which diet programs - P90, six week makeover, and others

I am a 220lb guy stuck in a 330lb body! hahaha well, I keep telling myself that as I continue to sit on the recliner eating chips n dip and all the other junk...

Its time I find a program to help me. Ive been looking at several - the P90 basic and the Six Week Body makeover.

reviews are hard to find - you google these and you get a million ad pages with fake reviews.

Anyone out there using one of these programs, or can suggest others? Im NOT looking for a meal delivery plan, a supplement pill based plan, ect... Im looking for a well balanced plan. I know "just eat properly and exercise" is the answer - buy being the type that lets things slack, I need something more formal.

Any advice?


  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Ive rocked P90X several times. Down from 270 to 202. It has worked for me.
  • ratchley82
    I swear by P90X. Within two weeks of starting this program I could see results. You have to be motivated though. No slacking off! The thing is, there are plenty of exercise programs out there but it is ultimately up to you to find one that suits your needs and STICK WITH IT! I hope this helps, good luck!
  • alg6667
    I completed the six week body make over. The results were great. The only thing is you have to buy and pre-make your food for the entire week, which is tough if you are on a tight schedule. Also, the main part of the program is 6 weeks depending on how much weight you need to lose. After the program you have to continue to eat the same way, except you have a cheat day where you can eat what you want.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    do the p90x. i started at 287 and right now i'm at 272 from doing it and have lost inches and got more definined. i've still got about a month left in the program
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member

    I ordered the normal P90 program to start with. I figured it was lower cost, and not quite as hard core to start with.

    Now - I just need to find the motivation to DO it once it gets here instead of sitting on the recliner saying Ill start tomorrow.

    Goal is to move from p90 to the p90x
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317

    You can do it!
    I too was spending too much time reclining over the last few years.
    I started the P90 on 1/4 and am committed to doing it 6x/week...no excuses.
    You mentioned you need something formal........I think this is (at least for me).
    I need to follow a plan and this gives you that.

    Good luck and get started as soon as you get it.
    Let us know how you make out.
    Friend me if you'd like to help each other keep motivated.

    P.S. - Small world neighbor! (I live in Lancaster)
  • mamma3monkeys
    I completed the six week body make over. The results were great. The only thing is you have to buy and pre-make your food for the entire week, which is tough if you are on a tight schedule. Also, the main part of the program is 6 weeks depending on how much weight you need to lose. After the program you have to continue to eat the same way, except you have a cheat day where you can eat what you want.

    unless you're a stay at home mom like me, lol. I don't cook every day but I don't make a whole weeks worth - I like my food fresher then that. But I do eat bumble bee tuna (very low sodium), pineapple canned in juice (no sugar added), canned veggies (no salt added so mostly tomatoes, lol), other things like that.... it can get tiring though. Sometimes I get burnt out of the steamed and grilled. but I do like some of the recipes on their forum and to make up my own (or just take a recipe I know and make it 6wbm friendly)... I'm still willing try out more recipes, I just haven't done it yet and I've had this program since 2002. I did have tremendous success in 2006 when I lost 120lbs. took me until march of last year to gain it all back, a twin pregnancy and nursing both of them for 2 years, and missing my thyroid medication. I tell ya, it was hard work.