Any high fibre foods I'm missing?

I'm on some medication for a serious back injury and let's just so it is making me rather constipated, to the point I have been relying on laxatives to get any action in the number 2s department. I am already eating a really high fibre diet (between 30-40 grams per day) and am wondering if there are any other really high fibre foods I could rotate into my diet to give this area of it a bit more variety.

At the moment the high fibre foods I'm including are;

-sultana bran cereal
-metamucil (an Australian brand of soluable fibre that you mix with water and drink)
-green apples (have bought pears this week to include but haven't eaten one yet)
-dried figs
-ryvita crackers (the really dark rye ones)
-wholemeal pasta


  • barbie234
    Try broccoli and brussels sprouts, works every time.
  • twinsmommaplus1
    twinsmommaplus1 Posts: 25 Member
    Be sure you are drinking TONS of water too! Being dehyradrated can make you constipated.
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    Beans!!! Navy, black, kidney, black eyed name it, they are chock full of fiber! Make them yourself to avoid sodium overload: throw 2 cups in the crockpot along with 6-8 cups of water, cook overnight on high, then salt to taste in the morning. You will get, on average, like 15-20g of fiber per cup.

    **Edited for typos. :)
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    sweet potatoes

    pears - but I see you mentioned those.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Dried Prunes (7 does the trick for me)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    prunes :)
  • tamarab3
    tamarab3 Posts: 64
    I like to make my lunch as a wrap (instead of a sandwich) using La Tortilla Factory brand tortillas. They make one that has 12 grams of fiber per tortilla.
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    I love the fiber plus bars for breakfast and there is also a fiber one yogurt. They are delicious! And they work well too!!!:blushing:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Ground flax seed or chia seeds are really high in fiber and omega 3's. You can add it to oatmeal (also higher in fiber), yogurt, or even baked goods.

    Pears, apples, berries, bananas, citrus fruits.

    Broccoli, cauliflower, celery, pretty much every veggie. :bigsmile:
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    Sunsweet Individually wrapped prunes....they are sweet and juicy and super yummy!
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    Roasted chick peas are such a good snack, and they have tons of fibre :)
  • melruthtamar
    melruthtamar Posts: 8 Member
    Sometimes for me those high fiber foods just bloat me, and my stomach just aches so I can't eat a lot of that. If I'm in need of "assistance" lol, carrot juice, which you can purchase at any Walmart, Krogers, Albertson's, in the lettuce section usually around there. It's made already and has nothing added except the carrot juice.

    It will definitely clean you out and loosen EVERYTHING!!! So don't down too much at once lol.
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    Here's a link for high fiber foods. Looks like avocado, peas, and kale are really good vegetables to eat!
  • kmitzell
    kmitzell Posts: 9
    Believe it or not, I am on a similar diet as you ... here are some of my favorites that you haven't already listed:

    - Blackberries! They are also very high-fiber berries like rasperries. And yes, eat lots and lots of pears...
    - Beans (cooked - especially black beans, which have a particularly high fiber count).
    - Hummus (pair with veggies, like broccoli, carrots or snap peas, and y ou have a double-fiber-whammy!)
    - Ground flaxseed (omega-3's!)
    - Oatmeal (instant or plain rolled oats)
    - Oranges (large)
    - Sweet potatoes (medium to large)
    - Nuts (especially almonds)
    - Butternut squash

    And since you're in Australia, see if you can find these products where you are (all are American):

    - Anything by Kashi or FiberOne (cereal, bars, waffles, yogurt, etc.)
    - Vitatops! (I don't know if they carry overseas but you could ask - 5-10g fiber per muffin top)
    - To add to your Metamucil - tasteless Benefiber (you can add it to anything and it dissolves instantly!)

    Hope this helps! Hooray for high-fiber diets! :) Good luck!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
  • slimquik
    slimquik Posts: 2 Member
    st. Josephs oat bran whole wheat pita bread, 6gm fiber, 6gm protein, 60 calories! I eat 2 with a tbsp of peanut butter to beef up my protein intake and it makes me go twice a day. Don't forget to drink lots of water.
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Canned pumpkin puree! I recently have been adding it to my meals. 40 calories for 1/2 cup serving and 5 grams of fiber!
  • Rockin33
    Rockin33 Posts: 58
    Not fiber but aloe juice works wonders.
  • katemarjoram
    Thanks everyone. I have also increased my water intake this week to a minimum of 10 glasses per day.

    I like the sound of the high fibre tortillas - might have to see if they are available in Oz. I have bought some prune juice too (had forgotten I had) and that is in the fridge. I have always hated porridge (which is what I believe you Americans refer to as oatmeal) but given winter is coming here I might have to introduce that as an alternative to my sultana bran. I think I might have to try and find the ground flaxseeds cause I could probably mix them into porridge or my raspberry and yoghurt mix that I make (1 cup raspberries with about 100ml yoghurt drizzled over the top).
  • aawh
    aawh Posts: 96 Member

    Yogurt is also very good for digestion because of the cultures in it, although it is not a high fiber food

    I eat lots of high fiber foods and some affect my body more than others, specifically beans, hummus, broccoli and pears.

    I did have lentil soup one time and thought I was going to literally explode after, it was horrible. But I could eat the same amount of fiber from something else and it doesn't do that.

    So try new ones to see what works specifically for your body.