Hey all

My name is Yolonda and I just started logging consistently with MFP about a week ago and reading blogs and posts on this site really motivates me to make the necessary nutrition and fitness changes that will allow me to reach my goal. I'm a single woman who has accomplished alot in my life, but weight control has proven to be one of the toughest challenges that I have yet to beat. Because of symptoms of PCOS, fatigue, insulin resistance, thinning hair and the likelihood that I will develop diabetes if I do not change my lifestyle has prompted me to seek spiritual help and also join MFP for encouragement and motivation. I have no other choice at this point but to give it all that I have and drop this "baggage". I love Wii dance games, aerobics classes. I also love watching movies, vacationing and going to theme parks. I want to get back to my old self . ... someone who is outgoing, silly and fun to be around. Getting into an old pair of jeans wouldn't be so bad either. Looking forward to sharing new experiences with you all. Thanks for reading my intro. :smile:



  • ldlangford
    Enjoyed reading your intro. Add me as a friend if you like and we can help support each other!
  • aangrisani
    Welcome Yolanda!! This site will definately help you in achieving your goals. I dont want to seem like a spokesperson or anything, but it has helped me alot and I dont think I would have been able to change my eating habits and lose as much as I have without it! Seeing exactly what I eat and what is in it, has changed the way I think about food and what I am eating. This site is addictive, so get ready for that!! I hope you enjoy the site and meet all of your goals.
  • YolondaNicole
    Thank you both! @Idlangford, I'd be happy to add you as a friend and @aangrisani, I think I'm already addicted to MFP. . . I've been logging and blogging all day :laugh:
  • momtothreegirls
    Feel free to add me too!! You will do great, the people on here are very supportive and encouraging!
  • NicRiv26
    NicRiv26 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello , hope you are having a new weekend. New to MyFitness pal myself, GOOD LUCK!
  • YolondaNicole
    Thanks Christy. . .I feel the support and encouragement already :smile:
  • YolondaNicole
    @NicRiv26 Thanks, actually I'm at the beach. . . It was a breezy and rainy day! Luckily I survived the tornado watch :laugh: . . . Other than that I'm having a wonderful weekend. Hopefully I can make it back home in time to go ride the new "Intimidator" rollercoaster at Carrowinds tomorrow :smile:
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    You can add me too if you'd like! I love this website!