Hi guys, I think I've been in a plateau for a few months now and i finally realized it. I think my body is too used to my normal workout routine and I need to up the intensity and switch up my workouts.. (along with change in nutrition but that's another topic haha)

My normal workout routine lately is 30 mins of cardio (arc trainer, elliptical, or running) and then 45 mins of weights. I dont think I'm doing it intensely enough though. I only have about 10-15 more lbs to lose and would like to work on toning now too.

I hear so much about 30DS and Chalean Extreme...Have any of you tried these and seen great results? Again I'm looking for 10-15 lbs of weight loss and LOTS of toning.

I find I get bored with DVDs, but I love going to the gym. AH I'm so stuck!!

I own Insanity as well....should I just do the complete Insanity program and then see how I look and where I'm at??

Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Sorry my post was kinda random and all over the place LOL

xx Ash


  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I recommend doing the insanity I have several friends who have done it and lost a lot of weight plus it will help you get over your plateau.....just my 2 cents...
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Looks to me that you are way under your calories. Remember its 80% diet and 20% exercise

    add more calories in and lower carbs. help me every time my body gets used to something
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    I have read several times that those last few pounds can be the most difficult to get rid of, but reading your post, it seems you already know what you need to do, and you just want someone else to say, "yes, do this".....wellll....................

    "YES, DO THAT" haha

    perhaps changing your cardio to interval, sometimes the actual burn from the exercise is not as high, but the length of the burn after is longer.

    I would also try changing the "routine' of your exercises,,,sometimes just alternating the exercises, ie if you typically start with chest presses on your chest day, maybe start with a cable pull instead,,,,am I making sense?....and for toning,,,lighter weight with high reps.

    good luck

    oh,,,can also try to eat clean and lean for a week, if you're that "powerful" in your will.................me I'm not there yet haha
  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    Michelle- you totally got me!! Hahaha I just need someone to say SUCK IT UP AND DO IT! lol! Thanks for the advice!

    Naomi- I am usually pretty close to my calorie limit, I def ate more today but it was bad so I didn't log lol thank you for the advice!!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Michelle- you totally got me!! Hahaha I just need someone to say SUCK IT UP AND DO IT! lol! Thanks for the advice!

    Naomi- I am usually pretty close to my calorie limit, I def ate more today but it was bad so I didn't log lol thank you for the advice!!

    Oh! Haha cant always tell since you arent on my friends list!

    I would try eating clean :] and if you are having a really tough time check into carb cycling. Its hard but I have seen the best results from it :]
  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    Michelle- you totally got me!! Hahaha I just need someone to say SUCK IT UP AND DO IT! lol! Thanks for the advice!

    Naomi- I am usually pretty close to my calorie limit, I def ate more today but it was bad so I didn't log lol thank you for the advice!!

    Oh! Haha cant always tell since you arent on my friends list!

    I would try eating clean :] and if you are having a really tough time check into carb cycling. Its hard but I have seen the best results from it :]

    Hm carb cycling?! Sounds interesting and I def need help with carbs..I'll be looking into it! Thank you!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    and for toning,,,lighter weight with high reps.


    Toning: adding muscle, reducing fat. Adding muscle is not done with low weights and high reps. Refer 1st and 3rd link in my sig.

    Ash15Nicole: I would highly recommend having a good thorough read of the first link in my sig. There is seriously a HEAP of good information that is specific to people with minimal amounts of weight to lose. And especially those that are fixated on a number on a scale as opposed to how they actually feel.
  • srhatten
    srhatten Posts: 28
    What exactly is carb cycling? Sounds like something I need to do, lol
  • ftoddw
    ftoddw Posts: 37 Member
    Maybe a change in workouts will help, but maybe you really aren't at a plateau. You're skinny enough now where healthy fat loss will be slow - really slow, and maybe even as slow as or slower than lean muscle gains. So what that means is that you could actually be making healthy progress and see no movement on the scale - or even small weight gains. Scales don't lie, they just don't tell you what you really need to know, and that is body composition changes, fitness and overall health.

    Do your clothes fit well? Are you feeling healthy and strong? Are you making progress in your endurance and strength? Be healthy, be strong! And be free from the slavery to the bathroom scale!!!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    What exactly is carb cycling? Sounds like something I need to do, lol

    There are a few different types of carb cycling.

    Here is an article with the basics.


    Basically, I try to go by the "earn your carbs" motto. If I am going to workout then I need to fuel that workout, this is the time for carbs. If I am going to sit on my *kitten* all day and do nothing, then I don't need em :)
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I hear you. I'm sitting here at the same weight but I am nowhere near where I want to be. May I ask why you're just eating 500 - 800 cals a day? Your body might be going into starvation mode with that....
  • ash15nicole
    ash15nicole Posts: 131
    I hear you. I'm sitting here at the same weight but I am nowhere near where I want to be. May I ask why you're just eating 500 - 800 cals a day? Your body might be going into starvation mode with that....

    I am eating more than that...sometimes i forgot to log some stuff. and like sunday, I snacked so horribly that I didnt log it. But I do agree that i need to be eating more, healthy meals.