Hello there

Just wanted to say hello to everyone out there using this site. I am only 2 weeks into my plan. I have been using this site to track my daily diet plans in an attempt to lose weight. I think this is a terrific site and I love it. I even got one of my co-workers and his wife on it. My short term goal is 10% of my weight. Long term goal is much higher. I hope to have Gastric Bypass in a few months. I want to wish everyone using this site to help reach their weight loss goals the very best of luck and long term success.


  • Nursebeachnut
    Hey there, WELCOME! Stick around....you may have enough support you might be able to skip the bypass! Have fun and get fit! Any time you need some WTG's or encouragement, friend me...
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! you can do this.It`s not an easy fix,loosing wt but you can do it with the support,determination and motivation.
    There is plenty of support here.Just take it 1 day at a time.
    Welcome !
  • Bmlabre
    Bmlabre Posts: 3
    Thank you so much. Its good to know that there is support out there. :smile:
  • joshuaviator
    Good luck brotha!