Slim fast- anyone tried it????

CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
HEY, I was just wondering if anyone had tred slim fast an if so, had they lost a lot on it?

Please reply

c xx


  • MzChiz
    MzChiz Posts: 70 Member
    Yeah i tried it and didn't lose anything! it left me starving!!! lol
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    diet started with Tesco own meal replacement shakes and bars - i quickly realised that they didnt fill me for long
    i HAD to make a choice between being hungry, or eating healthy low calorie food
    its scary now because a tesco ultraslim choc chake is 215kcals and 21.5g sugar
    thats really highin sugar if you are thinking of mixing it with normal food

    I had an ultraslim shake for breakfast/lunch today - woke up at 11am and didnt wanna eat anything until id been out walking so grabbed a shake but am having chicken and veg for my dinner
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    I originally was going to do slimfast the day I found MFP .... I started MFP with the slimfast plan but learned very quickly that the sugar in slimfast is HORRIBLE and so I now use the shakes and bars for quick meals when Im in a hurry but it is not my primary source of diet
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    A friend of mine just sent me a message last night that she's been doing Slim Fast and not seeing any results. It has a lot of sugar and carbs and not much protein. It's not nutrient dense so it doesn't stick with you either.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    slim fast is not a good choice for a diet plan. Not really healthy calories...visit local vitamin or health food store and ask the person behind the counter for some good shakes and meal replacement bars are.
    I like Gold standard egg white protein shake, low sugar and carbs and it is yummy. I put it in the blender with coconut milk, banana and 1 tlb of sunbutter (sunflower seed butter) and it is delicious!

    Good Luck
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I did the 3-2-1 plan for about a month, give or take, and lost a little over 20 pounds. I was also working out 5/6 days a week. I then got mono so I had to stop working out and stopped following the plan. Long story short, I ended up gaining all the weight back, plus more. There's no way a person could follow that plan for the rest of their life (I mean I guess someone could, but do you really want to only have 1 real meal for the day?) Most people who do it, are doing it for a quick thing, like "oh I just want to lose a few pounds for a wedding, once I stop I don't care if it comes back on or not" etc. lol
    Once you stop, you will almost definitely gain some (or more) of the weight back. I highly suggest not doing it.
  • I have a lot of success with it! I don't do the 1-2-3 plan they have right now, that is only 1200 calories or so a day and I wear a bodymedia fit (like a bodybugg like on the biggest loser) so I KNOW I need a lot more calories then that. What I do is have a shake for breakfast and lunch, the two times a day where I'm in a huge hurry and don't get to sit down to eat and before I would have resorted to grabbing "whatever". Then I add 1/2 a sandwich or about 200 "healthy" calories with the lunch and snack on lots of veggies and some fruits in between. I like it because I can eat dinner with my family, I'm eating every few hours so I'm never hungry.

    I also buy the "low carb" shakes at Sam's Club - they are only 1gram of sugar and you get 24 for $19 so it's by far the cheapest breakfast/lunches I can buy so I also look at it as a money savings.

    I don't use the snack bars - in my opinion they are too yummy for me to have on hand and I tend to overeat them. I just stick with fruits, veggies, hard boiled eggs etc for snacks.

    In the end it's just about counting calories and sometimes on a day off when I can sit down and have lunch I will just eat 400 healthy calories (the same as my shake and 1/2 sandwich). I think the shakes are just a way to "automate" the eating which makes it easier for me to count calories!

    Just my .02 I know it gets a bad wrap but when my daughter was 3 years old I was 100 lbs overweight - I lost all 100 lbs following the slimfast plan. Then I got pregnant with my son and regained it all (not because the plan didn't work but because I threw the plan and all common sense out the window while I was pregnant and post-partum) When I stick with it - it works. This time no more babies for me so I am only doing this once :)

    And yes, before anyone else - I could TOTALLY see myself eating like this forever and I think that is the big thing - can you see yourself sticking with it long term...does it feel like something you can live with and don't feel deprived? If so then it might be for you - if not then probably not.
  • rick0327
    rick0327 Posts: 3
    You want to know why slim fast works if you follow their plan? Ok here we go. you drink a shake in the morning, and a drink for lunch, followed by a healthy dinner! That's their plan right? with the fine print on the bottom of the commercial ad with diet and exercises! I haven't seen the nutritional guide on the back for years but i am guessing that it is about 300 calories per shake. So, if you consume 2 shakes thats 600 calories followed by the sensible dinner! What Slimfast is doing is limiting you're calories. You can eat a snickers bar for breakfast followed by another candy bar for lunch, then have a sensible dinner and you will lose weight. Want to know why? Because you are limiting you're calories, that it! but you are not learning how to eat. What are you going to do? Drink slimfast till you reach youre goal, then what? I used to teach nutrition to my job, and I was in Law Enforcement, you know the donut eating Law Enforcment, wink wink! You must learn how to make smart food choices. Do you know if you eat a half a bag of Greenline stringbeans which is 4oz, you will have consumed a whopping 40calories! Try and eat 4 oz of stringbeans, its a lot of food! Now, I am giving you an example, IDK if you like stringbeans but I hope you get my meaning and hope I helped you a little!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I use it as meal replacement if I'm in a hurry or know I'm having a big dinner or something. If I have plans to go out for dinner I'll have a slimfast for one of my meals during the day. They're great for in the morning when I'm running late for work or class but need to get something in my system. I have the power with high protein and use it for breakfasts. I don't do the whole slim fast diet though. They're expensive on a college budget and I feel like I would get bored drinking 2 meals of my day lol
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    You want to know why slim fast works if you follow their plan? Ok here we go. you drink a shake in the morning, and a drink for lunch, followed by a healthy dinner! That's their plan right? with the fine print on the bottom of the commercial ad with diet and exercises! I haven't seen the nutritional guide on the back for years but i am guessing that it is about 300 calories per shake. So, if you consume 2 shakes thats 600 calories followed by the sensible dinner! What Slimfast is doing is limiting you're calories. You can eat a snickers bar for breakfast followed by another candy bar for lunch, then have a sensible dinner and you will lose weight. Want to know why? Because you are limiting you're calories, that it! but you are not learning how to eat. What are you going to do? Drink slimfast till you reach youre goal, then what? I used to teach nutrition to my job, and I was in Law Enforcement, you know the donut eating Law Enforcment, wink wink! You must learn how to make smart food choices. Do you know if you eat a half a bag of Greenline stringbeans which is 4oz, you will have consumed a whopping 40calories! Try and eat 4 oz of stringbeans, its a lot of food! Now, I am giving you an example, IDK if you like stringbeans but I hope you get my meaning and hope I helped you a little!

    ^^MONEY. Take this advice because it is TOTALLY true.
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Yeah, you're basically starving yourself on the 3-2-1 plan. I had a meal bar (about 180 cals), a 100 cal snack, 200 cal shake, 100 cal snack, 500 well balanced dinner, 100 cal snack. That's what, 1180 calories. Then if you go to the gym, you're burning some of those off...I'd usually burn around 200-300 calories a day. Burning 200, brings you down to 980 calories. And you are NOT allowed to eat any exercise calories back.
    My body went into shock because before I had been eating SO MANY calories then I strictly limited myself, and my hair started falling out from the shock. It was NOT great. Yeah I lost weight, but it was very unhealthy.
  • Slim fast NEVER recommends just having 2 shakes and 1 meal! You have to add in healthy snacks! That is the plan - you eat 6x a day!
    You want to know why slim fast works if you follow their plan? Ok here we go. you drink a shake in the morning, and a drink for lunch, followed by a healthy dinner! That's their plan right? with the fine print on the bottom of the commercial ad with diet and exercises! I haven't seen the nutritional guide on the back for years but i am guessing that it is about 300 calories per shake. So, if you consume 2 shakes thats 600 calories followed by the sensible dinner! What Slimfast is doing is limiting you're calories. You can eat a snickers bar for breakfast followed by another candy bar for lunch, then have a sensible dinner and you will lose weight. Want to know why? Because you are limiting you're calories, that it! but you are not learning how to eat. What are you going to do? Drink slimfast till you reach youre goal, then what? I used to teach nutrition to my job, and I was in Law Enforcement, you know the donut eating Law Enforcment, wink wink! You must learn how to make smart food choices. Do you know if you eat a half a bag of Greenline stringbeans which is 4oz, you will have consumed a whopping 40calories! Try and eat 4 oz of stringbeans, its a lot of food! Now, I am giving you an example, IDK if you like stringbeans but I hope you get my meaning and hope I helped you a little!

    ^^MONEY. Take this advice because it is TOTALLY true.
  • i would use the bars for snacks if you needed to use up some exercise calories but the shakes just left me hungry
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