Hey! Can We Talk?!

If you are reading this then you know that I am generally speaking, an all around, fun, nice gal. Upbeat, positive, and friendly too, not at all anti-social....

However, several times this week I have been annoyed beyond what I suppose is reasonable, while at the gym. I take my work outs seriously. I am trying to take care of some serious business here folks. I am dedicated, determined and just not screwin' around. My time is limited and alloted. I have a plan to execute.

So I just need to say if you happen to see me at the Y and I am running full throtle on the elliptical, eyes closed, completely engrossed in my zone, sweat pouring outta me, you can see that I am busy, right?

Why would someone who is an acquaintence mind you, not even a good friend, stand in front of me (until you know the feeling that you get when someone is watching you), I open my eyes and there before me is another mom who is motioning me to pull the plug out my out of my ear...while Rihanna is blasting in my head..and I am moving at a 13.2 pace. I oblige, thinking she must need to talk to me. "How are you!? "You LOOK Greeeeat! What have been up to?!":noway:

REALLY? having now slowed to 10.7, and trying not to act perturbed, I respond as best as possible and try to indicate that UMMM>this is not the best time to chat...by just putting my earbud back in my ear and giving a little wave, as if to say "see ya!" She wanders off and I try to get back to where I was in my head. Earbud back in place, eyes back to being closed, and pace being picked up. Geesh. Rihanna has moved on without me but that is okay 'cause B.E.P are up and I'm back to what I am there to do.:noway: NOT KIDDING, within three minutes, she was back...same exact scenario. At some point, I realized she was standing there in front of me, AGAIN. Wanting me to take out my earbud, AGAIN. SERIOUSLY? Once again, I am polite, don't wanna be flat out rude, on the other hand, who is being rude here? :devil:

Out with the earbud, down with the pace, and I have a look on my face that surely must have matched my attitude..she starts in again about my looking like I have lost weight (shocking!) and how she has been to the doctor, and she needs to lose weight and she is seeing a nutritionist, blah blah, blah....

:grumble: :noway: OMG! "So, what are doing to lose the weight?" Finally I just said: "I am at the end of my workout and I need to finish it up, can we talk later?" It finally struck her, and she went to get on a machine. Good for her.

At this point my rythm is off, my playlist is way ahead of my time and I am annoyed. Okay, I say to myself, it's cool, I'll just take it back to Rhianna and pick it up from there. good. It's all good.

BACK in the zone, workin' hard, sweating, just where I wanna be. Along comes a gal who used to be in a class that I was in. She gets on the machine next to me, sees me and WHAT?! Starts talking to me!!! "How are you?!" So, I see you didn't sign up again"...on and on, (pace back down to a 10), while she tells me about how whatever time she comes to work out is great for her kids' schedule and their lunch....:mad:

ONCE AGAIN, I try not be rude, but I am like..".I need to finish up my workout"....smile politely and just completely switch to a different playlist, obviously I was not meant to get through this one today.

I like people. I'd love to know what is going on with you,and your kids and your ex... and given the chance I am happy to share my (MFP) secret for my diet and exercise. I am interested in you and your kids and all of that, really I am.. talk to me in the locker room, tell me what's going on with you in the parking lot, give me call at home..

:angry: BUT PLEASE.....don't talk to me when I am compeletely engrossed in my workouts! LEAVE ME ALONE I AM BUSY!!!! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!!!:explode:

Thanks for reading! Feel a little better now!


  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    lol.......i feel ya!!!!!!!!!!!:ohwell:
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    I totally understand that! It used to wind me up when i went to the gym before as my mate and my bf of the time - now an ex - joined the same gym....so we travel together....fine! But then we get to working out and thats when they talk and talk and shadow you! So one day i shadowed them....and they got ratty with me =/
  • kmac420
    kmac420 Posts: 24
    yup I'd be irritated. i think that's why i like long trail runs sometimes... there is no one to bother you and it really makes you feel at peace.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Amen Sister!!!!
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I totally agree!!!
  • TboneNast
    yup I'd be irritated. i think that's why i like long trail runs sometimes... there is no one to bother you and it really makes you feel at peace.

    This is the best way. Machines are no substitute for human feet on natural terrain! Plus you wont' run into any annoying flesh robots :)
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    i go to an all women gym so yeah i feel you so now what i do is have my music blasting and if someone trying to talk i pretend i dont hear them and smile and move own really fast lol
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    And THIS is why I don't do the gym. (But, I totally understand that the gym is what works for some people and there are tons of good reasons to keep going.) I just can't stand sharing ME-time with random, inconsiderate people.

    Sorry that happened to you. The volume button is your friend.

    Also...it doesn't sound like these acquaintanceships are important to you to maintain, so maybe just be blunt?
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    don't you wish they could anonymously see your post here? LOL

    I'm right there with you...
    Today it was my kids...I was doing running intervals and ingrossed in my show and they come down to THEIR playroom to play with THEIR toys. And I got mad. LOL I can't blame them for wanting to play but why is it that whenever I head downstairs to one of the million rooms that have toys in this house, they have to follow.....OK thanks for letting me "rant"

    Sneaking back downstairs now LOL
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    I hear ya, that is one of the key reasons I work out at home! No distractions :smile:
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    the worst is when you are in the middle of a workout and somebody comes to the door and you are huffing and puffing and obviously really sweaty and the person wants to stand there and talk and not get the hint that you are in the middle of bettering yourself... Or when the phone rings and you answer and they think you have run to the phone... really? would I be huffing this hard if I ran two steps to the couch?
  • Chynadoll00
    Just by reading it I felt like telling her..... GO AWAY PLEASE WAIT UNTIL SHE IS DONE! LOL...
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    You're awesome. I would of been going crazy! I know what you mean though, when you are pounding it out and it is taking all that you have to focus, you don't need the distraction! Crazy! Glad you got your workout done!
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I can totally relate to this! LOL even though it wasn't/isn't funny really.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    I totally understand that! It used to wind me up when i went to the gym before as my mate and my bf of the time - now an ex - joined the same gym....so we travel together....fine! But then we get to working out and thats when they talk and talk and shadow you! So one day i shadowed them....and they got ratty with me =/
    Right?! Why can guys be totally serious about working out but if a woman does it, she's just being "cute"?
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    yea I agree I hate when somebody comes up and wants to "catch" up with what happen over the last week. It is hard enough to run and breath the right way much as less talk and run....but those people are special and we must treat them that way.