What's the one bad habit you're going to fight to get rid of



  • BeesKnees123
    Weighing myself multiple times a day. I mean really! Once a day is fine, especially if I'm over-eating. If I'm eating clean, then once a week is better.
  • NettieGirl4ever
    NettieGirl4ever Posts: 12 Member
    First was my coffee...I'm one of those "flavored-creamer-with-a-bit-of-coffee" drinkers. Now I'm battling being the mommy vacuum! I have 2 younger kids, and it's difficult NOT to wanna finish the last little bits on their plates. :-(
  • poppins1981
    Know how I keep from hoovering the plates of my kids? I just think about all of the nasty back-wash germs that are floating around in their potatoes and gravy. That usually does the trick.
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 313 Member
    Know how I keep from hoovering the plates of my kids? I just think about all of the nasty back-wash germs that are floating around in their potatoes and gravy. That usually does the trick.

    That's pretty much why I NEVER eat or drink after anyone. If someone so much as touches my food or takes a sip of my drink, it's theirs... I no longer want it anymore. Too many people don't wash their hands and backwash is nastay!!
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    cigarettes and crisps.
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    So what are you guys going to do to replace your bad habits? I think that's the key to not feeling like you are punishing yourself and doing without.

    Hang in there and stick with it. We can kick these bad habits together!
  • NettieGirl4ever
    NettieGirl4ever Posts: 12 Member
    Know how I keep from hoovering the plates of my kids? I just think about all of the nasty back-wash germs that are floating around in their potatoes and gravy. That usually does the trick.
    :laugh: :laugh:
    Well, if it were potatoes and gravy, id leave it! It's the Mac n cheese, etc!:smile: