Consider the Willow.

Be warned. This post will have some philosophical ramblings. But for me, this story is an excellent reminder of a good way to be. And best of all, it is true.
There are many days when we are wondering if we can DO this, when our motivation is flagging, when we doubt ourselves, want to throw in the towel or maybe wonder where it will all lead. On days like this, I consider the willow.
Many years ago, when I was a teen, growing up in Germany, there was this tall willow across the street from our house. I spent many happy hours up in its branches, imagining untold adventures. With strong winds and freezing winters invariably small twigs would fall off this willow.
When I was 14, my family decided to move to another town. Having spent so much time in the tree I decided to say good bye to my green friend. Noticing the many dead, tiny twigs underneath the tree, I, for some reason, bent down and picked one of those dried-up twigs up, no larger than my hand and the diameter of a straw. (Maybe i wanted something to remember the willow by).
Anyway, we moved to another town. Again, I am not sure why but I stuck this tiny dead twig into a class of water (maybe hope does spring eternal, and, being a teen, I thought all is still possible).
Too my surprise and delight, tiny roots, developed over a few weeks, eventually it even looked like some tiny buds grew. 3 months later I planted this little fellow.
Eventually I left Germany and settled in Canada. I did not return for a visit until some 25 years later. And lo and behold, that dead, tiny twig has grown into a willow some 10 meters high.
So whenever I consider the struggles ahead (getting fit, losing some weight, dealing with the stresses of everyday life) I consider the willow. This tiny twig never once doubted itself (yes it did not know enough to doubt itself, how awesome is that). On death's door it came back to become vibrant and strong for future generations of children to enjoy, surviving bug attacks, cold winters, storms, dry and wet years. Surely, I say to myself, if a willow can do this, regardless of circumstances, I can do at least as well. Why should I ever doubt myself. Am I not as strong, capable as it. So to all of you self doubters out there: BE THE WILLOW.
