
MABmom Posts: 15 Member
Hello all.

I wanted to introduce myself. I am a new mom. I was having a hard time getting off the weight from the pregnancy so I decided just casually trying to diet wasn't working I needed a push. This website seems awesome! I have been using it for a week now and am thinking I can do this!

Your success stories have really fired me up and I am ready to do this! I am trying not to concentrate on the scale, I just want to be healthy for my son. Also, I just had my 29th birthday and I want to be healthier at 30 than I was at 29. Wish me luck.


  • 78_kasia
    78_kasia Posts: 27
    Good luck on your journey. This is a great place. Everyone has been so supportive. I know its not easy to stick to a plan when you have a litte one taking up all your time. I myself have 2 kids (3 years old and 11 months). Feel free to friend me. :-)