always over my sugar and carbs

I'm a vegetarian my diet consists of mostly veggies and fruits I drink only water or tea without sugar or cream, The only thing I eat from an animal is milk for my morning cereal which I measure out to 1 1/4cups everyday with 1 1/2 of whole grain cereal, and I only eat one fruit a day! I have a problem I am going over my protien, carbs and sugar every day I don't know what to do. It's hard to keep it under wraps especially when I work out and need to eat more calories (I'm on the 1200 calorie diet). I'm always within my goal if anything I'm under up too 200 calories.... Any suggestions?
Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    I feel the sugar is too limited on our diaries. I feel this is true if you are getting it from Fruits. I've tried to replace some of the fruits I eat with vegetables because I feel that I can get the same vitamins from veggies..... but i don't worry about going over on my sugar if I know it is all from fruit.

    Just my opinion and how i view it.
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    This is a tough one. I am by no means an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but from the research I've done and from talking to other people here on MFP that have had success, I wouldn't worry too much. I don't know how much you're going over on protein, but the protein levels (along with the fiber levels) are set EXTREMELY low (too low) on MFP. So you actually want to go over on fiber and protein. As for sugar, as long as most (or in your case it sounds like all) of it is coming from fruits and veggies, then you're probably fine. Definitely don't want to overdo it with the dairy, as it has a lot of sugar, albeit the natural kind. Personally, I've switched over to almond milk, because I didn't like the sugar count in milk but also because I am allergic to casein, and I LOVE it. I can barely tell the difference from regular milk. I'm not a huge fan of almonds, but the almond flavor is so subtle I don't notice it. Absolutely NO sugar as long as you stick to the unsweetened kind, which is really tasty by the way! Yes, it does have more fat (assuming you're not drinking whole milk) than milk, but it's from almonds, so it's the healthy kind! Good for you for eating so many fruits and veggies and no coffee! That's great! I'm curious as to how you get enough protein (not to mention over on protein, as you say.) without eating meat and with eating so few dairy if you're "mostly eating fruits and veggies"? A lot of people will tell you that it depends on you, as far as fruit sugar. Fruit is obviously really good for you, but if you're eating like 4 pieces a day you might want to cut back a little. Some people can eat a piece of fruit and not lose an ounce, others can eat as much fruit as they like and it will not affect weight loss. You just have to figure out with one you are. I think the carb allowance is pretty high (if you have it set on default settings), so if you're regularly going way over on carbs, that's not good. But seeing as how you have lost 10 lbs already, you must be doing something right!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I tend to ignore the sugar counts because I know it's set way too low. I can eat an apple and yogurt and I'm waaaay over. I know my sugar is coming from a good source, so I'm not too worried.
  • Mottak
    Mottak Posts: 6
    thanks everone you make me feel alot better!:smile:
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • monkeybelle83
    monkeybelle83 Posts: 141 Member
    From what I've read in previous posts is that the sugar is supposed to be from non-fruit sugars, but since the nutrition labels aren't required to list what is natural sugar and what is not, then there is no way for MFP to separate it either.
  • Mottak
    Mottak Posts: 6
    Thank you so much for your insight. and as for my proiten, most of my protien comes from fresh salsa, brussel sprouts, and broccoli, Brussel sprouts and broccoli are so low in calories but contain alot of nutrients, if you eat enough mixed with whole grains its just like eating lean meats. My milk and cereal helps too :smile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Thank you so much for your insight. and as for my proiten, most of my protien comes from fresh salsa, brussel sprouts, and broccoli, Brussel sprouts and broccoli are so low in calories but contain alot of nutrients, if you eat enough mixed with whole grains its just like eating lean meats. My milk and cereal helps too :smile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    That's awesome! Sounds like you're eating super healthy...and hey! you lost 2 lbs since we last spoke! :wink: I commend you on your healthy eating. I consider myself to eat healthy, but I don't want to give up meat (though I do meatless mondays) or dairy altogether...or the occasional sweet! haha
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    You all probably know this already, but if you're getting sugar from yogurt just make sure it's the plain kind, because almost all fruit flavored yogurts have a good bit of added refined sugar in them (not just the natural sugar from the fruit).