17 day diet, who is on it? No hating on here please

Ok so I know there is alot of mixed opinions about these kind of diets but after a previous thread I had posted where I was belittled and such by people with their opinions, I ONLY want people on here who are actually doing the diet. I am FULLY aware that these diets are not for everyone.

Anyway, onto other things. So I just started the 17 day diet today. The reason I wanted to try this is because it has alot of similar views that my personal doctor has, and I trust my doctor with my life, he has yet to give me bad advice or make me sick, in fact, what I love about him most is that he can show me factual evidence that backs up everything that he says, and that to me is more important than anything. So i have started it today, is there anyone else on here that is doing it and how is it going? I am pretty sure that the first 17 days with no carbs is going to be the hardest, or red meat. But it is only for 17 days, the next phase i can have red meat and some carbs, so i figure if I can get through this, I can do anything!! Wish me luck, and good luck to everyone on here with your journey!!


  • Landon06
    Landon06 Posts: 9
    Today is day 12 for me on the 17 day diet. The first few days are the hardest! I have gotten to the point where my body is no longer craving sugar... Its crazy! I am a 28 year old woman with 10 more lbs to lose and I have lost 8lbs in 11 days!!!
  • Britt22706

    I am not currently doing this diet, but have done a lot of research on it. I am definitely for this diet, and different things work for different people.

    I was thinking about doing it, I was just worried about the carb thing myself. That's what kept me from doing the P90X diet, which, by the way, is very similar to this diet in many ways. Without carbs, you are going to be feeling rather tired and weak at first, but hang in there! I have seen some great results with this diet!!

    Good luck!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Today is day 12 for me on the 17 day diet. The first few days are the hardest! I have gotten to the point where my body is no longer craving sugar... Its crazy! I am a 28 year old woman with 10 more lbs to lose and I have lost 8lbs in 11 days!!!

    That's awesome!! I hope that I can quit the sugar cravings too!
  • Landon06
    Landon06 Posts: 9
    You will! I was a Dr Pepper addict and haven't had a drop in 12 days = )
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    I just started today. I'm very excited to read this thread and see what everyone thinks so far. I've heard the first 17 day cycle is the hardest part, so I'm prepared. So far I'm doing great. I had scrambled egg whites with fruit for breakfast and suprisingly I've been full all morning.
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I've always wanted to read about this diet. I might have to try it!
  • Landon06
    Landon06 Posts: 9
    I snack throughout the day on healthy veggies even when I'm not really that hungry. It helps keep my calorie intake a little higher for the day since this diet is relatively low on calories. I have also found that by doing this, I'm never starving like I tend to be on other diets. I highly recommend this diet, although I dont really consider it a diet, its more like a new healthier lifestyle!
  • jamieisaacs
    jamieisaacs Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to try this diet, but I am not sure how it works? Read a little about it last week in the news....
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    Yes I think that I am going to have to snack on some veggies also, as during this "diet" you can actually have as much veggies as you want anyway. I found it hard at lunch with the salad, olive oil and vinegar and actually couldnt eat it, it had to have been the most boring thing in the world, but i did eat my fruit and i just had my yogurt. I do have a good few hours until my dinner, so im going to look up some things that I could eat that are really low calories, almost none, that i can have when i get hungry. I would say if anyone wants to do this diet, then go and get a copy of the book, its definitely worth it!! Anyone else found it hard getting through the first day?
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    I would like to try this diet, but I am not sure how it works? Read a little about it last week in the news....

    Basically the "diet" is cut into three sections, three phases of 17 days, then "the rest of your life". The first 17 days are where you are predicted to lose the most amount of weight. Basically in this part, there are no carbohydrates at all, it is boring, I have read over it, but I hear it will be well worth it. the second part, i think it adds some red meat, and the third, some carbs. The last section, is basically all that you have learned about eating healthy, and then you can treat yourself on the weekends. Purely because this is not just a diet, this is a way of life, and people out there are crazy if they tell you that you can never ever have a cheeseburger again. You can, once you are in control of your eating habits. The idea of this "diet" is that the fact that it is put into three 17 day parts, you train your brain to think "oh, its only 17 days, i can do this", alternatively to "OMG im going to be on this diet forever". Now just because there is only 51 days in this plan, you can do more. Instead of heading towards the last 4th part, you can go back to phase one again, or whatever works for you. It is not the easiest diet in the world, especially if you are a carb freak like myself! But, with following the meal plan, exercising only 17 minutes a day (that is what is required, again, 17 minutes a day is do-able and doesn't it sound better than like 35-40 minutes 3 times a week? It does to me!! You can lose up to 12lbs, the first 17 days, now that sounds awesome! I really think this is the same as everything else almost, but your tricking the mind into thinking you can accomplish so much more in such little time, because we can!!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    I have a question. I can't possibly lose all the weight I need to lose in the first 17 days (I need to lose 95lbs) so do I just stay on cycle 17 longer?
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    I have a question. I can't possibly lose all the weight I need to lose in the first 17 days (I need to lose 95lbs) so do I just stay on cycle 17 longer?

    No you would do the first 17 days, then go onto the second lot of 17 days (different foods etc) then the third phase of 17 days. Then start over im presuming, thats what I intend on doing. I have 57lbs to lose myself so thats what i plan on doing, then once u are done, go onto the final part, which is less of a diet and more of a forever plan to eat healthy
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member

    This is an excellent explanation of how the 17 day diet works
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    ah, ok. Thanks! I'll do that. I have 95 lbs to lose, so this could take a while.
  • kirstinkrueger
    ah, ok. Thanks! I'll do that. I have 95 lbs to lose, so this could take a while.

    My opinion but from experience, dont repeat the cycle after the third round, once you get through the third round, you will have set a better eating habit for yourself, and stick with that :) otherwise when you hit your goal weight, unless you stick with the diet forever you will have a hard time maintaining. This diet is to help jumpstart your weightloss, not for long term. Same thing with any fast you may do.

    For sugar cravings, this may sound crazy, but get some grapefruit extract, and when you are craving sugar put some on your palms and rub your hands together, the smell and chemicals in it will get rid of your cravings almost instantly!
  • kirstinkrueger
    and the first 3-5 days are the worst but then it gets better. water helps to get over that hungry feeling and any cravings that come up!

    ohhh and good luck :)
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Ok so I know there is alot of mixed opinions about these kind of diets but after a previous thread I had posted where I was belittled and such by people with their opinions, I ONLY want people on here who are actually doing the diet. I am FULLY aware that these diets are not for everyone.

    Anyway, onto other things. So I just started the 17 day diet today. The reason I wanted to try this is because it has alot of similar views that my personal doctor has, and I trust my doctor with my life, he has yet to give me bad advice or make me sick, in fact, what I love about him most is that he can show me factual evidence that backs up everything that he says, and that to me is more important than anything. So i have started it today, is there anyone else on here that is doing it and how is it going? I am pretty sure that the first 17 days with no carbs is going to be the hardest, or red meat. But it is only for 17 days, the next phase i can have red meat and some carbs, so i figure if I can get through this, I can do anything!! Wish me luck, and good luck to everyone on here with your journey!!

    Hi ya.
    We're over here;
    So glad to see you guys!
    Good luck!
  • mrslondon
    mrslondon Posts: 146 Member
    ah, ok. Thanks! I'll do that. I have 95 lbs to lose, so this could take a while.

    My opinion but from experience, dont repeat the cycle after the third round, once you get through the third round, you will have set a better eating habit for yourself, and stick with that :) otherwise when you hit your goal weight, unless you stick with the diet forever you will have a hard time maintaining. This diet is to help jumpstart your weightloss, not for long term. Same thing with any fast you may do.

    For sugar cravings, this may sound crazy, but get some grapefruit extract, and when you are craving sugar put some on your palms and rub your hands together, the smell and chemicals in it will get rid of your cravings almost instantly!

    Yeah after I wrote that, i read that once your done with the 3 phases, just do the 2nd and 3rd again, not the first. Ill have to try the grapefruit thing, as I couldn't stand eating it this morning lol, it was horrible!
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    ah, ok. Thanks! I'll do that. I have 95 lbs to lose, so this could take a while.

    My opinion but from experience, dont repeat the cycle after the third round, once you get through the third round, you will have set a better eating habit for yourself, and stick with that :) otherwise when you hit your goal weight, unless you stick with the diet forever you will have a hard time maintaining. This diet is to help jumpstart your weightloss, not for long term. Same thing with any fast you may do.

    For sugar cravings, this may sound crazy, but get some grapefruit extract, and when you are craving sugar put some on your palms and rub your hands together, the smell and chemicals in it will get rid of your cravings almost instantly!

    Ok, sounds weird, but I'll try it because my sugar cravings can get pretty bad.
  • kirstinkrueger
    ah, ok. Thanks! I'll do that. I have 95 lbs to lose, so this could take a while.

    My opinion but from experience, dont repeat the cycle after the third round, once you get through the third round, you will have set a better eating habit for yourself, and stick with that :) otherwise when you hit your goal weight, unless you stick with the diet forever you will have a hard time maintaining. This diet is to help jumpstart your weightloss, not for long term. Same thing with any fast you may do.

    For sugar cravings, this may sound crazy, but get some grapefruit extract, and when you are craving sugar put some on your palms and rub your hands together, the smell and chemicals in it will get rid of your cravings almost instantly!

    Ok, sounds weird, but I'll try it because my sugar cravings can get pretty bad.

    My aunt is a holistic hippie for lack of better terms haha i thought she was crazy but i tried it and it works! There are a few places online to buy it, just make sure its pure grapefruit extract