How long did it take to see results?

I've been tracking my foods and exercising for about 2 weeks now. The scale is not moving at all. About 2 years ago I did this and after 6 months nothing changed. I mean, I did feel much healthier and stronger but the weight was about the same. I'm 27 and I think age is finally catching up to me. I have to be super strict about eating and exercise. Right now I'm staying under 1400 calories most days and walking about an hour.

How long did it take before you saw any changes?


  • TurtlesRule
    Girl if you're doing it correctly....GIVE IT TIME!! We didn't become overweight overnight it will take hard work and dedication....and then its totally worth the wait :happy:
  • ILuvLifehouse
    ILuvLifehouse Posts: 55 Member
    Hi I'm Susan. This is my 2nd week on here, week one I lost 2 pounds, and this week I lost 4. When I walk (about 35 min and workout dvd about 45 min. total) my calories with exercise is raised to a lil over 1500 on here. So, if you walk 60 mins a day and eating 1400 cals. maybe that's not enough. Veterans on here can help you more than I can but I was going by me and my numbers. Good luck you can do it.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    It took me a good 2-3 weeks for my body to accept what I was doing to it. Hang in there. DONT GIVE UP
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    It will start to show. It already is in your health and your energy levels. Give it time and whatever you do don't give up because even if you don't lose one single ounce you're healthier for it. You feel better.
  • ndking21
    ndking21 Posts: 24 Member
    i would say add about 30 minutes of weights to your workout because they help to sculpt your body. the first 3 weeks of me starting my weight loss journey i didn't lose anything, but i also wasn't eating correctly either. even though i wasn't losing in pounds i could definitely feel that my body was tighter, and i was able to do more exercise wise. so maybe your just losing inches instead of lbs. good luck!!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It can take awhile, but if you just started you should be seeing some results. Without being able to see your diary, it's hard to tell if you just aren't eating enough or what. My guess is your net calories are under 1000 and you're in starvation mode. It sounds contradictory but you have to eat all the calories MFP gives you.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    It depends on the person. When I started here I was eating a TON thanks to nursing. I lost the first 10 lbs fairly quickly, under 2 months. Then I readjusted my calorie intake down (prompted by MFP) and I started losing much slower, then finally stopped altogether. After 3 weeks of the scale not moving I've increased my calories again and after 2 days have seen a drop.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Age is catching up to you?? You're 27!!!! You're in the PRIME of your life!!! What I would give to be 27 again.....

    I highly doubt your age is much of a factor here. I will be 41 in about a month, and eating right and exercising is making a HUGE impact for me. You have to commit to eating the right foods in the right amounts, and get in some kind of daily exercise, and you WILL get results. Just stay the course, make adjustments if needed, and you will succeed.

    Also, it might be helpful to open up your food diary so we can see what you've been eating. We may be able to offer some suggestions if you want them.
  • hellokittymfp
    YOu might not be losing wt, but are you losing inches? Before I started losing the wt, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. My pants and tops were fitting more loosely, even though the scale was not really moving. Now I'm starting to lose some more wt, but it's slowed down again. Oh and 27... you are NOT old. I am almost 40 and I'm really feeling it. When your knees hurt and you have other aches and pains everyday and your hair is turning white, that's when you are getting old! Enjoy being young!