Couch to 5k!!

jen2bthin78 Posts: 32 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
So tomorrow will be day one of my start of c25k journey if anyone wants to join me!! On days it is nice i will run/walk outside and on days when its not so nice i will run / walk on the treadmill!!!


  • genielross
    genielross Posts: 20 Member
    I just finished week 2, good luck!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    best of luck! i just ran my first 5k ever yesterday after doing the program - it's a goodun'! you'll do great!
  • fukuyama
    fukuyama Posts: 43
    I am starting week 2.
    Good luck !
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Will do! I am doing 30 Day Shred and C25K starting tomorrow. And my name is Jenn too!!! =)
  • blizzies
    blizzies Posts: 5
    I am on week 4 of couch to 5k. more running now than walking. i like it but my problem is that i feel so hungry right after. But I must learn to be more wise in my food intake.
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    After being out of the running game for two years I completed the couch to 5k program in March. Since then I have completed 2 5ks and yesterday I completed a 10k. The hardest part for me was the middle of the training program. Stick with it- you will do great!
  • AdamNH79
    AdamNH79 Posts: 5
    I'll do it with you hun, we're got to stick together if we're going to nip this thing in the butt. I think we are finally on the right path to healthy, happy lives. Good luck to us both.:love:
  • karen1612
    karen1612 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I just started c25k on Sunday and I'm doing d2w1 tomorrow. It will be nice to keep in touch with other people doing the same thing :)
  • danniibella
    danniibella Posts: 23 Member
    Im in, I need the motivation so I hope we will all help each other :smile:
  • I want to start it however I am away quite a lot so that is stopping me and have now decided will start anyway and keep going as best as I can when I am away as long as I start otherwise will keep putting it off. Thanks for the motivation.
  • Thanks to your motivation I downloaded the iPhone app and have just completed my first day. Feel good.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hey guys, we just started a support a couple of days ago! Check in here, we'd love to have you there too!

    I'm doing the c210k program (it's runs are shorter, walks are longer but the workout is twice as long). I just started week 5.
  • danniibella
    danniibella Posts: 23 Member
    Hey guys, we just started a support a couple of days ago! Check in here, we'd love to have you there too!

    I'm doing the c210k program (it's runs are shorter, walks are longer but the workout is twice as long). I just started week 5.

    thanks very much will whizz on over and join :happy:
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I just did week one day 2. Good luck :-)
  • I've been hearing about this. i just did my first 5k on April 2nd. However, I mostly walked with some jogging. I want to be able to jog/run the whole thing next time. So I'm in.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I just started yesterday...I have never jogged a day in my life...and I have to admit it sucked. By the time I got home it was snowing...I managed to run 4 minutes and walk wasn't an epic fail, but hard on my ego...tomorrow I will do day 2 of week 1. My hips are definitely screaming at me lol, I have a lot of butt to haul around
  • Mandi1968
    Mandi1968 Posts: 30 Member
    I am on week 2!
  • jen2bthin78
    jen2bthin78 Posts: 32 Member
    well i just finished day 2 of week one!!! it is awesome!!!
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    way to go. I do day 3 week 1 tomorrow. Keep it up :)
  • karen1612
    karen1612 Posts: 21 Member
    I have done w1d2 and am doing day 3 tomorrow. the second day was much harder than the first and I must remember to stretch afterwards as I was a bit stiff and sore in the legs yesterday. I'm loving it and am looking forward to tomorrow. Keep at it!!
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