it's about time

echocalas Posts: 3
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Here I am, at 56, weighing in at a wholloping 192 pounds on a 5'5' frame! Dealing with a diabetic mother-in-law, in the throws of dimentia has really shaken me. I am now looking forward to a 38 year high school reunion, and not liking the way I feel, or look. So, wish me the best. If you have any, and I mean ANY words of encouraging direction, I would love to hear them.


  • Here I am, at 56, weighing in at a wholloping 192 pounds on a 5'5' frame! Dealing with a diabetic mother-in-law, in the throws of dimentia has really shaken me. I am now looking forward to a 38 year high school reunion, and not liking the way I feel, or look. So, wish me the best. If you have any, and I mean ANY words of encouraging direction, I would love to hear them.
  • Hello,

    You will find that befoe you even see any weight loss, you will fell better emotionally from the exercise. You're in a stressful time of life that I've only seen. This is a great time to start! Find an exercise you like, find healthy food you like, and jump in, but jump in easily. Don't start off at 500 mph. and injure yourself. Do what feels good and increase gradually.

    Be Blessed!
  • good luck to you...we are all in this together......
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Hi there and welcome to the site.

    As you enter in your calories everyday, each day will become easier and habit forming.

    Do exercise that you enjoy and remember to start out slow. That means don't reduce your calories to much the first few weeks and don't over do it on exercise.

    Slow and steady wins the race. If you push yourself to hard in the beginning, it will be hard to stay with the process.

    You will find your balance after practicing the first few days.

    Hats off to you for starting.:smile:

    Connie Lynn
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