
hi guys,

i have a huge favour to ask! :flowerforyou:

i am doing an assignment about Diabetes for one of my subjects in college. as part of the assignment i have to complete a few interviews/questionnaires. i am looking for about 2-4 people who have diabetes or if you are a parent with a child that has diabetes. i will send you a questionnaire that has maybe 10 or so questions on it and would be grateful if these people could send the answered questions back to me. it will be over the next 3 weeks maybe i could contact you guys with questions etc

if you would like to help me out i would really appreciate it, all questionnaires are completely private, the only people that will see them are myself and my lecturer. you can leave out your names if you prefer, the only info i need is sex and age, that would be great.

i chose diabetes as i dont know much information about it and would like to be more aware of the needs of people with diabetes. my course is 'special needs assistant'

thanks guys & good luck with your weight loss this week, here sipping a glass of water after dinner, i really want some choccie :blushing:

ps the only thing i can offer is POINTS if you are a member of www.bookmooch.com i can send you some points to use on books as a thank you :drinker:


  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hi guys,

    i have a huge favour to ask! :flowerforyou:

    i am doing an assignment about Diabetes for one of my subjects in college. as part of the assignment i have to complete a few interviews/questionnaires. i am looking for about 2-4 people who have diabetes or if you are a parent with a child that has diabetes. i will send you a questionnaire that has maybe 10 or so questions on it and would be grateful if these people could send the answered questions back to me. it will be over the next 3 weeks maybe i could contact you guys with questions etc

    if you would like to help me out i would really appreciate it, all questionnaires are completely private, the only people that will see them are myself and my lecturer. you can leave out your names if you prefer, the only info i need is sex and age, that would be great.

    i chose diabetes as i dont know much information about it and would like to be more aware of the needs of people with diabetes. my course is 'special needs assistant'

    thanks guys & good luck with your weight loss this week, here sipping a glass of water after dinner, i really want some choccie :blushing:

    ps the only thing i can offer is POINTS if you are a member of www.bookmooch.com i can send you some points to use on books as a thank you :drinker:
  • chrissalyn
    Hi Realta!

    Type 1 Diabetic here. I'll be happy to fill out a questionnaire for you! Just send me a message, and we'll get this going.

    Good Luck!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    type 2 here. i will be happy to help you....just mssg me....
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Type 2--PM me what you need to know.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    thanks so much for your help guys, i really appreciate it :drinker:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    hi guys,

    does anyone know how long the messages in your inbox stay there for?

    i cant find the answers to the Q's i sent you guys

  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    bumpty bump

    help :noway:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    just check my mail to resend it to you and it says at the bottom, 30 days. then they are deleted
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    I'm a Type 2, I'll help where I can :drinker:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i went to look back at them and type them out and they are gone :cry: