Need to know that someone is out there...having a tough time



  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Ok, so today....let it be a maintenance calorie day. Eat up to your maintenance for just today and then, tomorrow, go back to your normal deficit. Make dinner a good one get your nutrients in. Drink a bit of extra water and forgive yourself. Maybe you needed this in order to keep up the discipline.

    Don't beat yourself up.

    You might be surprised that this could actually help you and give you a bigger loss in the next week or two especially if you're set for max loss and have been sticking to it strictly. It's one day and you won't gain weight (unless you binge on salt) from one day. You feel badly for letting yourself down. REMEMBER this the next time you feel yourself slipping. Bring up those emotions, the hurt, the disappointment, but also think about WHY you're eating those things. Was today just a day of bad planning? Keep an emergency stash of things you can grab that won't thow you off the wagon - be it mini meals, healthy snacks, a granola bar in your purse... whatever it takes!

    If you know the WHY you can fix the HOW! Awareness is the first step in recovery (and yes, this is a recovery of sorts. A recovery from the life you USED to lead)
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    I truly appreciate the time that everyone took to post a response; all of them were helpful.

    One tough part of this weekend for me is that I had indeed eliminated my trigger foods from my diet completely and actually stopped craving them (even resisted them when the were in the house, mere feet away). Perhaps that is why I was so confused if you will about this weekend- resolve and everything I had gained mentally flew out the window; a very strange experience for me.

    I think even though I cognitively know that there are other people struggling out there with their healthy living goals, my heart had not known that; reading the responses to my post has helped me in the right direction. Thank you.

    And if any one of you ever need a friend, or just a bit of advice (even someone just to listen), please do not hesitate to friend me/ contact me. I hope to return the favor someday.
  • Fat2FitAmanda
    I'm seeing a pattern in these respsonses....birthday parties! That's where my downfall happened too. April 2nd was my birthday but my 3 year old's is the 3rd so we had a party for her. I'd started out the day fine then went nuts. And once I start, I say well I already screwed this day up, might as well eat what I want the rest of the day....bad attitude to have and it shows on the scale. So anyway...bottom line, birthday parties are the devil!!!
  • crazeness
    crazeness Posts: 91
    We all have days like this just remember that tomorrow is a new day. :)
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    I had indeed eliminated my trigger foods from my diet completely and actually stopped craving them (even resisted them when the were in the house, mere feet away). Perhaps that is why I was so confused if you will about this weekend- resolve and everything I had gained mentally flew out the window; a very strange experience for me.

    Without knowing the details of what your trigger foods are and what you stopped craving, I think that there are food groups - like sugar and refined carbs - that trigger any foods in the group. So, for example, if you give up cookies, but not potato chips, the potato chips can still trigger your desire for the cookies because you are raising your glucose when eating them, and causing a crash. I think that artificial sweeteners also can serve as a trigger although I don't know the mechanism. So if you're drinking diet soda, that might trigger. You might want to re-examine your triggers and your cravings.

    I'm stressing this because I truly believe that we have to help ourselves as much as we can, and relying on will power is not going to do it - usually! Eventually we will cave!

    All the best to you.