
ktrevorah Posts: 7
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Hi, I have heard that almonds are good for you but are high in calories and fat, so I bought Emerals Dry Roasted Almonds in
the 100 calorie snack pack and plan on eating only half a pack a day, and was wondering when is the best time
to eat them, any suggestions would be very helpful.


  • Why only eat half a pack? Anytime is a good time to eat them. I eat them every afternoon after my workout and shower for a snack after lunch. I eat a serving which if more than 100 calories.
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
    Yup, Almonds have a ton of good stuff in them so they're worth the calories. I eat a serving (28 almonds) a day which is over 150 calories I think. They're a great snack anytime of the day and sometimes I eat them as a side to my lunch instead of chips.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I go to Sam's and buy the giant jar of coco ones and eat them all the time, they seem like you get more of them per OZ. must be drier but, I like to eat them after work or before bed with almond chocolate milk. YUM!!
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I tend to eat my almonds with a piece of fruit. I eat a whole serving. It is like 24 almonds and well worth it. I don't have a particular time that I eat them. Just at least one time a day. Enjoy them!!! I love em!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Almonds are delicious, one of my favorite snacks! Eat them anytime. It's okay to eat the whole snack pack, 100 calories is nothing. One serving of the almonds I have is 190 calories, now that's A LOT lol.
  • I love nuts- i try to eat some as a snack often. 100 calories isnt a ton so i say eat the whole 100 cal pack :wink:
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    I go to Sam's and buy the giant jar of coco ones and eat them all the time, they seem like you get more of them per OZ. must be drier but, I like to eat them after work or before bed with almond chocolate milk. YUM!!

    coco ones? r u serious, there are coco almonds?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Almonds are quite good for you. While it's true that all nuts are high in fat, almonds are high in the 'good' fats, protein, potassium, calcium and fiber.

    Take a look at the nutritional data and ask yourself why you'd only eat 50 calories worth of them?

    I eat them as a snack without any particular regard to timing.
  • Thanks for all of the advice, I am so worried about taking calories in anymore I have become some what obsessed about the whole thing. LOL

    Maybe I will start eating a pack and see what happens and then go from there,
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I usually eat them before or after a workout.
  • Thanks for all of the advice, I am so worried about taking calories in anymore I have become some what obsessed about the whole thing. LOL

    Maybe I will start eating a pack and see what happens and then go from there,

    Eat the whole pack. Almonds and other nuts have lots of good unsaturated fats in them and are well worth it. If you're worried about the extra 50 calories a little something else out.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I go to Sam's and buy the giant jar of coco ones and eat them all the time, they seem like you get more of them per OZ. must be drier but, I like to eat them after work or before bed with almond chocolate milk. YUM!!

    coco ones? r u serious, there are coco almonds?

    if you like dark chocolate you will love them, sometimes I will put a little sweet & low or powdered sugar on them yum!
  • One time I wrote that I had just eaten some almonds, and someone posted a comment under it 'watch it, they are very fattening you WILL gain weight if you eat even a handful of almonds everyday!' The same person commented on my food diary and said that I should 'NOT drink Almond milk, drinking 8oz is like drinking 8oz of pure fat'..I never looked into it, I just stopped eating them because that scared me. I guess I shouldn't listen to everything people say without looking into it myself first.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I eat them as a snack either mid morning or mid afternoon. Never a bad time to eat them because they are so good!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    Blue Diamond Honey Roasted Almonds 1 serving = 28 nuts, 160 calories and I love to add them to vanilla yogurt. Sweet and yummy!
  • GypsyWagon
    GypsyWagon Posts: 82 Member
    I love the "Handful Packs" from Trader Joe's. They're the perfect emergency snack for my purse, since they don't get pulverized like most bars/a piece of fruit do/does. Love the almond butter from TJ's, too. It's just almonds and sea good on apple slices!
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    One time I wrote that I had just eaten some almonds, and someone posted a comment under it 'watch it, they are very fattening you WILL gain weight if you eat even a handful of almonds everyday!' The same person commented on my food diary and said that I should 'NOT drink Almond milk, drinking 8oz is like drinking 8oz of pure fat'..I never looked into it, I just stopped eating them because that scared me. I guess I shouldn't listen to everything people say without looking into it myself first.

    That is the craziest thing I have heard. This sight is good for support but not everyone knows what they are talking about.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    My almonds from ALDI are whole natural and unsalted and 1/4 cup serving for 180 calories. I have at least one serving a day. It is really a great snack and it keeps me full for a long time. I had some yesterday for lunch with some low fat cottage cheese. Yummmmm!
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I love almonds! I eat 1oz every work out day. I used to only eat 1/2 ounce (which is 75 calories) but then I realized I'm burning 400-500 calories per workout and I totally deserve that extra 75! I always eat them after a workout when I'm feeling light headed, and it quickly makes me feel better (and stronger)!

    I like the emerald dry roasted ones and the cinnamon roasted ones! I saw the chocolate roast and I might try those next! :) Almonds are amazing!
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I eat them every day, but only half a serving at a time. I find that's enough for me. usually mixed with a salad or oatmeal to keep it balanced. It's working for me, find what works for you, but don't be afraid of them. They are just like anything else if you eat a whole 2lb container at once= not so good. In moderation=very good for you.
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