Newbie in need of help and motivation

Hiya :)

Like many ppl I've come to a point in my life where I need to make some serious changes. I'm 5'3 and weigh just shy of 10.5 stones - I'm quite overweight and inactive for my height. My problem is two fold really firstly I can't (or don't seem to b able) to control my food intake and secondly I can't motivate myself to go to the gym. Once I'm at the gym I really enjoy exrcising but it's a huge struggle to get myself there.

I'm really unhappy and just want to loose some weight and get fit! I would really appreciate your help, support and any (I do mean any lol) advice you've got.

Many thanks x


  • Mistykelly
    Mistykelly Posts: 47 Member
    Well you have already taken the 1st step! This program really works if you let it! You can not cheat! Be sure to add all the food you eat this way you will stop picking at open bags of what ever in the pantry just cause you walked past it. Even if you do not exercise lowering your calorie intake will help. I believe once you have lost even 1lbs you will realize how easy it is and be able to keep it up. I bought Veggie Straws from Costco, you can eat 38 of them for 130 calories... THEY TASTE LIKE FRENCH FRIES! So if you need to have something, eat them! Good Luck!
  • SimplyDeLish
    Nothing will change until you change your thought process. Being fit is a lifestyle...eating healthy, exercising, is a part of it. No diet will ever work without the correct food choices and being active.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi, it is tough getting started with the exercise and learning how to talk yourself into it is the first start. I know on days that I really don't feel like exercising- I keep telling myself I will feel better once I just do it. That works in getting me to the gym, once there I really enjoy it. Soon it become a habit that you enjoy and look forward to so it won't be so hard. Set an easy goal for yourself- it can be an exercising goal, weigh loss goal or just drinking more water. That way you will have a few successes to build on. It is a start and remember you are making a lifestyle change so it will take a little while to make it a habit. It is worth it. You are welcome to friend me if you want. Good luck and welcome to the site.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    That's me a few months ago, except I'm 5" shorter than you. I'm now under ten stone - stick around here and you'll see lots of great advice and encouragement.

    But meanwhile, just remember that you have taken an important first step and you really can do it. Force yourself to go to the gym for a couple of weeks and you'll find that it becomes a lot easier to motivate yourself to carry on.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    First of all welcome! Don't be afraid to add people as friends including myself! It's one of the best sources of motivation!
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    I think when you see the 1st pounds gone you'll start feeling really good about it and get a little addicted to losing more and getting closer to your goals :) Maybe you can start taking small steps towards a full workout, so when you're on your way to the gym, just think to yourself, "its only for a 1/2 hr, thats not too long" or workout until you reach a certain number of calories. They don't all have to be burned in 1 day :P
  • bosuter
    bosuter Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you for taking this step! Like you I cannot get motivated to go to the gym. I don't exercise much, but do like to walk so do that when I can. I agree that just reducing your calorie intake by entering everything you eat on here and staying within your calorie goal can go a long way. I started at Christmas and have lost 17 lbs just by eating less and replacing unhealthy snacks with healthy ones. You can do it! One step at a time.
  • pmarti5
    pmarti5 Posts: 38 Member
    my advice: if u bite it, write it! keeping a food diary is extremely important. wish i would have found this site a very long time ago. like she said above, u took the first step, u joined this site. there are some groups on the site where they do challenges, the one i'm in.....we weigh in every wed and send our current weight to one woman who keeps track. it really helps to know i have to weigh in at home every wed and send my weight to her and the other women. we are doing an eight week challenge and each one of us set our 8 week goal. so....have fun looking around on the message boards or try starting a group yourself. we are in week 5, so too late to join our group but i'm hoping we have another one in future. feel free to friend me!

  • Robster3
    Robster3 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome...I'm here for support/motivation. Add me as a friend if you wish. This place is great to get you moving in the right direction.
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member

    I too have a hard time controlling my food intake and have found that MFP has really helped. I opened up my food diary (which was a big step for me) and that is forcing me to be accountable and not eat way over my alloted calories for the day.

    I had to tell myself that I have to go to the gym everyday unless something came up that is more important. I only allow myself to do this 2 times per week and I have been able to keep my 5 day per week schedule. Just think of how happy you will be once you have lost a few pounds! Maybe you should try to do some workouts at home if you can't get yourself into the gym. I know a lot of people who love work out videos. I have heard of 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels... I just requested it from my local library (so I don't have to buy it if I don't like it) and am going to try it tomorrow morning.

    Good luck!
  • Cycleslc
    Cycleslc Posts: 1
    The biggest thing for me is finding something I really enjoy. I found cycling and lost 80 lbs doing it. The streetstrider looks fun, I want to get me one of those.
  • rainydayboys
    I'm right there with you and I'm a MFP newbie too. It's a struggle. I find that finding the right routine is key. For me, working out in the morning is best, but it's hard to juggle the kids and getting ready for work too. But once I've done my workout, I can forget about it for the rest of the day. I hate coming home late and knowing I still need to get a run in, or whatever. I'm too tired by the end of the day.
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    I have a hard time motivating myself to get ready, go to the gym, go home, get cleaned up. Have you considered getting a used bowflex or something and putting it in a spare bedroom? Since I put mine in my guest bedroom I have almost never missed a workout because it's so darn easy. I can wear whatever I want and I see the equipment every time I pass the room so it's motivating. As for food, using this application really helps since it gives you an idea of what you're eating that we normally don't think about.

    Good luck!