New and a little confused

keilahrose Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I was just told yesterday about this site and I thought it might be helpful to me and literally just signed up a couple of hours ago and have been looking around the site. The things that I have found seem like they are going to help me much but am having trouble figuring out how you enter all the information that is needed to help you keep track of everything.

That being said, I am happy to be here and ready to make this much needed change in my life and I hope it's a complete life style change. I need to loose about 100lbs. and with the help of this site, family and friends, the encouragement of those going through the same journey, and most importantly God I can get this done.


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Welcome :flowerforyou: I love this community and hope you do also!
  • jadebugs
    jadebugs Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome! havn't beeen here long myself but it's great so far:)
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome!! This site is very useful and supportive. Good Luck on your journey. Feel free to add me if you wish :smile:
  • Welcome and the best of luck to you. I have been using this site for a little over a month and love it.
  • Welcome!! this site is awesome!! It's great to read how others are doing it really helps me keep going... good luck with your journey to a new lifestyle

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Trudger
    Trudger Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome! I have been here about three weeks and also have about 100 pounds to lose. This site has been tremendous already and I look forward to it continuing to be a blessing in my weight loss efforts.

    Just look around and you will find out how to do things easily. It is pretty user friendly and there are plenty of friendly users to help if you need it.

    The food diary is the place that was most helpful to me. Click the Food Tab at the top and then just follow the screens. You can also enter your exercise information, and weight as often as you like.

    Good luck and WELCOME to the journey!
  • Welcome to MFP, It's a great site and has veyr benificial in helping me a 21 pound weight lost. Good luck in your journey and be patient.:happy:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Welcome on board, I've found this to be a great site/app.
    To get started go to the home tab and click goals. Then you can enter your details and MFP will do the maths for you and add your daily calorie goal to your diary.
  • ndeannal
    ndeannal Posts: 2
    Welcome. I started using this site again, the first of the year. My husband and I were told about this site about 2 years ago. We started using it, and then got lazy. But January 1, 2011 we started back on this trail. In 1991 I took off 90 pounds. Got a promotion, long hours and irregular eating habits...well you probably know the story. Anyway, I decided again that I needed to get back on the track and take care of me. So here we are again. This site works well, if you work at it. My daughter started using this site too, but even made the comment, well if you eat a cookie and don't put it in, it doesn't help. Yep right about that. I have been a little lax about getting exercising in everyday, but I do watch my portions and make better choices. I can have that slice of pizza if I really want it, but then look to see whatelse I can have that day. Most of the time I pass on the pizza, but sometimes I dont. Good luck to you and your quest. Remember the weight didn't get there overnight and it is really is one meal at a time...and 1 lb at a time. Look at the little goals and you will make it.
  • Do you have a smart phone? If so download the free app, I just started on the message board a few days ago but I have been using the phone app for about a month and I have lost 17 pounds, I find having it on my phone helps me make the right choices, I log what I am going to eat BEFORE I eat it and that really helps me keep on track! This is the first message board that I have ever been on and have found it quite easy to use, just took me a few to get my profile all set up! Gook luck and Welcome!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It takes a little time to figure every thing out but you will. Welcome and good luck.
  • Thanks to all for your messages. They are already an encouragement to me. Yes its going to be a long slow journey(the way I like it) but in the end its all going to be worth it. For me this journey is not just about loosing the weight, which is a plus, but for me its more about a new and healthier lifestyle. Thanks again for all your kind words and encouragement, and good luck to all of you on your journeys as well.
  • Darrickb
    Darrickb Posts: 27
    welcome! keeping track of my food really helps me. the ability to scan the food is one of the best ways for me to pt food in my diary. good luck!
  • Darrickb
    Darrickb Posts: 27
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 315 Member
    MFP is extremely user friendly and the people here are wonderful. You will find the motivation and support you need, I'm sure. Soon you will be addicted to it and wonder how you ever lived without it! Well, maybe that's just me. I hope you find your way around and there's so many helpful people here if you get stuck on anything. :) Good luck!
  • Welcome to MFP!! I haven't been here long either, but I LOVE IT! Keeping track of everything I put into my mouth and letting them track my calories is awesome! The people are so supportive, and always ready to give advice and encouragement!

    I wish you the best in your weight lose journey, and if you need a friend for support, feel free to add me! GOOD LUCK! :)
  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
    I have just joined as well, it does look very promising!
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