Week 1 weight loss - ZERO

:sad: I really hope someone can give me some hope! I tracked my calories. I weighed and measured every bite. I made my calorie goal every day. I worked out 4 days. The one night we went out to eat I planned ahead so I would stay within my calorie count. I weighed myself this morning hopeful for a new number on the scale. I lost nothing at all. Not an ounce! My husband says I should be patient. The weight will come off. But to have such a great week with calories/workouts and then to see no change at all on the scale is so discouraging! I don't want to give up. I don't expect to lose 30 pounds in 30 days. But nothing! That hurts! Thanks for reading my sad story.:cry:


  • starboardzor
    Do your clothes feel any differently on you? Give it a month and you will see a change somewhere. It's impossible not to.
  • MrsJones2Be
    Hey keep the faith! Sometimes it can take your body a bit of time to adjust to a new regime (I do not profess to be an expert!). Some people have slightly different metabolisms etc etc. Did you do your measurements? They can be a better way to monitor progress, ie you may not have lost lbs but you may have lost inches instead. Also make sure your are having enough fluid (min. 8 glasses). Stick to it and you'll see results! :)
  • butterfly_lvr
    I went for three weeks holding at the same exact number and trust me I know how discouraging it can and does get but do NOT give up - your husband is right, just be patient. My husband is my number one support fan as well and he pushes me to not give up. This morning I finally broke the barrier and the number dropped plus yesterday I had lost another 1/2" off my waist so I will take any accomplishment no matter how big or small. that is another thing I would suggest, don't just rely on the scale to show a difference; do body measurements once a week or every couple weeks and watch those numbers. for me they were ever so slowly dropping even though the scale was not budging so have faith and it seems you are doing everything right - just don't give up :-) as my dad and hubby both say -it did not go on overnight and will take twice as long to come off but slow and steady really is the best way to take it off and more importantly - keep it off :-)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    It takes about a month for your body to adjust to any kind of change thrown at it. A new exercise routine can cause a temporary gain due to fluid build up in the muscles. (Calorie restriction and exercise is stress on the body and right now your body is trying to protect itself).

    Listen to hubby.
  • chubbachub
    chubbachub Posts: 40 Member
    Are you drinking the water? That is really important.

    I personally don't stick to my calorie quota on here. For example, on here if you exercise it adds calories to your total. I don't get that! The whole point is I want to lose. So I eat under my calorie quota and I ignore the extra calories it adds from exercise. Low carb too! But low carb sensibly, don't be eating bacon and sausages all the time. I low carb and the protein I eat is low in fat.
  • Tacosmamma
    Tacosmamma Posts: 39 Member
    I lost no weight in a week last week and it is discouraging.... but you have probably built some muscle which weighs more than fat,.... slow and steady wins the race... Keep at it... I have weeks where i dont lose then the next week I drop a pound or two... every 10 pounds you may hit a plateau so you may have this happen alot.. just dont give up.. Your doing great!:wink:
  • bex22mcn
    bex22mcn Posts: 90
    Chin up! How much do you have to lose? Are you new to dieting? these can be really big factors! I also think you see the effects of good/bad weeks a week later if you get me so you are kind of working in a 2 week cycle. I bet next week you will see that dial budge. stick with it!
  • hungrybears
    Don't get discouraged! The start is always difficult. I felt pretty awful the first few weeks I began a healthier routine. What helps me is to remember that it's not a race to the finish - it's a change of lifestyle. If you remind yourself this is a steady routine now, you'll be looking and feeling fantastic before you realize it :)
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Often one week is not enough to make a change. I would give it at least two or three weeks. Make sure you're eating all your exercise calories back, and eat foods that give you nutrition. Also, make sure you take your measurements along with weighing yourself, because many people lose inches before they ever lose pounds. Don't be discouraged, you can do this, and you will start shedding the pounds.
  • johannahooks
    I agree...keep at it!! It's impossible to cut calories and not lose any weight...over time.

    Maybe you need to try to shake things up a little, maybe make some changes to your diet. Lots of fruits and veggies, lean meats, less processed stuff...it's amazing the difference something like that can make!
  • burnguru25
    The weight will drop, keep at it! Make sure to get your daily requirement if not more of water. Not sugar free drinks and such...good ole fashioned water.
  • billclifford
    DON'T GIVE UP!!!

    That is totally normal and I've heard it before from several people. I don't have the scientific explanation, but my guess is that your body is in the process of adjusting to your new fitness/nutrition plan. Also, if you weighed in every day you would see your weight go up and down as much as a few pounds from day to day. If you weigh in tomorrow you might find you lost 2 pounds. Keep up the good work, don't be too hard on yourself and you'll see the results. Think of it this way, your new lifestyle HAS to be better.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    If you eat out, even once, in a week you will likely not see a change. Restaurants use lots of fat and sodium to make things taste good, and this will inhibit any loss for days until you work that sodium out of your body.
    I have to be completely dedicated and spot on EVERY day of the week to see any loss. If I eat out even once in a week I will not lose anything either.
    Things to consider as well:
    1) are you drinking a min of 10 glasses of water every day?
    2) are your calories coming from unprocessed food, only "clean" and healthy foods?
    3) are you eating the majority of your calories during the day (dinner should be your lightest meal)?
    4) do you stop eating at least 2 1/2 hours before bed?
    5) do you get at least 7 hours of sleep each night?
    6) do you eat back some of your exercise calories?

    I used MFP for 6 months before I lost any weight. I needed this time to tweak my food choices and learn to build a days worth of a good "clean" and well balanced food plan. You will need to work at it to find your "calorie sweet spot" as this is different for each person.

    Keep it up and be completely dedicated, it is only a short time in your life to avoid unhealthy things all together to get to your goal.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Your husband is right, just be patient. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Just keep doing what you're doing, and you're bound to see results. :happy:
  • aagreene
    aagreene Posts: 8
    Believe me, I know your pain. This too happened to me...Keep at it and Please don't give up becasue what I would do was be soo disappointed in not seeing the numbers go down and I would start to eat the wrong things again so I was just hurting myself even more. Continue to keep pushing and you will see the difference. You will probably start losing inches first anyway and then soon you will see the lbs dropping off. You can do it. This week I lost 3lbs FINALLY! Yelling that!!!

    It happens. Everyone's body is different. KEEP AT IT and GOODLUCK!!
  • shayshay01
    shayshay01 Posts: 40 Member
    1) Did you weigh FIRST thing in the morning- right after you used the bathroom- before any food or drink?... Sounds silly but trust me- It matters!!! 2) You should make your diary public so that we can try to help you see what the issue may be. Sometimes it has less to do with how many cals. a person eats and more to do with how many carbs, sugars, and sodium they are taking in. Also, the 1200 cal. goal is the lowest it can give a person on here, but won't necessarily yeild much results. I had to take mine down to 1000 to actually see weight loss. Good luck and let me know if you make your diary public. I'll see if I can help. You can do this!!! :-)
  • halierae
    halierae Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with many posts below! Don't give up. It may take more than a week to show your progress on the scale. Don't forget your water!

    Also after a few weeks, change it up. Don't get stuck eating the same foods and doing the same workouts.

    You can do it!!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    It took a good 3 weeks before my body accepted what I was doing to it...give it time...patience.
  • LisaE96
    LisaE96 Posts: 8
    I know that not seeing the scale numbers go down can be dicouraging. I have been weighing myself ever Thursday for 19 months now. I have just become reallly serious about the calories in the past 5 weeks. Keep up the good work and you will see the results you want and long for!
  • loseatonlady
    Hang in there girl! Everyone is different! I agree with the post about giving it a month ... your body is going through an overhaul right now and needs time to adjust. Keep up the good work and make sure you're drinking water & then drink SOME MORE! Hang tough!!!!