Does anyone else out there have a toddler?



  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I have an 11 month old and I usually work out when he is sleeping. I am in Graduate School but don't work so that does allow me time maybe working mom's don't have. I feel blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom. Plus my boyfriend and baby's father shares equal care in the home and he works full time too.
  • irisannRN
    irisannRN Posts: 121 Member
    I am a mom to a 6 year old and a 19 month old. Plus I work 40 hours a week (add all the housework/laundry/cooking on top of that ... much more than 40 hours a week). I am running into the same problem with finding time to workout. I have lost weight so far just through diet alone, but I am starting to realize that doing this is just going to make me "skinny fat." I guess I am just going to have to make myself hit the gym after the kids go bed and maybe just lose out on some sleep.
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Its stinks! We shudn't have to forfit much needed sleep!
  • Alexgirl823
    Alexgirl823 Posts: 8 Member
    Having a toddler {child} has been my excuse for the last two years to why I never lost the baby weight. My girl will be 2 in May. I work full time, and am a single mom. By the time I get home from work, make dinner, bathe her, play/read with her, get her to bed, I just want to relax! And thus far, waking up before her to workout hasn't exactly happened because who wants to wake up at 4:30am!

    I am to the point that I just know I need to sacrifice. As much as I love my sleep, I am never going to be confident enough to date again if I don't get my butt in gear! So, starting tomorrow, I will be waking up before her to do an at home workout. And after work, I will take her jogging {in the jogger stroller} or go to Gold's Gym {which has a daycare}. I want her to grow up with a healthy mom that is a good example to her and someone she can be proud of.
  • Alexgirl823
    Alexgirl823 Posts: 8 Member
    Its stinks! We shudn't have to forfit much needed sleep!

    I second this! :)
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    I have an 18 month old, 3 year old and 5 year old. If I want to work out, I either include them or go to the gym.

    Videos/Wii workouts: I encourage them to join.
    Crunches/Reverse Crunches, lunges, squats, I do while holding a kid. :laugh:

    Look for gyms w/ day care.

    Invest in a jogging stroller (on craigslist for as little as $30 I've seen)

    Get a good baby carrier and were your kiddo while walking, I HIGHLY recommend the moby. I can wear either my 18 mo old or the 3 year old in it and get a good burn just going for a walk.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i have a 1yr old little boy who is into EVERYTHING, and a 2yr old little girl who has such a severe disability she's basically like a newborn in a 2yr old's body...i am quite lucky that my husband is a super hands on dad and if i need to get in an hour workout he'll take them...but my son is super clingy so don't have the chance lately

    i seem to be exercising in the evening after the kids are in bed lately and it's really hard work...most nights i just want to curl up and sleep...i would love to sign up for a gym, but nowhere would take my daughter so evening workouts are my only option
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Mommy is TIRED! I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find the time/energy to keep going with this weight loss buisness! I feel like the life is being drained out of me! The minute I start a video, that's when she wants to play?! Why is that? For all other mom's out there with children two and under. What is your secret? Short of not having a husband who wants to help out and no one else to watch her? Once you started seeing results did it make you more motivated? I just feel like it's not worth it anymore!

    I'm sorry you are having a hard time!

    To be able to exercise in peace I either go to the gym (and leave my toddler and preschooler in the childcare room) or on non-gym days I will workout to a video or wii while my toddler naps (and preschooler is at preschool). Otherwise I rely on my husband to watch the kids so I can go out for a walk/run in the evening, or squeeze it in after all the kids are in bed.

    It was harder in the beginning before I was really in a good exercise groove. Now I love workign out, so I make sure to fit it into my day however I can.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    i work out in the evening when my 2 year old is in bed! also go to zumba once a week in thee evening when she is in bed! my hubby is quite good with her and helps out. i also work full time so evenings is my only chance! and weekends we go out to the park/ in the stroller for lots of walks so get enough exercise. can you go out for walks everyday? that counts as exercise.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    My son is 2.5. I wait until he is in bed before I work out; either at nap time or at night. I also only feed him healthy food (well, offer it; he is quite picky) so I do not have to worry about all the typical little kid crap food lot of people feed their kids. And yes, as I started seeing results, it kicked me in to over drive to keep going.
  • stephierae25
    I have a 20 month old. I do the same as a lot of the others on here. During nap time at night or while my hubby gives him a bath. Iys just hard to workout while he is with me. Add me if u like. Good luck!
  • CrimsonWife
    My kids are 8, 5, and 2 and I homeschool so they are with me most of the time. I'm in decent cardio shape because we do lots of hiking together in the park behind our house. But starting next month when the Y runs its summer promotion, I'm getting a membership so that I can add in strength training. I've got a Wii Fit and all sorts of fitness videos gathering dust on my shelves because I haven't been able to squeeze them into my day.
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    Weight loss is 80% what you eat and 20% excersize. At the MOST I've read 70/30. Anyone even if you can't excersize at all, you'll make more progress watching what you eat.
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    babysitter TV watches her while i work out.. if she wants to play with me still.. i ask her to copy what mommy does and it usually works. i just try to find something for her to do before i start my workout
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I don't have kids yet but my mother used to let me do the workouts with her once I was old enough to do it. I ended up being able to do a full video of Buns of Steel and others and really enjoyed it! i even did it without my mom. :) You can also go to classes at gyms and drop your kids off at a good daycare. I have very positive experiences with daycares in gyms and my mom doing like an hour or two of work outs. Or you can go to the pool and get your kids in swimming lessons while you swim laps. Or go on hikes, bike rides with them in the back carrying thingy or teach them a new sport that will cause you to go outside and work out as well. It's completley worth it as it will make you an active parent that is involved with your childre! :) Hope this helps.
  • Smoodysmom
    I have a 16 month old...I used to try and do P90X but she thought we were playing ring around the roses...needless to say it was more draining to try and get her settled than to do the 45-50 minute now I go to the workout facility where I live...monday's wednesday's, friday's and some sats and sun's. My husbands in school(online) and he tries to help but i know he needs all the quiet time he can get to study(he's in statistics right now yikes!) So i try and go when its time for her the time we reach the workout room she's asleep in the stroller, luckily her stroller can recline back for her to lie down in it, by the time my workout is over she's awake but were headed has worked for the last month and a half...I've lost 8lbs in the last 50 days...

  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    I have a 14 month old daughter and I'm so lucky when I get off work that my husband watches her and keeps her company while I workout. On the days that I'm off and my husband works, I have to workout before she gets up or during her nap time. If she is up, there is no way that I can workout because she wants ALL of my attention.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    My daughter is 2 and I usually work out after she goes to bed at 7pm
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    I go to a gym that has 5:30 am classes. Everyone, including my husband usually sleeps thru it. Not much to interfere with my workout plans that early! It is not easy at first, but the community of people I have met doing the same thing as me has been very motivating. If you don't have a gym with early classes, try to find some neighbors who might be willing to exercise at that time of day!
    I too have had kids climbing on me during down dog, push ups, etc.
  • LosingJen
    I have a 8 month old and a 3 yr old. I also have a maid/nanny that comes 5 days a week for 6 hrs a day and I kid you not we are both running around after I literally have to wake up early before the kids get up to either go to the gym or do a dvd. It drives me insane because I am exhausted but I am also sick of being over weight. I am so lucky that I have help but my daughter has really bad separation anxiety so even with help its hard to get anything done with her clinging to me for dear life...LOL I totally feel for you! Do you think it is possible for you to wake up early to work out? Even if its a 20 min tape like the jillina michael"s 30 day shred?