Newbie - first impressions

Hi all! I was telling my cousin last Friday that I was considering joining WW (again) online. He immediately told me about this website and how good it's been for him. This is really a lot like WW website, only tracking calories instead of points. I really like this better and not just because there is no cost. The food journal is really easy to update and like WW has lots of restaurant specific foods from which to choose. Exercise adds calories instead of points. The recipe builder is simple. So far, it's ALL GOOD.

When I did WW almost 7 years ago (not on-line - went to meetings) - I was at 167 and lost down to 143 (which they set as my goal). I got there after about a year and felt pretty darn good about it. I learned all about life style changes and portion control. Now I'm creeping back up (currently at 150). I know that's only 7 pounds over my WW goal - but that 7 pounds has planted itself directly below my boobs (and above my jeans).

I know it's still early to tell, but I really do like this site. I've set a new goal for myself of 135 (I'm 5.5). If I stick with this I can reach that goal by the end of June.



  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome to MFP
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Glad your here!!!
  • kelfeene
    kelfeene Posts: 78 Member
    You will love it here! Great support, incredible tools (BLACKBERRY APP), and kind/friendly people! Add me as a new friend if you choose! I will be on TEAM KATHY, helping motivate you!

    Good Luck!
  • kimeister
    kimeister Posts: 212
    I quit WW to come here to MFP. The biggest difference? I can talk knowledgeably about the food I put in my body. Points can't speak to macro-nutrients or monitor my sodium intake. I think after you've been on MFP for a while, you'll also notice a big difference in what you learn about food and your own eating habits. Welcome!
  • Dawnsdream
    Good Luck!!! I have been with Fitness Pal since October 2010. It has been great for me! I started out at 160 and I am down to 139 now. Some days are good and some are bad. But I love the web site and the friends who help you along the way for support. I got down once to 135 but I am crazy about bojangles tea and hot fudge sundaes. thats my weakness. Burt I am walking everyday downtown @ 6am in the morning and at lunch and when I get home. Its tough but helps alot and its free. Welcome aboard! Dawn
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I'm glad you like it here! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I feel like I'm seeling MFP to half of the people I know. My brother is on the heavy side, and I spent some time with him yesterday. He voiced how he wanted to lose the weight. I told him all about MFP and he joined last night! It is such a great place to motivate and be inspired. You will continue to love it here!
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    Great site! Love it. Much better than WW!!
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    Welcome! It is an awesome site, and free!!!! And the friends I have here are so great! Keep exploring the site, you will find more and more. Good luck! :)
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
  • elocin85
    elocin85 Posts: 7
    Welcome to MFP and good luck :-) I've never done WW, but I know enough about it to form my opinion: it makes no sense. Counting points w/no regard for nutritional value isn't about adopting a healthy lifestyle...the whole program has the wrong focus. My sisters both introduced me to this site and so far, it beats everything I've tried.
  • kch0088
    kch0088 Posts: 6
    That's true elocin85 - with regard to WW. Points = about 50 cal, but you're correct, you could drink all those points and still be within the guidelines of WW! I really like this site better.
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    Welcome! :)