New to this site, not new to fitness!

Loving this app! I use it on my phone and on the website. I'd successfully kept off nearly 100# for 4 years, then last summer and this winter I allowed myself to slack off on the exercise and not track my eating. Well, now I'm 15# over what I want to be. Actually, as of this morning, it's 7, since I've lost 8# since beginning this app!

I eat very low carb, and exercise like a demon (because I love it!).


  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    good attitude,

    welcome to MFP.....:smile:
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    welcome! and btw, I am a HUGE Colts fan!!!!!!!
  • JynxBJJ
    JynxBJJ Posts: 5
    Go, Colts!!!!

    Food on game day is a problem, isn't it? Trying to find stuff that I can eat, that also pleases my company and family....