Eating healthy while traveling

I'm going on a 5 day tour of Washington, DC with a group of middle school kids. Any suggestions on how I can stay on my diet while there? I know we'll be eating all our meals out.


  • diegelman
    diegelman Posts: 55 Member
    Lol when I went I walked more than 11 miles a day just to see the sights! There's tons of extra calories for you right there.
  • bjscren
    bjscren Posts: 9 Member
    Now that's a happy thought! Good point!!
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    luckily for you washington is the kind of state where you could probably go and eat healthy even when eating out

    i just got back from vegas and found that i gained five lbs >_<

    i think if you stay away from fried stuff and make sure you check your sandwiches for giant globs of mayo you should be just fine, especially with all the walking youll be doing
  • xlacijeanx
    xlacijeanx Posts: 232 Member
    Eating out can be tough. Remember portion control- ask for no added salt- steamed or grilled veggies or fruit as your sides always- Drink H2O with lemon- if all else fails and you wind up at mickey d's- go with the kids meals lol Have a great trip and if you're exercising like crazy- dont worry too much! :)
  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    im a huge advocate of mcdonalds chicken nugget kids meals with apples! if you get a diet drink its only a collective 150 calories!


    plus toys! ;}

    i wish they had carrots tho
  • BeeHummingbird
    I had the same worry when going on holidays, but with all the walking and making the right choices in food, especially in the states
    the servings are so big, I would order entrée' size servings with added veggies or salads. I actual lost weight while traveling,
    hope that helps to stay on track...................
  • bjscren
    bjscren Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the great advice! It would be so great if I could actually lose weight like you did, bdeguara! I'm determined to keep eating healthy because I know if I don't I'll have a hard time getting back on track. And I'm sure we'll be eating at mickey d's at least a few times so I'll try the chicken nugget kids meals. Thanks again for the good ideas and encouragement.
  • redhead91
    redhead91 Posts: 251
    im a huge advocate of mcdonalds chicken nugget kids meals with apples! if you get a diet drink its only a collective 150 calories!

    The nuggets alone are 190 calories for 4. Add the sauce, apples and caramel that's a lot more than 150....
  • Mellissande
    While in DC if your group is anything like mine, You'll be walking EVERY where EVERY day. So as long as you're not going crazy you should be ok. When I went on a 7 day trip in High School I lost weight and we had Chinese every night if that tells you just HOW much we walked lol
  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    One word: SALADS
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    im a huge advocate of mcdonalds chicken nugget kids meals with apples! if you get a diet drink its only a collective 150 calories!

    The nuggets alone are 190 calories for 4. Add the sauce, apples and caramel that's a lot more than 150....

    Not to mention that chicken nuggets are highly processed.... but I digress.

    If you have a heart monitor, wear it. You may be doing a fair bit of walking but unless you're walking from site to site you may not be burning a ton of calories. If you have a way to track your output that will help you know just how cautious you have to be with your selections.

    Finding good on the go food in D.C. was hard for me when I was there in September. And it was all expensive. If you know in advance you're going to be eating in places like McDonald's, do the research now and find out what your best options are. Also, pack some apples, string cheese, and other portable goodies for snacking. Pack some Clif Builders bars, if all else fails it's 270 calories of well balanced nutrition, 20 grams of protein!! I have been traveling recently and found that have half a Clif Builder bar has saved me a couple of times when the rest of the crowd wasn't ready to go out to eat but was ready to sit and have "snacks" and drinks.

    If all else fails, do your best. It's one week out of your life. Dust yourself off and get on with the healthy choices that are important to you when you return home.
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    Ya how is an entire kids meal 150 cals?? I'd be mad to know my kids weren't getting enough calories lol.