I can't seem to eat 1440 calories or less :(

aliceofthepalace Posts: 5
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I have know idea how to make myself eat I eat 1440 calories or less :(.

Does anyone have any ideas or ways or motivations that works for them....that maybe I could see work on me?

thank youuu


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I've found it's all about swapping things. Doesn't necessarily have to be an entirely new food, but sometimes it could be. When you shop, read and compare labels to find things lower that will fit in your macros
  • Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much. 1440 is still a low amount of calories. You can still lose weight doing that. If you try to focus yourself to eat less than that you may end up binging. You need to listen to your body. Do you exercise a lot or have an active life style? How did you use to eat before? If you exercise or are active it could be why your body wants more calories. And if you just started trying to lose weight and used to eat a lot, you cannot expect to cut so much so soon.

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. When I first started I tried eating 1350 calories and couldn't do it. I found out through adding more calories that I lose more weight eating 1600 than I do eating 1200. It's all about listening to your body. If you are eating too little for your body, it will just hold onto the fat and make it harder.
  • Hiya I know excatly how you feel somedays i find it so easy to be under calories and other i have none left round lunchtime~
    Ditch the car or park the car a 10 minute walk away from where you want to get to! Take the stairs forget the lifts!!! Little bit of extra walking can help. I went out shopping today I did 3 and a half hours of walking at a good pace not too slow and not too fast I added it to my exercise it calculated i did over 1062 burnt which gave me extra calories and a sore feet but worth it! Good luck x:smile:
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    i research alot of my meals, i eat alot of salads and swap out regular dressings with low fat versions. I measure nearly everything. I use the 100 calorie packs to help me with portion control on occasion. Chicken has less calories than beef. popcorn is a low calorie healthy and filling snack. Eat enough fiber. I use low carb shakes to fil gaps when I am not hungry.
  • LBB24
    LBB24 Posts: 1 Member
    The key that I found out works best...Never deprive yourself of something you want, but in order to have it you have to exercise to burn those calories, control portion size, and swap something else i.e. if you want steak, go ahead and have it, but eat steamed veggies with them instead of mashed/baked potato.
  • I have the same count for the day and at first I thought this is crazy. But slowly I have learned what to eat. For instance I went and bought healthy snacks like dried cranberrys or trail mix and banana chips etc. Every time I want to grab something i have a little of my snacks. I have even found low fat pretzel sticks which I love. Of course I am eating Mango and pears and bananas a lot as well. Like others said it is about switching out foods. For instance one of the best ways for me has been eating Liquid egg whites for breakfast which I find good and easy to cook.

    You dont have to hit that goal every day just moving towards it and learning is good. Its a process of learning to be healthy.

    Good luck
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    Here is a link with tips from Jillian Michaels to "break a plateau", but also encourages varying you calorie intake:


    I have been putting this to practice for the last 2 weeks and have been getting great results! (I work out 5 days a week, and have also tweeked my food choices and my weight loss had slowed before I started using her tips).

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    What are you eating?

    If you've gone the high carb, super low-fat route, you may find it rough to stay within calories. Try raising your proteins and fats, aiming for 25 g of fiber a day, cutting out simple carbs(sugar, bread, pasta, crackers, white rice) and you'll feel much more satisfied on 1440 calories.
  • I am on a 1200 cal diet. I thought it was going to be tough but it really isn't at all. I am on week three and I am rarely hungry anymore. Here is what I changed.
    I take a multi vitamin pack every day. I think this has helped with my cravings because I am finally getting what my body needs. Almost every morning I have a protine shake. Sometimes I add a banana or strawberries and always add Flax seed. Keeps me full for a few hours. the rest of the day I just eat smart. if i am hungry for a snack, instead of grabbing that "low cal" granola bar thats abouit 130 calories and doesn't fill me up, I eat a nice salad with low fat dressing, or some carrots, celery and cucumbers, maybe a few unsalted almonds.
    Another thing I HAVE to do is make my dinners taste really good! I make sure I substitute ground beef or pork for turkey, I have a great salmon recipe, i cook only enough meat and startches for 1 portion and ALOT of veggies.
    Also remember to drink ALOT of water! Sometimes you eat when you are really just thirsty, also you will get rid of your water weight that way :) AND DON'T DRINK YOUR CALORIES! No pops or juice.
    And remember, You can always work out for a little extra food. I knew last night i was having people over for the game and Pizza was going to be ordered. I went to the gym and burned an extra 375 calories. I didn't feel guilty eating that pizza.

    Finally, enter your meals in your diary ahead of time. That way you can stick to your goal and know what you are eating.
    Good luck!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    open your diary so we can see what your eating and make suggestions.
  • pinme13
    pinme13 Posts: 52 Member
    1- Dont Drink any of your calories (Soft Drinks ect.)
    2- Eat lower calorie versions of the foods you already love. (Light Sour Cream, low fat yogurt, ice cream ect.)
    3- Eat smaller meals more often.
    4- Use a lot of veggies you can eat tons of veggies for very few calories.
    5- Excercising lets you up your calorie intake a bit without risking no loss.

    Good luck it is hard at first but within two weeks you will have built a new habit and it will be easier! YOU CAN DO IT!!!:happy:
  • kmal2t
    kmal2t Posts: 21
    it's probably the crap in your cupboard that you've long thought was "food"...drink water instead of soda...eat low fat meats and whole grains...its actually difficult to get enough calories when you eat better food
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