Venting and Question -- Insanity Vs. TurboFire???

OK Guys!!! I hate looking at myself in the mirror... I am newly separated from my husband because he continued to hit me and I just couldn't take it anymore. He constantly controlled me and refused to let me diet or work out for fear that someone may look at me. My self-esteem is in the crapper. I just don't understand why... I mean what is wrong with me for him to treat me like that??? I do know one thing... I am tired of hating myself. I have to do something... For those of you who have tried Insanity and TurboFire which one gave the best results. I am now a single mother of three living off my income (court has not ordered him to pay child support yet.) I can only afford one program now! Please give me your advice. Thanks!!


  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    OK Guys!!! I hate looking at myself in the mirror... I am newly separated from my husband because he continued to hit me and I just couldn't take it anymore. He constantly controlled me and refused to let me diet or work out for fear that someone may look at me. My self-esteem is in the crapper. I just don't understand why... I mean what is wrong with me for him to treat me like that??? I do know one thing... I am tired of hating myself. I have to do something... For those of you who have tried Insanity and TurboFire which one gave the best results. I am now a single mother of three living off my income (court has not ordered him to pay child support yet.) I can only afford one program now! Please give me your advice. Thanks!!

    1. This has nothing to do with fitness but if you truly believe something was wrong with YOU because he treated you that way I think you should seriously look into support groups because you have to stop thinking this way. something clearly has to be wrong with HIM to treat you that way.

    2. I am doing Insanity and have lost 4 lbs in 1 week. I'm only on week 2 so I dont have much more to say yet.

    3. You can find a free workout routine here I'm sure if you post and ask for advice if money is tight right now.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I can not answer your question. However, I wanted to say GOOD FOR YOU!! You made it out of a terrible situation, and your children and you will recover, and be better for it. You are strong and you can do this!

    A friend of mine recently bought Insanity and she made it through 2 min of the Fit Test. It is insane for sure. :) Good Luck
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I started out with TurboFire and lost quite a bit of weight with that. I am starting the 2nd month of INSANITY today. With INSANITY (so far) I haven't lost weight, I just feel like I am toning up. Hopefully I will lose more this month, but I really like TF!!!
  • cbaylis
    cbaylis Posts: 30 Member
    I have not done the Turbo Fire but I do believe the Insanity works. I have lost more inches than pounds. I was in month two and with the weather warming up I wanted to start running outside. So I am going to alternate Insanity on not so nice days. They are VERY intense though especially when you get to the second month. Just go at your own pace, you can do it.
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    I've done both and both give you great results. Insanity is difficult (really really sometimes) but the workouts are a little shorter but the results you get are extreme. TurboFire is not as difficult and the results aren't as extreme, but still fantastic. BUT, the motivational attitude of Chalene Johnson (the instructor) has gotten me out of bed on more than one morning. I love the videos, they give me such great energy about not only my work out but about my life as well. Plus, it's all women (there are like 2 guys in the whole video). I love it.

    So, if I were going to spend money for an all around good time that has helped me both boost my self-esteem and lose weight I'd pick TurboFire. But either one is going to give you a great workout, great motivation and fantastic results.

    Also, congrats on getting out of an abusive relationship. You deserve so much better than that.
  • sexipepsi
    sexipepsi Posts: 11 Member
    Domestic Violence is about control. That's it. Simply control. Your husband wanted to control you and I'm sure that refusing to let you work out was only one aspect of him trying to assert his dominance. You made it out of the situation many women do not. But now you need to take control of your yourself for who you are...experience a sense of self love and self worth...spend time rediscovering who you are and not who he wanted you to be. When you are able to wake up and realize that your still here and that your kids are looking at you as their super hero your definitely going to fight to be out of the hate he surrounded you.

    Insanity or TurboFire?Don't know.....but your first step is self discovery and setting realistic goals.....good luck!!!!
  • comiclady24
    First off hon, there's NOTHING wrong with you. Absolutely nothing. I'm so glad you were able to leave that creep, many women do not get the courage to do so... so GOOD FOR YOU!! Your definitely on the right track in your life.
    As for workouts...
    I'm currently on Turbo Fire, and I would highly recommend it. I think Turbo Fire is better because you can do turbo fire consistently, keep doing rounds of it if you like. With Insanity, you have to take long breaks from rounds of it because it is very intense and not good for your body to keep on it for longer than 60 days at a time. Turbo fire is a fun program as well as challenging, and Chalean Johnson is a great motivator. Plus, the music in the program is great. Also... if you are just starting out in your fitness journey, I would really suggest TF because it has a prep schedule program as well, to work you up gradually to get your fitness level higher so you can safely begin the TF program.

    Hope this helps! :wink:
  • kateingram602
    Ditto to what Comiclady24 said. I lost 13 pounds and 13 inches doing the 84 day Turbofire program. It's so much fun that at times I forget I'm even working out. :)
  • FrodoB
    FrodoB Posts: 19
    First off hon, there's NOTHING wrong with you. Absolutely nothing. I'm so glad you were able to leave that creep, many women do not get the courage to do so... so GOOD FOR YOU!! Your definitely on the right track in your life.

    This. None of us are perfect by a long shot, but if the person you are married to doesn't treat you with respect on a day-to-day basis then THEY are the one with issues, not you. You deserve better. Everyone deserves better. Tell the bum to go take a hike.
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    Supreme 90 I believe is the knock off of P90X. It can be had for about $20 and is just as good. For the price you cant beat.

    Insanity is over the top in my opinion for someone just starting out.