What do you do when you overeat more than your daily intake?

jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
Its just 6pm, and i have already eaten over 839 calories already. AM so devastated. I dont know what happened, i just got this sudden urge to eat, i wasnt even hungry, and i stuffed the food inside me.

Now i am sitting here regretting. To get under my calorie goal would involve working out at least two hours.

any suggestions? you can take a look at my diary. its awful though


  • tarazena
    tarazena Posts: 93 Member
    Sweetener for breakfast?
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I stop eating as soon as I can, and maybe do an exercise video through my On Demand. I don't attempt to workout to get them all back, though.

    Sometimes, we just have bad days. The good thing is that tomorrow is a new day, and you can start over fresh. Don't get too down on yourself, just take it as a lesson and move on. The important thing is that you keep going!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Don't sweat it...one pound is equal to 3,500 calories, but you have to remember that you burn calories throughout your entire day, so to actually net that many in a day would be pretty impressive. You may see a pound or two on the scale, but that is water weight due to the increased amount of sodium from the extra food. Don't dwell on your "failures", drink plenty of water the next couple of days, watch what you eat, and take a good crap and you should be right back to normal!

    You body actually needs days like this sometimes to remind itself that it's not starving or being deprived. Splurge days can help to rev up weight loss as long as they don't become a habit.
  • toodleton
    toodleton Posts: 82
    Get Moving and drink plenty of water! That will help flush it out and burn those calories off ; )
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    yeah i mixed it with water. didnt want to get tempted. Family meal was bread and butter for breakfast so i just drank the sweetner and ran upstairs
  • drdelp
    drdelp Posts: 2
    Hey! Don't beat yourself up. Instead, maybe write about your feelings and your activities (or lack of) that caused you to lose your resolve. Take a walk to get the endorphins going and feel better and less depressed. Start over right where you are and maybe cut back a few calories for the next few days and exercise more. These work for me. Hope they are helpful to you too.
  • LaurenPaige24
    you and i are on the same boat!! When is your wedding? mine is less than 3 months away. I'm going to tell you what i've been doing and it seems to be working for me extremely well. If i were you, don't stress about your food intake today.... that causes stress which retains weight. just start brand new tomorrow. with that said, tomorrow, NO MORE PROCESSED FOODS, drink a ton of water ( i bought a little plastic water bottle from walmart. and i keep filling it up when its empty), and lower your carb and sugar intake. its actually not as hard as it seems! Good luck! : )
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    When I think I'm going to go over my number I take an extra hour long walk to try and give myself some wiggle room. But if I go over and there's nothing I can do about it, I just focus extra hard the next day to even it out.
  • wannabalozer
    What I do is move on.... a wise person in my life said.... "success isn't how long you stand up (or don't fail or don't overeat).. it's the amount of time it takes you to stand up after failing."

    I say don't punish yourself by doing 12 gazillion hours of workout videos... Drink some water, go take a walk, take a hot bath/shower and go to bed early and start fresh tomorrow.

    We're pullin' for ya!
  • neecha
    neecha Posts: 8
    Dont beat yourself up!!! I have done the same thing. and feeling guilty doesnt help! tommorow is another day

  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Learn from it and move on. Nothing you can do to take it back, so why worry? If this was a one day journey it would matter. But this is a life change and will even out in the long run.
  • kristarablue
    How often do you binge/ overeat? You may want to keep a journal as to how you are feeling or what events may have lead up to your binge to try to understand what motivated the eating. This will help you to understand what feelings are associated with over eating. You may also want to go over your food diary frequently to look at trends. Also it is always good to have a list of things to do when you have to urge to indulge. Look, one day of over eating will not make a huge difference to your overall weight loss goals, but it is the repetitive nature of over eating and what you over eat that will make a difference.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Call it a spike day to fool your metabolism!

    And eat extra well tomorrow (in fact, go plan out tomorrow's intake right now)
  • mbasham369
    If you have a craving again, fill up a glass with water and chug it down. Fill it up again and slip it slowly. It will starve off hunger and keep your hands occupied :)
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Wedding is in december hopefully. Will add you now Lauren.
    I normally binge it anytime i go visit my family for the weekend. Every single time. Maybe its a depression associated issue. Thanks. i was so worried. Going to take lots of water now, then do my normal workout later on.

  • ShaunamsMar
    If you don't have the 2 hours to burn off what you ate today, then just forget it, put it behind you, and start fresh tomorrow.
    We all mess up, it's really hard to stick to a rigind 1200 cal/day plan. tomorrow is a new day. I would start off tomorrow with a work out first thing in the morning, don't even think about it, put on your work out clothes and shoes and do whatever cardiovascular exercise of your choice and get to it. Stressing about today will only make you gain more weight. No stress! It's okay, you can fix this. Hang in there, I do the same thing, I have good days then binge days and I ask myself why? Try saying this mantra to yourself "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".
  • LadyT02182011
    I looked at your diary. You've gone over on a few days. Do you plan your meals in advance? This would be a key factor in being successful with your alloted calories and getting all of your numbers in alignment. It's also they types of food that you're eating and the portion sizes. Maybe you should consider eating smaller meals every 2-3 hrs which would help to sustain you and also add more protein and veggies to your diet which satiates your appetite for longer periods of time. If you pre-plan the meals and input it in your diary in advance it will help you to maneuver the numbers so that you do not exceed your daily allotment. You can delete an item or just eat a smaller portion of it.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    Just try to eat lightly the rest of the day and then just get back on track tomorrow. Try to maybe be under 100 calories a day for the rest of the week to even things out. That's what I do. So you had one bad day...oh well. Don't let it destroy your efforts :flowerforyou:
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    I looked at your diary. You've gone over on a few days. Do you plan your meals in advance? This would be a key factor in being successful with your alloted calories and getting all of your numbers in alignment. It's also they types of food that you're eating and the portion sizes. Maybe you should consider eating smaller meals every 2-3 hrs which would help to sustain you and also add more protein and veggies to your diet which satiates your appetite for longer periods of time. If you pre-plan the meals and input it in your diary in advance it will help you to maneuver the numbers so that you do not exceed your daily allotment. You can delete an item or just eat a smaller portion of it.

    formally my alolowed intake was 1400 then it was reduced to 1200 when i changed my goals. nevertheless, i have gone overboard few times. I dont plan my meals, i really like the idea. i would try to start planning from tomorrow
  • ybba12490
    ybba12490 Posts: 252
    Don't sweat it...one pound is equal to 3,500 calories, but you have to remember that you burn calories throughout your entire day, so to actually net that many in a day would be pretty impressive. You may see a pound or two on the scale, but that is water weight due to the increased amount of sodium from the extra food. Don't dwell on your "failures", drink plenty of water the next couple of days, watch what you eat, and take a good crap and you should be right back to normal!

    You body actually needs days like this sometimes to remind itself that it's not starving or being deprived. Splurge days can help to rev up weight loss as long as they don't become a habit.

    I completely agree with this post 100%

    Don't sweat it, everyone has bad days. The best thing you can do is just look forward to tomorrow. Plan your food diary ahead of time for the next day so that you don't overeat.