Something's gotta give

I just quit Weight Watchers for the millionth time and am looking for something that doesn't cost an arm and a leg but still works...I'm hoping this is it! I love the excitement on this site! :)


  • iambayd
    iambayd Posts: 235
    This site is so awesome and so free! Log everything and throw in some exercise and you'll see results in no time. Love your username btw! Lol :)
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I did Jenny Craig about 7 years ago and couldn't stay with it. The food wasn't real life. Found this site about 2 years ago and love it. It allows me to live life and learn how to eat healthy and lose weight at the same time. The people on this site are amazing and there is tons of advice given. This is a lifestyle change so it might as well be free!! Stay accountable and stick with it :) Good luck on your journey.
  • SimplyDeLish
    WW is a tough one...I always got the group leader who had lost a total of 10 pounds trying to tell me how to lose 200...just didn't work. lol MFP is a great tool to keep track of what you put in your mouth as well as your exercise. It's up to you to make the healthy choices - and you will because YOU are worth it!
  • annastacia10
    I did Weight Watchers about 6-7 years ago and lost 47 pounds. Gained it back over the last 2 years due to an overloaded work schedule plus plain neglecting myself. I tried WW again in Nov. 2010 and gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks sticking to the plan. Joined MFP in Jan. 2011 and I'm down 26 pounds. I think you will find this easier and more economical. The only thing I think is tough here is actually knowing how many calories you I am investing in getting my old Heart Rate Monitor up to speed and buying the chest strap/transmitter that is no longer working to lose my last 15 pounds. Good luck and you CAN lose weight here!
  • vcp214
    vcp214 Posts: 23 Member
    Another former WWer here, made lifetime and gained some weight back. This site is great and I hope you find it helpful!
  • raezach
    raezach Posts: 5 Member
    I've not done WW's, but I find if I log everything I eat, it makes it easier for me to stay on track. I'm on a 1,200 calorie a day diet and and using the MFP app on my phone helps keep me honest. Good Luck!!!
  • KimDavisinAZ
    Heaven Help Us!!!
  • onlikedonkeykong
    onlikedonkeykong Posts: 3 Member
    I just laughed out loud over the comment about a leader who'd lost 10 lbs...amen!! I think one time I had a leader who had lost 25...big whoop. I'm sure any amount overweight is painful to the person carrying it, so I'm not dissing that at all, it's just frustrating when you say something about emotionally eating or whatever and they look at you like you are an alien! :)
  • littledebbie25
    littledebbie25 Posts: 5 Member
    I've had some success over the years with Weight Watchers, but it really was a crapshoot on what leader you get. I don't have the time or the money for meetings now with 2 little ones under foot. I've been tracking on my own using various eating plans on MFP and it has been great (I started with an Atkins like approach and have moved to a more balanced combination of foods now). All the eating plans were feasible using MFP. You can really customize it for what works for you.