
So I'm kind of curious about zumba. Was wondering what are some youtube videos/DVD's that you zumba users would recommend?Thanks!


  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    there are loads on youtube, lots of people are posting their own version of the shakira waka waka song, some are good some not so, you could spend hours trawling through them lol i'm pretty sure my mate does she's addicted lol
  • mmelaniewalters
    just go and find a class.. u cant tell if u like it unless u give it a go .. i think its not best done on yr own in yr living room .. is best in a big crowd of like minded people having fun .. ( as u prob guessed , im an addict twice a week classes for me ) love it !!!
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    i can't afford classes. Also no time. I work and go to college. And when I'm not doing that, I have to find time to work out and clean and cook meals and bla bla bla. lol. So classes are out of the question. Also, not going to shake my fat in front of a bunch of skinny ppl lolol
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Agree with Mel, see if you can find a class. It is SO much fun and definately better done with a group of people. I do have it on Wii though (for inbetween classes), and that is also very good ......
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Also, not going to shake my fat in front of a bunch of skinny ppl lolol

    I dont think zumba classes are full of skinny people! I hope not anyway, planning on trying one this week or next but the bank holidays are messing things up
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Agree with Mel, see if you can find a class. It is SO much fun and definately better done with a group of people. I do have it on Wii though (for inbetween classes), and that is also very good ......

    Once again, not enough time or money for classes.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Also, not going to shake my fat in front of a bunch of skinny ppl lolol

    I dont think zumba classes are full of skinny people! I hope not anyway, planning on trying one this week or next but the bank holidays are messing things up

    I tried it once in high school... with a skinny friend. Her skinny mom was teaching the class. There were a ton of skinny girls just staring at me and giving me dirty looks. Pointing and whispering. All that crap.
  • tiggys
    tiggys Posts: 32
    I have just been given the Zumba dvd set from my work colleagues. Its great! Try the website. I use these as I can't get to a class now as I work funny hours. It is so much better with a group but if you can't, you can't! I still really enjoy it! I have the toning sticks too! The class I get too every now and then is not full of skinny people ... good luck x
  • WWE_chick
    WWE_chick Posts: 86
    So I'm kind of curious about zumba. Was wondering what are some youtube videos/DVD's that you zumba users would recommend?Thanks!

    I am in the same boat as you. I am a college student i don't have money for a class and i was skeptical about doing it in front of other people, fat or skinny. I like to dance (whether I am good at it or not) so i bought the zumba dvd set. I did browse youtube first and in all honesty I didn't find many videos that could compare with the real thing. My suggestion would be look up the dvds on amazon or youtube, watch the long infomercials and see if you think you'd like it/be able to do it based on that. Or sometimes places like netflix or other movie rental places have workout dvds, or websites have them on demand so you can check it out before buying.
  • mmelaniewalters
    right i have to say , in the class i go to , i would estimate at least 75% of class are what they prob consider themselves as pretty large, im a uk 12 , but still have plenty of wobble , and yr all there for the same reason .. believe me . no one is gonna look at u and think why she here ?? .. we all too busy trying to get the dance moves right :) and laughing when we dont :)

    as far as the money goes .. how much are u saving on not eating all the junk .. make a concious effort to put whatever u would normally spend in a jar , then see , and am sure u will find the money .. no money on cookies = more money for zumba :)
  • mmelaniewalters
    if u feel self concious , drag a mate/ neighbour/relative along with you i guarantee u will love it ! ]
  • mmelaniewalters
    yr right , theyr full of people wanting to be skinny !
  • betharose7
    betharose7 Posts: 53 Member
    There are loads of tracks on YouTube some are good some are terrible, best thing to do is look through and make a nite of your favourites a few of mine are zumba sweat, she's hot and feeling good ( hip hop version) there are so many different styles of dance that there's something for everyone! Hope u like it :D

    P.s I'm a zumba addict and agree with recent posts you can't beat the atmosphere of a class, it's like a party and everyone is too busy having fun to be looking at you, I know u said ur busy and don't have money for classes but if u ever do get the chance pop along to one you'll have a blast!
  • scaryfairy81
    I go to Zumba classes 2-3 times a week, and very skinny women are actually the minority in every single class I've been to. I am one of the smallest usually(I'm less than 5'1" and 120lbs) and I'm definitely NOT skinny haha. My gym is $19 a month with free child care and free classes, but the Zumba instructors do classes at local elementary schools and community centers, usually for $3-5 per class. I also have Wii Zumba but classes are WAY more fun and I am more motivated to exercise when I am not in my house because I have a 14 month old who doesn't like when I work out for some reason lol.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member

    as far as the money goes .. how much are u saving on not eating all the junk .. make a concious effort to put whatever u would normally spend in a jar , then see , and am sure u will find the money .. no money on cookies = more money for zumba :)

    i'm actually spending more money bc produce costs more than junk food.
    And my husband still eats the junk :/ lol
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    I go to Zumba classes 2-3 times a week, and very skinny women are actually the minority in every single class I've been to. I am one of the smallest usually(I'm less than 5'1" and 120lbs) and I'm definitely NOT skinny haha. My gym is $19 a month with free child care and free classes, but the Zumba instructors do classes at local elementary schools and community centers, usually for $3-5 per class.

    Wow. What gym do you go to? Maybe if I squeezed, I could afford that.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    Zumba is terrific and definitely not full of skinny beautiful people, at least not at my gym. I'd skip the dvd and do a class and then if budget is too restrictive find some youtube videos. At least one class will give you a better introduction.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Zumba's definitely not aimed at skinny people!

    It's to help everybody get some form of exercise, no matter what their size. I don't like it personally but I have a friend who's started going who has in the region of 8 stone to lose (and has already lost 1.5!) and she loves it - feels more confident, like she's had a work out and is being proactive.
  • OooLaurenooO
    OooLaurenooO Posts: 227 Member
    I do Zumba in my livingroom & my 11 year old sister join in too (sometimes) we love it! I recoreded of the UK channel fitnessUK. Maybe if budget is tight, Download or find a similar channel and do of an evening with your hubby. Guarentee you BOTH will defo enjoy. it!

    Im starting classes next week at a school near me and it only £4 per class. Better than goin the gym!!