page from your book cause girl my temper knows no bounds, and I wouldn't been able to hold my tongue, my fist ,my legs and no telling what else! I would of got the ultimate workout that morning on somebody head!!
  • DawnHeffernan
    That made me laugh! cheeky lady though
  • AutimnRose
    That's awsomely confusing!!! Im so proud of you for keeping your cool. I may not have lol. Especialy not that early!But Im sure the look on that womans face was just about priceless at your response.
  • AutimnRose
    Or you could have said to your mother, just loud enough to be heard,"Let's wait for her to get inside, then we'll do it."

    Seriously, don't do that. It just popped into my head for some reason. You did good, and in a few days the whole thing will be forgotten.

    That sounds like something my friends and I would do.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Rude, to say the least. You handled it a lot better than I. I have a bad habit of speaking before I can think enough to censor myself.

    I'm glad you let it go.

    "......the ladies response......." ITS A GYM, YOUR HERE TO EXCERCISE ARENT YOU?!!!" Gotta say, though, witty response.
    I usually speak before I think as well, thats why I was shocked by my own response! I think I got a slight headache trying to look down at my lips to see if they were really mine or not!
    As I was a little impressed with her response, because yes i am at the gym to work out but so was her fat *kitten*!

    HAHA!!!! Trying to look at your lips!!!! You always make me damn near piss myself with laughter every day!!! "These abs brought to you courtesy of laughing at Mz. Wilson!" You will be skinny before her,BTW. Karma is a B*%#h!
  • InMyJeans
    InMyJeans Posts: 87 Member
    You are definitely better than me. SMDH I wish my temper wasn't so bad...working on it just like Im working on working out.
    WOW, WOW, WOW, that is soooo AWESOME, WTG, good for you, you sooo ROCK for GOD!!!!

    You deft showed some SERIOUS EGR!!!

    E= Extra

    Just REMEMBER when dealing w/those "Difficult People" in your Lives.......EGR!!!!!

    We have ALL NEEDED it at one point or another in our Lives, and we will ALL NEED it AGAIN w/out a doubt im sure.......sometimes we need to RECEIVE it and sometimes we need to GIVE it.....AMEN!!!!! =o) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • StarfilledNight
    this is great xD and hey that extra walk from your car to the gym just might have helped a little with your own workout lol
  • Insomniak2
    Honestly - People who "wait" for parking spots real close to the doors kill me. If you didn't have such a lazy habit to begin with, you may not need a gym membership right now.... Just saying. She probably did you a favor.

    I mean, how much further did you have to walk? an extra 30 feet?


    Let me go home and make a post on the web about this!

    ... Come on.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Honestly - People who "wait" for parking spots real close to the doors kill me. If you didn't have such a lazy habit to begin with, you may not need a gym membership right now.... Just saying. She probably did you a favor.

    I mean, how much further did you have to walk? an extra 30 feet?


    Let me go home and make a post on the web about this!

    ... Come on.

    ....Geez ha.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    On the flip side. I bet you got a good mad workout this morning. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Heck if your still upset the next time you pull into the gym she might have helped you along with your workout. :wink:

    I hope it shows on the scale this week.
    Come to think of it....I did workout SUPER Duper Hard!!! LOL

    Anger is generally my best motivator :)
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    God Bless You, Too, Mz Wilson. Thanks for the inspiration
  • Tina1128
    Tina1128 Posts: 37
    You, my dear, are a class act!