Weight watchers?

HunnieM Posts: 37
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Have any of you lovelies been on weight watchers? If so how is it, what's it like? I'm thinking about trying it but I need more info on it from people who have done it

So please let me know! It will be greatly appreciated! :smile:


  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I did Weight Watchers for a few months in 2009 and have kept the weight off. The teach valuable lessons about behavior modification techniques, so in that respect, I think going to WW for a while is a good approach to try. The weigh-ins are confidential, and I think having weekly meetings helps to stay focused.
  • One of my closest friends did it. She lost 70 lbs over the course of a year. She loved it, but she also did the exercise along with it so that helped greatly.

    This is what happened with her.
    The left two pictures are her at the beginning, the two on the right are her now.

  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427 Member
    i am a member. i joined yesterday but i have been doing the points plan(all info is availalbe online) since feb and have lost 13lbs.
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    My best friend lost 140 pounds with WW...BUT she gained it all back. You have to keep at it and keep counting your points.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I tried it in the past and didn't do well. For me it seemed that I did not connect to anyone, so there was little encouragement or support when I needed it. I've heard others who connected to their leaders did much better.
  • h2onut
    h2onut Posts: 164
    I've done it. I did really well on it after my 1st child (lost 45 lbs), tried again after my 2nd but didn't do great at all (I don't think I was quite ready). If you're someone who needs/wants the face-to-face interraction/accountability, it's great. I have seen a lot of folks on here who have tried the new plan and aren't big fans - too many 'free' foods and you end up eating way more calories than you burn.

    I am finding that MFP is just as good, if not better though AND... it's free:D
  • watsy72
    watsy72 Posts: 3
    i have been on WW and i am still following it (kinda). It works only if you are mentally ready to do it (like everything eles) we have to put our mind to it. But what i like about it is you are not resticted, you can eat everything you want but only in portions. good luck you will do it!
  • I lost 50 lbs on WW in a little over 6 months and just started with MFP. I reached lifetime on WW and plan to phase that tracking out and go totally on this. It really worked for me. The key is to measure and track everything you eat.
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I'm a HUGE ww advocate but need to ask..... Why, if you've already found mfp, do you think you need ww?
    I did ww off and on for years with great results. Now I'm on mfp and like it just as much if not more as ww.
    I say stick with mfp for a while. You will lose weight on either program if you stick with it.
  • Lost_it
    Lost_it Posts: 290 Member
    I did WW over 20 years ago. I am doing the "old version" of it now. I am counting calories instead of the points right now. I did three months online with the points to see if I liked it. It is ok but I like to see the actual calories that I am eating. I bought the WW Complete Food Companion, Dining out Companion & calculator last year (on Ebay). They are very handy if you are going to do the points program. I bought them so when I go back to doing the points program I do not have to go to meetings or pay to do it online. I will eventually go back to the point program once I get used to seeing how much a portion of certain foods are without having to weigh everything.

    Good Luck
  • AScarbrough19
    AScarbrough19 Posts: 124 Member
    I am a liftetime member and reached my ww goal over 2 years ago. I loved my leader and the group I attended. It really was the support and connections that added to my success. So I think it depends what you are looking for. MFP has the same educational material only in a different format...calories vs. points. The support is great but online is very different than in person. Good Luck with whatever you do!
  • flyingspatulas
    flyingspatulas Posts: 97 Member
    I lost 40 lbs on WW about 6 years ago and really enjoyed it, but I feel like I get the same benefits from MFP (which is free!). Neither WW nor MFP will work for you if you're not dedicated to it, so just pick what works for you. :)
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