Anyone else struggling?

I started this whole process with good intentions but I'm finding it SO HARD to stay away from the yummy fattening foods. I haven't exercised in years so 15 minutes on the elliptical makes me feel like I'm about to pass out! I hate feeling weak, like I can't do this....


  • crusinforlosin
    Nice to meet you!

    i hate walking up the stairs at college and feeling .Like I'm about to keel over. I'm on my journey to changin that.
    Don't hesitate to talk to me :)
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I started out that way too, but trust me your endurance increases quickly! in a few weeks you'll be amazed at the things you can do! as far as the cravings go, those never go away :-/
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    It's a tough process and life style change, but if you keep at it you will get there. Believe me, it's worth it. I've been all over the scale and I feel better all the way around when I'm eating right and exercising. It feels so good to be able to wear what you want and feel comfortable in your clothes. Just don't give up!!!!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Absolutely! I was a couch potato for years, and have decided to make a lifestyle change and do this the "right" way. I had to start out very small -- I finally hooked up my Wii and started using Wii Fit. Granted, it's a fairly easy workout, and I started out small. They had me do about 5 minutes of running in place behind the cartoon character on the island, and I thought I was going to die. I didn't like that part of the program -- YUCK! 30 days later, I am doing the Free Run, and regularly do this for 10, 20, or 30 minute intervals!

    My goal is to transition my running outside. I tried a couple of weeks ago, and again, almost died! So now I'm starting with walking the route with my dog (she seems to like it!) and will continue training on the Wii Fit free run until I can actually run the same amount of "real" miles as I do "virtual".

    Keep at it -- even 15 minutes at a time makes a HUGE difference!
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    You CAN do this! I have days where I struggle, especially when I keep snacks in the house for the kids. Take it one day at a time, in time it should get easier to say no to those fattening foods and exercising will also get easier. Feel free to add me! We're all in this journey together! Best of luck, you came to the right place for motivation and support! It's be a remarkable find for me!
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    It's a real struggle at first, but once you get going, it is SO amazing how much better you feel on those machines and going up stairs and all those other little things you couldn't do without gasping for breath! The cravings never stop, but in time you will find yourself easily deciding against them instead of that internal struggle of whether or not to give in to temptation. You can do it!!
  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    I kind of go back and forth. Sometimes I'm totally motivated and sometimes I'm struggling. One thing that really motivates me is when you close out your food journal for the day and it tells you that if you keep it up you'll be at ___ in five weeks.
  • annastacia10
    Once you add in the veggies and fruits and get away from processed foods you will not have those cravings anymore. Trust me. It kindof makes me sick to my stomach to even think of any kind of fast food now. As far as the exercise goes, everyone feels that way starting out, but the longer you stick with it the stronger you will get. Start out in baby steps and you will get to the leaps and bounds. If you want it badly enough, you can get there. And you will feel better and that is the ultimate goal. Your whole perspective will change. You will want to work out instead of not, you will want good foods instead of the bad. I wish you all the best in your journey here!
  • nano51424
    You can do this! The elliptical was hard for me too when I started on it, I only made it for 11 minutes and that was stopping about 7 times! Each time shoot for a little longer. Cravings are natural and while they won't go away, keep in mind how you want to look in feel in a few weeks, months and etc. Good Luck! I'm rooting for you...
  • ashleymichelle06
    ashleymichelle06 Posts: 47 Member
    Nice to meet you as well!

    I just started this weight loss journey, and it feels like I'm starting in Maine and have to walk to Alaska or something. It just feels so overwhelming and daunting. I really want this, though. I'm just getting frustrated with myself for being unable to finish a full 30 minute workout, for cheating on my diet, etc.

    It'll be nice to get some support. God knows I don't get any from my family/friends. It's like they've always known Fat Ashley and they don't ever expect that I can/will change.
  • Jex_7
    Jex_7 Posts: 20
    :wink: I know the feeling of wanting to give up, Dont!!!!! So what if you can only do 15 min for right now, at least you are trying! I just started doing this program and love it because i dont have any other support. I can only do 30 min on a stationary bike but we have to start somewhere right??? as for the yummy fatty food, well we arnt perfect HOWEVER if you are going to have some just take what ever it is that you are going to eat and cut it in half and put it away. I know that sounds silly but thats what i do to help me from over eating the bad stuff, and if possible find healthier options, even if its a lower calorie version every little bit counts! YOU can do this!! believe in yourself because you deserve it like we all do! Hope i helped, even just alittle :smile:
  • Monsherri
    Monsherri Posts: 69
    I just started too. Only a couple of weeks. I am making the smallest goals and letting myself really celebrate them. Like walking 10 miles this week or trying to stay under my sugar goal. Drinking more water is another biggie. I hop on here a lot and read the testimonies. Stay strong!! It'll be worth it. Oh....and I have not lost a pound. In fact, I gained! All well...I'm feeling good.
  • naebear99
    naebear99 Posts: 73
    It's a struggle - especially the first part. But in two months, I went from four minutes on the elliptical (and wishing I could just die now, please) to going almost 30, and feeling pretty good after - only a bit tired.

    Best of all, I've noticed I walk faster, navigate stairs more easily, and find myself having a hard time standing still for all the extra energy! If it does that well for me (a 250-ish lb woman standing toe-to-toe with her 40th birthday), it will surely do at least as well for you, with a little persistence.

    One word of advice, straight from the trainer I talk to - find your groove - the speed and intensity you feel you could carry on at for a while. Then, either increase your speed by 50% for a minute or so, or increase the intensity a couple notches for a minute or so. When you dial it back, it will seem easier, and you'll probably be moving faster, actually. Keep doing that, challenging your current definition of "hard". Eventually, what was hard becomes easy - believe me.
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    When I started out I was passing out after 10 minutes on a glider and now i'm running 5K 3 nights a week. It will get easier. Start small so you don't discourage yourself. Make and obtainable goal and work towards that. Good luck =)
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Remember, this is a life journey and not a short term goal. If you log like crazy, do a little bit of exercising, and stay positive, you'll meet your weight-loss goal.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    I'm just getting frustrated with myself for cheating on my diet, etc.

    This mindset is a problem... it sets you up for failure. This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle. If you see this is a temporary way to eat, you may lose the weight, but you will gain it back. Each time you make a poor choice, stop, think about what caused you to make that choice, and consider the different ways you have to correct it next time. As you learn about yourself, you will figure out how to make better choices next time.

    See this as a journey. The behavior changes are the most important part of this and are the key to success.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    OMG - When I started I was doing 3 minutes on the Cross Trainer - now I can easily do 30 minutes - and chatter away while I am doing it...... Just keep on getting back on it - and do a little bit more every week - it is sooo worth it!! After a while you will not believe the energy you all of a sudden have.

    On the eating front - For me it really worked to go "cold turkey" and start eating clean..... I could eat so much more if I pilled up the vegetables than if I was eating a burger or something high in fat / sugar. You will be amazed at how much you can actually eat - if you eat the right stuff!!

    Good luck - you can do it - and even though it is hard to start - it is soooo worth it!!
  • ashleymichelle06
    ashleymichelle06 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I definitely want these changes to be long term, not a temporary fix. I have a little girl to set a good example for.
  • debruhf
    debruhf Posts: 196 Member
    It's been a real battle for me lately......I've lost my motivation.
  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    It's been a real battle for me lately......I've lost my motivation.

    you hit your first two mini goals (which are actually pretty big goals. 30ish pounds lost is a lot). how can you lose motivation now? you are practically at 140 already. imagine how awesome you'll look at 140. imagine walking around the house without the extra weight. imagine looking at movie stars and thinking "they've got nothing on me. i'm in better shape and better looking. they should be paying me millions of dollars."

    you are almost there.