New and Obsessed!


I am new to the site and obsessed with it. I am 5'6, 137 and would like to weigh 125. Been married 6 months, and I have packed on 8 lbs since the wedding. I have never had cellulite on my stomach and front of my legs and I do now! Speaking of... any suggestions on how to get rid of cellulite...exercises? I have always had it on the back side of my body and I think I always will, but any suggestions for saddle bags and a pooch? I am trying to get back into exercising and counting calories! Hope to be looking good by 4th of July!


  • sturgill
    sturgill Posts: 118
    smart to take it off before it becomes a lot more- that is my goal once I loose all the weight - to never allow myself more than a 5 pound weight gain before a I take it back off - I never want to be 100 over wiehgt again in my life time- I have lost 54 and need to loose about 40 more - welcome to mfp and add me as a friend if you want
  • Rue_Roux
    Rue_Roux Posts: 1
    Hi, welcome to MFP-
    Have you ever tried a cellulite wrap? I haven't, but I have a few friends who have and they swear by it. They say they saw results right away! I hope you continue to work toward your goals. You should be back to your old weight by July 4th. I have been trying to lose 7 pounds for a couple far it's looking good!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Unfortunately you can't spot reduce. Usually the first place your body packs it on is the last place to go. Once you get your body fat% down your muscles will show through.

    Here are my favorite tips:

    Eat CLEAN
    Lift HEAVY weights
    Drink lots of water
    Avoid refined sugar as much as possible!

    Stick with the site - it works. Make sure you measure your food and log EVERYTHING.
  • Madridrosa
    Easyyyy!!! If you cut down on carbs; especially white flour pasta, rice, and potatoes. Also try to exercise at least 4 times per week with some strength training, count your calorie intake to stay on target,and you should be able to loose those 8 pounds in about 6 weeks. It really worked for me, the secret is having the will- power to do it.
  • annstan12
    annstan12 Posts: 23
    Yay, thanks everyone! And thanks for the cellulite tips. I HATE it and hope that it will eventually go away, but who knows. I will try to eat less sugar, as I feel like that is where it came from. Sweets and alcohal have been good friends of mine lately!
  • Maggie916
    You've got this! It isn't too far to go and just reading your post, I can tell you are very determined. Good luck, keep up the good work and keep on postin'!
  • micubs
    micubs Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome! We have very similar goals. Here are my stats...

    SW: 155
    CW: 136
    GW: 129

    I'm in my mid-forties so it's been a long road but very worth it. I carry most of my weight in my legs with lots of cellulite. I work out about 5 times a week (either walking/jogging or strength training with a personal trainer) and I have seen a definate improvement.

    Add me as a friend. We can motivate each other.
  • annstan12
    annstan12 Posts: 23
    I definitely need motivation! I have muscular legs, but have always had a big butt! But, over the last year, it is has just gotten worse and the cellulite is clinging to the fronts of my legs too! It's not pretty. Not to mention I live at the beach, so it's embarrassing. Anyways, seems like you are well on your way to your goal! Congrats.
  • annstan12
    annstan12 Posts: 23
    And can you tell me more about this cellulite wrap?