I love this app....

I put my belt on this morning , and I went down a notch on my belt.... I was so surprised and of course really happy ! That means I have lost some inches..... I love this app.... I also walk 2 1/2 miles every night with my husband.... I wear a pedometer at work (I am a Pharmacy Tech), so I can see just how much I walk in the Pharmacy during my 8 hours that I am there.... I walked 3 1/2 miles today in an 8 hours shift.... that doesn't seem like much, but it sure helps


  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    That is great. I hope you have a great weight loss journey. Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    seems like a lot to me. I'd be happy to walk that much...I've been a bit of a couch potato :-(

    Great job though! Keep it up!
  • dlange64
    dlange64 Posts: 15
    I did find out that everytime I go down a notch in my belt.... that means I have lost an inch..... so I guess this is one way of being able to tell when I lose an inch!!
  • ldlangford
    Great job! I need to do better at adding in exercise to my schedule!
  • dlange64
    dlange64 Posts: 15
    I also bought the WII FIT PLUS..... it is fun to work out with and it helps keep track of your weight and your BMI.....
  • dlange64
    dlange64 Posts: 15
    I bought a pedometer so I could keep track of how much I walk at work, and my husband and I walk at least 2 1/2 miles every night.... that really helps... and using this app helps me alot !! We have changed our eating habits quite a bit, we eat alot of fruit and I love my granola mixed with vanilla yogurt and blue berries, that is what I have for breakfast , I also eat alot of instant oatmeal, and drink LOTS of WATER and GREEN TEA.
  • ldlangford
    Yes, I'm hooked on the green tea! I'm trying to drink tea instead of all the coke I use to drink!