What do you do when you overeat more than your daily intake?



  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I took a quick peek and, as gently as I can say this, you really need to change what you're eating. As far as today, forget about it and let's move on to tomorrow. No regrets, just learn from the experience. It's another day and you can just start over and do better from here.

    As far as your general eating habits go, you need to add vegetables and/or fruits to your diet. There are none listed and your body not only needs them, they'll help you to eat a lot more while keeping within your calorie goals. White rice is almost nutritionally worthless other than iron. That's not to say that you can't eat it, but you should be eating it with veggies and some lean protein (chicken, fish, tofu, etc.) Most people will recommend you switch to brown rice, which is much better for you.

    Instead of whole milk, switch to 1% or skim milk, if you can. It has a lot less calories and fat with the same nutritional values.

    Feel free to friend me, and you can take a look at my diary, if you'd like. Just don't look at the past few days because I've had a stomach virus and I honestly don't normally eat just chicken noodle soup and Saltines for every meal. :smile:
  • imgonnadoit123
    imgonnadoit123 Posts: 49 Member
    Don't sweat it...one pound is equal to 3,500 calories, but you have to remember that you burn calories throughout your entire day, so to actually net that many in a day would be pretty impressive. You may see a pound or two on the scale, but that is water weight due to the increased amount of sodium from the extra food. Don't dwell on your "failures", drink plenty of water the next couple of days, watch what you eat, and take a good crap and you should be right back to normal!

    You body actually needs days like this sometimes to remind itself that it's not starving or being deprived. Splurge days can help to rev up weight loss as long as they don't become a habit.

    What she said
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Call it a spike day to fool your metabolism!

    And eat extra well tomorrow (in fact, go plan out tomorrow's intake right now)

    This. As a matter of fact, I did that last night.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Perhaps you get the urge to binge eat because you eat the same things every single day! Mix it up a little! :)

    And, as for today, it's okay! Tomorrow is another day! Actually, right now, you can start another day! Exercise but off, get as many calories as you can back, but don't stress about it. If your exercise level isn't very high, just do what you can. Go for a nice long walk if anything.
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    You need to get in a good breakfast every morning for sure! And it looks like you're eating a lot of stuff (like M&Ms) that doesn't have a lot of good nutrient content. Pick foods that taste good AND are packed with nutrients. And be consistent with your meals. Try to eat 250-400 cals at each meal and 100 calorie snacks throughout the day. Then you won't be so tempted to pack on the calories.
  • ruffkutt
    ruffkutt Posts: 2
    It happens, I beat myself up and stress bigtime, then regret and go into the I fail at everything blah blah. Over all just don't make it a habbit, but don't starve yourself the next day either. I had a blow out a few weeks ago at 2400 calories over. I cried...then got over it, go up and rode my horse the next morning (after nursing a killer hangover) and rocked the next week.

    Sometimes I go over by 50 calories, sometimes I'm under by 100, unless you eat the same thing everyday I do not believe were going to have a little influx here and there. Plus I am a foodie, big time, and a beer lover....good times.

    My worst day (see above) was an outing with old friends that ended with pizza, martinies....and late night denny's....but even though I was very unhappy to own up to what I put in my body, ti did help me see how I could cut back the next time....and I did. I went out just last night, wooped it up, had a great time and went 162 calories over....big difference. I saved my calories knowing I had an evening coming up.....I will admit eating leaf lettuce and tomatoes all day did kinda suck.

    Plus, I'm a girl, and every now and then I feel like eating crab rangoons and chocolate and I feel like if I don't I may kill my husband, so now try to plan for those days, or make better food choices....
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Don't sweat it...one pound is equal to 3,500 calories, but you have to remember that you burn calories throughout your entire day, so to actually net that many in a day would be pretty impressive. You may see a pound or two on the scale, but that is water weight due to the increased amount of sodium from the extra food. Don't dwell on your "failures", drink plenty of water the next couple of days, watch what you eat, and take a good crap and you should be right back to normal!

    You body actually needs days like this sometimes to remind itself that it's not starving or being deprived. Splurge days can help to rev up weight loss as long as they don't become a habit.

    FYI, MFP already takes into account daily burned calories...
  • Delboy1961
    Take a deep breath and then move on.Be realistic we are not going to live like saints every day for the rest of our lives sometimes well overeat sometimes we wont exercise

    The other day I brought a box of healthy biscuits and ate the lot in one go 800 calories and Id already had breakfast and lunch
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Work out just a little to mitigate the damage and start over tomorrow! One day won't derail all your progress, so just get back in the saddle!
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Looks like your biggest calorie item was 1.5 cups of Rice Flour but that doesn't really make sense to me as a dinner item. Is that number right?
  • kajun_at_work
    kajun_at_work Posts: 60 Member
    Incorporate more vegetables into your daily intake. You would be shocked how much more food you could eat, volume wise, if you replaced some of the smaller, calorie dense, things you're eating, with some veggies.

    Look it up and see how much vegetables you would have to eat to get 200 calories vs. how much rice it would take. You'll get to eat alot more food.
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Looks like your biggest calorie item was 1.5 cups of Rice Flour but that doesn't really make sense to me as a dinner item. Is that number right?

    Its an african meal. we boil hot water and put in the rice flour till it gets very thick, and then roll it into balls and swallow. with soup (ogbono). we have some heavy meals here, because the rice is ground into flour, its heavier than just the normal one cup of rice.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Well, don't stress it. I overate by over 1000 calories the one day and I am still down a pound from the last time I had weighed in. If it doesn't happen often then don't get over whelmed by it. If it's a daily overage then you need to start lookin for ways to cut calories.
  • liquidsunsine
    I spent the first 3 weeks of logging food on here, just to see where I was making mistakes. Then I went back and reviewed everything. From there, i was able to make changes. In the section where they allow you to keep a journal, write down exactly what you were doing, feeling, and thinking. What was on tv at that moment. See if something you are unaware of triggered the urge to eat. Also, beware of the commercials. They are made to make us eat even when we're not hungry, don't want or need to eat. Keep gum on hand. I've done exactly what you did last night and I'm giving you the advice I used on myself. Gum helps. Sometimes it's just the urge to chew and gum will fix that urge. And last night, you were listening to your head, not your body. And again, going back to the commercials, they are aimed at our brains. We have to learn to shut that off and to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. You can do this. Hang in there.
  • alana1966
    alana1966 Posts: 34
    You body actually needs days like this sometimes to remind itself that it's not starving or being deprived. Splurge days can help to rev up weight loss as long as they don't become a habit.

    How often do you feel that a "splurge day" is acceptable, not a "habit", but often enough to "keep your budy guessing"... ??
  • deb54
    deb54 Posts: 270 Member
    I had a bad day yesterday and didn't even attempt to log any food in my diary ...today I will be on track and go from there ... One day at a time ... Blessings ...
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Call it a spike day to fool your metabolism!

    I had one of those last night. Went to the fair and ate french fries and drank beer and overnight I lost weight!
  • tulaniq
    tulaniq Posts: 46 Member
    We all have crappy days, some of us (me) are more prone to comfort/mindless eating than others. Avoiding several thousand calorie binges is a daily battle for me and unfortunately when I succumb the only thing to do is to accept that it happened, accept that it feels pretty crappy, and move on. Just wake up the next morning and try to learn from it - remember how good it feels when you make the healthy choice and how bad it feels when you make the unhealthy choice. If you can make the healthy choice most of the time, you will most likely still lose weight. And it gets easier and easier to make those healthy choices...just hang in there and try not to beat yourself up over one day :)
  • steppk
    steppk Posts: 1
    Don't beat yourself up just get back on track its gonna happen just focus on the positive that you want to stop and didn't keep eating even more!! YOur OK